292 lines
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This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/** @file ClientModel.h
* @author Yann yann@ethdev.com
* @author Arkadiy Paronyan arkadiy@ethdev.com
* @date 2015
* Ethereum IDE client.
#pragma once
#include <atomic>
#include <map>
#include <QString>
#include <QQmlListProperty>
#include <QVariantMap>
#include <QFuture>
#include <QVariableDeclaration.h>
#include <libethereum/Account.h>
#include "MachineStates.h"
#include "QEther.h"
namespace dev
namespace eth { class FixedAccountHolder; }
namespace mix
class Web3Server;
class RpcConnector;
class QEther;
class QDebugData;
class MixClient;
class QVariableDefinition;
class CodeModel;
struct SolidityType;
/// Backend transaction config class
struct TransactionSettings
TransactionSettings() {}
TransactionSettings(QString const& _contractId, QString const& _functionId, u256 _value, u256 _gas, bool _gasAuto, u256 _gasPrice, Secret _sender, bool _isContractCreation, bool _isFunctionCall):
contractId(_contractId), functionId(_functionId), value(_value), gas(_gas), gasAuto(_gasAuto), gasPrice(_gasPrice), sender(_sender), isContractCreation(_isContractCreation), isFunctionCall(_isFunctionCall) {}
TransactionSettings(QString const& _stdContractName, QString const& _stdContractUrl):
contractId(_stdContractName), gasAuto(true), stdContractUrl(_stdContractUrl), isContractCreation(true), isFunctionCall(true) {}
/// Contract name
QString contractId;
/// Contract function name
QString functionId;
/// Transaction value
u256 value;
/// Gas
u256 gas;
/// Calculate gas automatically
bool gasAuto = true;
/// Gas price
u256 gasPrice;
/// Mapping from contract function parameter name to value
QVariantMap parameterValues;
/// Standard contract url
QString stdContractUrl;
/// Sender
Secret sender;
/// Tr deploys a contract
bool isContractCreation;
/// Tr call a ctr function
bool isFunctionCall;
/// UI Transaction log record
class RecordLogEntry: public QObject
/// Recording index
Q_PROPERTY(unsigned recordIndex MEMBER m_recordIndex CONSTANT)
/// Human readable transaction bloack and transaction index
Q_PROPERTY(QString transactionIndex MEMBER m_transactionIndex CONSTANT)
/// Contract name if any
Q_PROPERTY(QString contract MEMBER m_contract CONSTANT)
/// Function name if any
Q_PROPERTY(QString function MEMBER m_function CONSTANT)
/// Transaction value
/// Receiving address
Q_PROPERTY(QString address MEMBER m_address CONSTANT)
/// Returned value or transaction address in case of creation
Q_PROPERTY(QString returned MEMBER m_returned CONSTANT)
/// true if call, false if transaction
/// @returns record type
Q_PROPERTY(RecordType type MEMBER m_type CONSTANT)
/// Gas used
/// Sender
Q_PROPERTY(QString sender MEMBER m_sender CONSTANT)
/// label
/// input parameters
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantMap parameters MEMBER m_inputParameters CONSTANT)
/// return parameters
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantMap returnParameters MEMBER m_returnParameters CONSTANT)
/// logs
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList logs MEMBER m_logs CONSTANT)
enum RecordType
m_recordIndex(0), m_call(false), m_type(RecordType::Transaction) {}
RecordLogEntry(unsigned _recordIndex, QString _transactionIndex, QString _contract, QString _function, QString _value, QString _address, QString _returned, bool _call, RecordType _type, QString _gasUsed,
QString _sender, QString _label, QVariantMap _inputParameters, QVariantMap _returnParameters, QVariantList _logs):
m_recordIndex(_recordIndex), m_transactionIndex(_transactionIndex), m_contract(_contract), m_function(_function), m_value(_value), m_address(_address), m_returned(_returned), m_call(_call), m_type(_type), m_gasUsed(_gasUsed),
m_sender(_sender), m_label(_label), m_inputParameters(_inputParameters), m_returnParameters(_returnParameters), m_logs(_logs) {}
unsigned m_recordIndex;
QString m_transactionIndex;
QString m_contract;
QString m_function;
QString m_value;
QString m_address;
QString m_returned;
bool m_call;
RecordType m_type;
QString m_gasUsed;
QString m_sender;
QString m_label;
QVariantMap m_inputParameters;
QVariantMap m_returnParameters;
QVariantList m_logs;
* @brief Ethereum state control
class ClientModel: public QObject
/// @returns true if currently executing contract code
Q_PROPERTY(bool running MEMBER m_running NOTIFY runStateChanged)
/// @returns true if currently mining
Q_PROPERTY(bool mining MEMBER m_mining NOTIFY miningStateChanged)
/// @returns deployed contracts addresses
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantMap contractAddresses READ contractAddresses NOTIFY contractAddressesChanged)
/// @returns deployed contracts gas costs
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList gasCosts READ gasCosts NOTIFY gasCostsChanged)
// @returns the last block
Q_PROPERTY(RecordLogEntry* lastBlock READ lastBlock CONSTANT)
/// ethereum.js RPC request entry point
/// @param _message RPC request in Json format
/// @returns RPC response in Json format
Q_INVOKABLE QString apiCall(QString const& _message);
/// Simulate mining. Creates a new block
Q_INVOKABLE void mine();
/// Get/set code model. Should be set from qml
Q_PROPERTY(CodeModel* codeModel MEMBER m_codeModel)
/// Encode parameters
Q_INVOKABLE QStringList encodeParams(QVariant const& _param, QString const& _contract, QString const& _function);
/// Encode parameter
Q_INVOKABLE QString encodeStringParam(QString const& _param);
/// To Hex number
Q_INVOKABLE QString toHex(QString const& _int);
/// Add new account to the model
Q_INVOKABLE void addAccount(QString const& _secret);
/// Return the address associated with the current secret
Q_INVOKABLE QString resolveAddress(QString const& _secret);
public slots:
/// Setup scenario, run transaction sequence, show debugger for the last transaction
/// @param _state JS object with state configuration
void setupScenario(QVariantMap _scenario);
/// Execute the given @param _tr on the current state
void executeTr(QVariantMap _tr);
/// Show the debugger for a specified record
Q_INVOKABLE void debugRecord(unsigned _index);
/// Show the debugger for an empty record
Q_INVOKABLE void emptyRecord();
/// Generate new secret
Q_INVOKABLE QString newSecret();
/// retrieve the address of @arg _secret
Q_INVOKABLE QString address(QString const& _secret);
/// Encode a string to ABI parameter. Returns a hex string
Q_INVOKABLE QString encodeAbiString(QString _string);
private slots:
/// Update UI with machine states result. Display a modal dialog.
void showDebugger();
/// Transaction execution started
void runStarted();
/// Transaction execution completed successfully
void runComplete();
/// Mining has started
void miningStarted();
/// Mined a new block
void miningComplete();
/// Mining stopped or started
void miningStateChanged();
/// Transaction execution completed with error
/// @param _message Error message
void runFailed(QString const& _message);
/// Contract address changed
void contractAddressesChanged();
/// Gas costs updated
void gasCostsChanged();
/// Execution state changed
void newBlock();
/// Execution state changed
void runStateChanged();
/// Show debugger window request
void debugDataReady(QObject* _debugData);
/// ethereum.js RPC response ready
/// @param _message RPC response in Json format
void apiResponse(QString const& _message);
/// New transaction log entry
void newRecord(RecordLogEntry* _r);
/// State (transaction log) cleared
void stateCleared();
/// new state has been processed
void newState(unsigned _record, QVariantMap _accounts);
RecordLogEntry* lastBlock() const;
QVariantMap contractAddresses() const;
QVariantList gasCosts() const;
void executeSequence(std::vector<TransactionSettings> const& _sequence);
Address deployContract(bytes const& _code, TransactionSettings const& _tr = TransactionSettings());
void callAddress(Address const& _contract, bytes const& _data, TransactionSettings const& _tr);
void onNewTransaction();
void onStateReset();
void showDebuggerForTransaction(ExecutionResult const& _t);
QVariant formatValue(SolidityType const& _type, dev::u256 const& _value);
QString resolveToken(std::pair<QString, int> const& _value);
std::pair<QString, int> retrieveToken(QString const& _value);
std::pair<QString, int> resolvePair(QString const& _contractId);
QVariant formatStorageValue(SolidityType const& _type, std::unordered_map<dev::u256, dev::u256> const& _storage, unsigned _offset, dev::u256 const& _slot);
void processNextTransactions();
void finalizeBlock();
void stopExecution();
void setupExecutionChain();
std::atomic<bool> m_running;
std::atomic<bool> m_mining;
QFuture<void> m_runFuture;
std::unique_ptr<MixClient> m_client;
std::unique_ptr<RpcConnector> m_rpcConnector;
std::unique_ptr<Web3Server> m_web3Server;
std::shared_ptr<eth::FixedAccountHolder> m_ethAccounts;
std::unordered_map<Address, eth::Account> m_accounts;
std::vector<KeyPair> m_accountsSecret;
QList<u256> m_gasCosts;
std::map<std::pair<QString, int>, Address> m_contractAddresses;
std::map<Address, QString> m_contractNames;
std::map<QString, Address> m_stdContractAddresses;
std::map<Address, QString> m_stdContractNames;
CodeModel* m_codeModel = nullptr;
QList<QVariantList> m_queueTransactions;
mutable boost::shared_mutex x_queueTransactions;