559 lines
17 KiB
559 lines
17 KiB
This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/** @file crypto.cpp
* @author Gav Wood <i@gavwood.com>
* @date 2014
* Crypto test functions.
#include <random>
#include <secp256k1/secp256k1.h>
#include <libdevcore/Common.h>
#include <libdevcore/RLP.h>
#include <libdevcore/Log.h>
#include <libethereum/Transaction.h>
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <libdevcrypto/SHA3.h>
#include <libdevcrypto/ECDHE.h>
#include <libdevcrypto/CryptoPP.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace dev;
using namespace dev::crypto;
using namespace CryptoPP;
static Secp256k1 s_secp256k1;
static CryptoPP::AutoSeededRandomPool s_rng;
static CryptoPP::OID s_curveOID(CryptoPP::ASN1::secp256k1());
static CryptoPP::DL_GroupParameters_EC<CryptoPP::ECP> s_params(s_curveOID);
static CryptoPP::DL_GroupParameters_EC<CryptoPP::ECP>::EllipticCurve s_curve(s_params.GetCurve());
h256 emptyListSHA3(fromHex("1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347"));
h256 emptySHA3(fromHex("c5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470"));
KeyPair k = KeyPair::create();
bytes io_text;
s_secp256k1.decrypt(k.sec(), io_text);
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(io_text.size(), 0);
h256 empty;
KeyPair kNot(empty);
KeyPair k(sha3(empty));
string message("Now is the time for all good persons to come to the aid of humanity.");
bytes m = asBytes(message);
bytesConstRef bcr(&m);
KeyPair k = KeyPair::create();
bytes cipher;
encrypt(k.pub(), bcr, cipher);
BOOST_REQUIRE(cipher != asBytes(message) && cipher.size() > 0);
bytes plain;
decrypt(k.sec(), bytesConstRef(&cipher), plain);
BOOST_REQUIRE(asString(plain) == message);
BOOST_REQUIRE(plain == asBytes(message));
// base secret
Secret secret(sha3("privacy"));
// we get ec params from signer
ECDSA<ECP, SHA3_256>::Signer signer;
// e := sha3(msg)
bytes e(fromHex("0x01"));
int tests = 2;
while (sha3(&e, &e), secret = sha3(secret.asBytes()), tests--)
KeyPair key(secret);
Public pkey = key.pub();
signer.AccessKey().Initialize(s_params, secretToExponent(secret));
h256 he(sha3(e));
Integer heInt(he.asBytes().data(), 32);
h256 k(crypto::kdf(secret, he));
Integer kInt(k.asBytes().data(), 32);
kInt %= s_params.GetSubgroupOrder()-1;
ECP::Point rp = s_params.ExponentiateBase(kInt);
Integer const& q = s_params.GetGroupOrder();
Integer r = s_params.ConvertElementToInteger(rp);
Integer kInv = kInt.InverseMod(q);
Integer s = (kInv * (Integer(secret.asBytes().data(), 32)*r + heInt)) % q;
BOOST_REQUIRE(!!r && !!s);
Signature sig;
sig[64] = rp.y.IsOdd() ? 1 : 0;
r.Encode(sig.data(), 32);
s.Encode(sig.data() + 32, 32);
Public p = dev::recover(sig, he);
BOOST_REQUIRE(p == pkey);
// verify w/cryptopp
BOOST_REQUIRE(s_secp256k1.verify(pkey, sig, bytesConstRef(&e)));
// verify with secp256k1lib
byte encpub[65] = {0x04};
memcpy(&encpub[1], pkey.data(), 64);
byte dersig[72];
size_t cssz = DSAConvertSignatureFormat(dersig, 72, DSA_DER, sig.data(), 64, DSA_P1363);
BOOST_CHECK(cssz <= 72);
BOOST_REQUIRE(1 == secp256k1_ecdsa_verify(he.data(), sizeof(he), dersig, cssz, encpub, 65));
// cryptopp integer encoding
Integer nHex("f2ee15ea639b73fa3db9b34a245bdfa015c260c598b211bf05a1ecc4b3e3b4f2H");
Integer nB(fromHex("f2ee15ea639b73fa3db9b34a245bdfa015c260c598b211bf05a1ecc4b3e3b4f2").data(), 32);
bytes sbytes(fromHex("0xFFFF"));
Secret secret(sha3(sbytes));
KeyPair key(secret);
bytes m(1, 0xff);
int tests = 2;
while (m[0]++, tests--)
h256 hm(sha3(m));
Integer hInt(hm.asBytes().data(), 32);
h256 k(hm ^ key.sec());
Integer kInt(k.asBytes().data(), 32);
// raw sign w/cryptopp (doesn't pass through cryptopp hash filter)
ECDSA<ECP, SHA3_256>::Signer signer;
signer.AccessKey().Initialize(s_params, secretToExponent(key.sec()));
Integer r, s;
signer.RawSign(kInt, hInt, r, s);
// verify cryptopp raw-signature w/cryptopp
ECDSA<ECP, SHA3_256>::Verifier verifier;
verifier.AccessKey().Initialize(s_params, publicToPoint(key.pub()));
Signature sigppraw;
r.Encode(sigppraw.data(), 32);
s.Encode(sigppraw.data() + 32, 32);
BOOST_REQUIRE(verifier.VerifyMessage(m.data(), m.size(), sigppraw.data(), 64));
// BOOST_REQUIRE(crypto::verify(key.pub(), sigppraw, bytesConstRef(&m)));
BOOST_REQUIRE(dev::verify(key.pub(), sigppraw, hm));
// sign with cryptopp, verify, recover w/sec256lib
Signature seclibsig(dev::sign(key.sec(), hm));
BOOST_REQUIRE(verifier.VerifyMessage(m.data(), m.size(), seclibsig.data(), 64));
// BOOST_REQUIRE(crypto::verify(key.pub(), seclibsig, bytesConstRef(&m)));
BOOST_REQUIRE(dev::verify(key.pub(), seclibsig, hm));
BOOST_REQUIRE(dev::recover(seclibsig, hm) == key.pub());
// sign with cryptopp (w/hash filter?), verify with cryptopp
bytes sigppb(signer.MaxSignatureLength());
size_t ssz = signer.SignMessage(s_rng, m.data(), m.size(), sigppb.data());
Signature sigpp;
memcpy(sigpp.data(), sigppb.data(), 64);
BOOST_REQUIRE(verifier.VerifyMessage(m.data(), m.size(), sigppb.data(), ssz));
// BOOST_REQUIRE(crypto::verify(key.pub(), sigpp, bytesConstRef(&m)));
BOOST_REQUIRE(dev::verify(key.pub(), sigpp, hm));
// sign with cryptopp and stringsource hash filter
string sigstr;
StringSource ssrc(asString(m), true, new SignerFilter(s_rng, signer, new StringSink(sigstr)));
FixedHash<sizeof(Signature)> retsig((byte const*)sigstr.data(), Signature::ConstructFromPointer);
BOOST_REQUIRE(verifier.VerifyMessage(m.data(), m.size(), retsig.data(), 64));
// BOOST_REQUIRE(crypto::verify(key.pub(), retsig, bytesConstRef(&m)));
BOOST_REQUIRE(dev::verify(key.pub(), retsig, hm));
/// verification w/sec256lib
// requires public key and sig in standard format
byte encpub[65] = {0x04};
memcpy(&encpub[1], key.pub().data(), 64);
byte dersig[72];
// verify sec256lib sig w/sec256lib
size_t cssz = DSAConvertSignatureFormat(dersig, 72, DSA_DER, seclibsig.data(), 64, DSA_P1363);
BOOST_CHECK(cssz <= 72);
BOOST_REQUIRE(1 == secp256k1_ecdsa_verify(hm.data(), sizeof(hm), dersig, cssz, encpub, 65));
// verify cryptopp-raw sig w/sec256lib
cssz = DSAConvertSignatureFormat(dersig, 72, DSA_DER, sigppraw.data(), 64, DSA_P1363);
BOOST_CHECK(cssz <= 72);
BOOST_REQUIRE(1 == secp256k1_ecdsa_verify(hm.data(), sizeof(hm), dersig, cssz, encpub, 65));
// verify cryptopp sig w/sec256lib
cssz = DSAConvertSignatureFormat(dersig, 72, DSA_DER, sigppb.data(), 64, DSA_P1363);
BOOST_CHECK(cssz <= 72);
BOOST_REQUIRE(1 == secp256k1_ecdsa_verify(hm.data(), sizeof(hm), dersig, cssz, encpub, 65));
KeyPair k = KeyPair::create();
string message("Now is the time for all good persons to come to the aid of humanity.");
string original = message;
bytes b = asBytes(message);
s_secp256k1.encrypt(k.pub(), b);
BOOST_REQUIRE(b != asBytes(original));
s_secp256k1.decrypt(k.sec(), b);
BOOST_REQUIRE(b == asBytes(original));
cnote << "Testing ecdh...";
ECDH<ECP>::Domain dhLocal(s_curveOID);
SecByteBlock privLocal(dhLocal.PrivateKeyLength());
SecByteBlock pubLocal(dhLocal.PublicKeyLength());
dhLocal.GenerateKeyPair(s_rng, privLocal, pubLocal);
ECDH<ECP>::Domain dhRemote(s_curveOID);
SecByteBlock privRemote(dhRemote.PrivateKeyLength());
SecByteBlock pubRemote(dhRemote.PublicKeyLength());
dhRemote.GenerateKeyPair(s_rng, privRemote, pubRemote);
assert(dhLocal.AgreedValueLength() == dhRemote.AgreedValueLength());
// local: send public to remote; remote: send public to local
// Local
SecByteBlock sharedLocal(dhLocal.AgreedValueLength());
assert(dhLocal.Agree(sharedLocal, privLocal, pubRemote));
// Remote
SecByteBlock sharedRemote(dhRemote.AgreedValueLength());
assert(dhRemote.Agree(sharedRemote, privRemote, pubLocal));
// Test
Integer ssLocal, ssRemote;
ssLocal.Decode(sharedLocal.BytePtr(), sharedLocal.SizeInBytes());
ssRemote.Decode(sharedRemote.BytePtr(), sharedRemote.SizeInBytes());
assert(ssLocal != 0);
assert(ssLocal == ssRemote);
// Now use our keys
KeyPair a = KeyPair::create();
byte puba[65] = {0x04};
memcpy(&puba[1], a.pub().data(), 64);
KeyPair b = KeyPair::create();
byte pubb[65] = {0x04};
memcpy(&pubb[1], b.pub().data(), 64);
ECDH<ECP>::Domain dhA(s_curveOID);
Secret shared;
BOOST_REQUIRE(dhA.Agree(shared.data(), a.sec().data(), pubb));
cnote << "Testing ecdhe...";
ECDHE a, b;
BOOST_CHECK_NE(a.pubkey(), b.pubkey());
ECDHE local;
ECDHE remote;
// local tx pubkey -> remote
Secret sremote;
remote.agree(local.pubkey(), sremote);
// remote tx pbukey -> local
Secret slocal;
local.agree(remote.pubkey(), slocal);
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(sremote, slocal);
// New connections require new ECDH keypairs
// Every new connection requires a new EC keypair
// Every new trust requires a new EC keypair
// All connections should share seed for PRF (or PRNG) for nonces
const int aesKeyLen = 16;
BOOST_REQUIRE(sizeof(char) == sizeof(byte));
// generate test key
AutoSeededRandomPool rng;
SecByteBlock key(0x00, aesKeyLen);
rng.GenerateBlock(key, key.size());
// cryptopp uses IV as nonce/counter which is same as using nonce w/0 ctr
FixedHash<AES::BLOCKSIZE> ctr;
rng.GenerateBlock(ctr.data(), sizeof(ctr));
// used for decrypt
FixedHash<AES::BLOCKSIZE> ctrcopy(ctr);
string text = "Now is the time for all good persons to come to the aid of humanity.";
unsigned char const* in = (unsigned char*)&text[0];
unsigned char* out = (unsigned char*)&text[0];
string original = text;
string doublespeak = text + text;
string cipherCopy;
CTR_Mode<AES>::Encryption e;
e.SetKeyWithIV(key, key.size(), ctr.data());
// 68 % 255 should be difference of counter
e.ProcessData(out, in, text.size());
ctr = h128(u128(ctr) + text.size() % 16);
BOOST_REQUIRE(text != original);
cipherCopy = text;
catch(CryptoPP::Exception& e)
cerr << e.what() << endl;
CTR_Mode< AES >::Decryption d;
d.SetKeyWithIV(key, key.size(), ctrcopy.data());
d.ProcessData(out, in, text.size());
BOOST_REQUIRE(text == original);
catch(CryptoPP::Exception& e)
cerr << e.what() << endl;
// reencrypt ciphertext...
BOOST_REQUIRE(cipherCopy != text);
in = (unsigned char*)&cipherCopy[0];
out = (unsigned char*)&cipherCopy[0];
CTR_Mode<AES>::Encryption e;
e.SetKeyWithIV(key, key.size(), ctrcopy.data());
e.ProcessData(out, in, text.size());
// yep, ctr mode.
BOOST_REQUIRE(cipherCopy == original);
catch(CryptoPP::Exception& e)
cerr << e.what() << endl;
const int aesKeyLen = 16;
BOOST_REQUIRE(sizeof(char) == sizeof(byte));
AutoSeededRandomPool rng;
SecByteBlock key(0x00, aesKeyLen);
rng.GenerateBlock(key, key.size());
// Generate random IV
byte iv[AES::BLOCKSIZE];
rng.GenerateBlock(iv, AES::BLOCKSIZE);
string string128("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA");
string plainOriginal = string128;
CryptoPP::CBC_Mode<Rijndael>::Encryption cbcEncryption(key, key.size(), iv);
cbcEncryption.ProcessData((byte*)&string128[0], (byte*)&string128[0], string128.size());
BOOST_REQUIRE(string128 != plainOriginal);
CBC_Mode<Rijndael>::Decryption cbcDecryption(key, key.size(), iv);
cbcDecryption.ProcessData((byte*)&string128[0], (byte*)&string128[0], string128.size());
BOOST_REQUIRE(plainOriginal == string128);
// plaintext whose size isn't divisible by block size must use stream filter for padding
plainOriginal = string192;
string cipher;
StreamTransformationFilter* aesStream = new StreamTransformationFilter(cbcEncryption, new StringSink(cipher));
StringSource source(string192, true, aesStream);
BOOST_REQUIRE(cipher.size() == 32);
cbcDecryption.ProcessData((byte*)&cipher[0], (byte*)&string192[0], cipher.size());
BOOST_REQUIRE(string192 == plainOriginal);
cnote << "Testing Crypto...";
KeyPair p(Secret(fromHex("3ecb44df2159c26e0f995712d4f39b6f6e499b40749b1cf1246c37f9516cb6a4")));
BOOST_REQUIRE(p.pub() == Public(fromHex("97466f2b32bc3bb76d4741ae51cd1d8578b48d3f1e68da206d47321aec267ce78549b514e4453d74ef11b0cd5e4e4c364effddac8b51bcfc8de80682f952896f")));
BOOST_REQUIRE(p.address() == Address(fromHex("8a40bfaa73256b60764c1bf40675a99083efb075")));
eth::Transaction t(1000, 0, 0, h160(fromHex("944400f4b88ac9589a0f17ed4671da26bddb668b")), bytes(), 0, p.secret());
auto rlp = t.rlp(eth::WithoutSignature);
cnote << RLP(rlp);
cnote << toHex(rlp);
cnote << t.sha3(eth::WithoutSignature);
rlp = t.rlp(eth::WithSignature);
cnote << RLP(rlp);
cnote << toHex(rlp);
cnote << t.sha3(eth::WithSignature);
BOOST_REQUIRE(t.sender() == p.address());
int cryptoTest()
cnote << "Testing Crypto...";
KeyPair p(Secret(fromHex("3ecb44df2159c26e0f995712d4f39b6f6e499b40749b1cf1246c37f9516cb6a4")));
BOOST_REQUIRE(p.pub() == Public(fromHex("97466f2b32bc3bb76d4741ae51cd1d8578b48d3f1e68da206d47321aec267ce78549b514e4453d74ef11b0cd5e4e4c364effddac8b51bcfc8de80682f952896f")));
BOOST_REQUIRE(p.address() == Address(fromHex("8a40bfaa73256b60764c1bf40675a99083efb075")));
eth::Transaction t(1000, 0, 0, h160(fromHex("944400f4b88ac9589a0f17ed4671da26bddb668b")), bytes(), 0, p.secret());
auto rlp = t.rlp(eth::WithoutSignature);
cnote << RLP(rlp);
cnote << toHex(rlp);
cnote << t.sha3(eth::WithoutSignature);
rlp = t.rlp(eth::WithSignature);
cnote << RLP(rlp);
cnote << toHex(rlp);
cnote << t.sha3(eth::WithSignature);
assert(t.sender() == p.address());
#if 0
// Test transaction.
bytes tx = fromHex("88005401010101010101010101010101010101010101011f0de0b6b3a76400001ce8d4a5100080181c373130a009ba1f10285d4e659568bfcfec85067855c5a3c150100815dad4ef98fd37cf0593828c89db94bd6c64e210a32ef8956eaa81ea9307194996a3b879441f5d");
cout << "TX: " << RLP(tx) << endl;
Transaction t2(tx);
cout << "SENDER: " << hex << t2.sender() << dec << endl;
Transaction t;
t.nonce = 0;
t.value = 1; // 1 wei.
t.type = eth::Transaction::MessageCall;
t.receiveAddress = toAddress(sha3("123"));
bytes sig64 = toBigEndian(t.vrs.r) + toBigEndian(t.vrs.s);
cout << "SIG: " << sig64.size() << " " << toHex(sig64) << " " << t.vrs.v << endl;
auto msg = t.rlp(false);
cout << "TX w/o SIG: " << RLP(msg) << endl;
cout << "RLP(TX w/o SIG): " << toHex(t.rlp(false)) << endl;
std::string hmsg = sha3(t.rlp(false), false);
cout << "SHA256(RLP(TX w/o SIG)): 0x" << toHex(hmsg) << endl;
bytes privkey = sha3Bytes("123");
bytes pubkey(65);
int pubkeylen = 65;
int ret = secp256k1_ecdsa_seckey_verify(privkey.data());
cout << "SEC: " << dec << ret << " " << toHex(privkey) << endl;
ret = secp256k1_ecdsa_pubkey_create(pubkey.data(), &pubkeylen, privkey.data(), 1);
int good = secp256k1_ecdsa_pubkey_verify(pubkey.data(), (int)pubkey.size());
cout << "PUB: " << dec << ret << " " << pubkeylen << " " << toHex(pubkey) << (good ? " GOOD" : " BAD") << endl;
// Test roundtrip...
bytes sig(64);
u256 nonce = 0;
int v = 0;
cout << toHex(hmsg) << endl;
cout << toHex(privkey) << endl;
cout << hex << nonce << dec << endl;
int ret = secp256k1_ecdsa_sign_compact((byte const*)hmsg.data(), (int)hmsg.size(), sig.data(), privkey.data(), (byte const*)&nonce, &v);
cout << "MYSIG: " << dec << ret << " " << sig.size() << " " << toHex(sig) << " " << v << endl;
bytes pubkey(65);
int pubkeylen = 65;
ret = secp256k1_ecdsa_recover_compact((byte const*)hmsg.data(), (int)hmsg.size(), (byte const*)sig.data(), pubkey.data(), &pubkeylen, 0, v);
cout << "MYREC: " << dec << ret << " " << pubkeylen << " " << toHex(pubkey) << endl;
bytes pubkey(65);
int pubkeylen = 65;
int ret = secp256k1_ecdsa_recover_compact((byte const*)hmsg.data(), (int)hmsg.size(), (byte const*)sig64.data(), pubkey.data(), &pubkeylen, 0, (int)t.vrs.v - 27);
cout << "RECPUB: " << dec << ret << " " << pubkeylen << " " << toHex(pubkey) << endl;
cout << "SENDER: " << hex << toAddress(dev::sha3(bytesConstRef(&pubkey).cropped(1))) << dec << endl;
return 0;