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// Boost.Process
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Julio M. Merino Vidal
// Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 Boris Schaeling
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
* \file boost/process/detail/file_handle.hpp
* Includes the declaration of the file_handle class. This file is for
* internal usage only and must not be included by the library user.
#include <boost/process/config.hpp>
#if defined(BOOST_POSIX_API)
# include <cerrno>
# include <unistd.h>
#elif defined(BOOST_WINDOWS_API)
# include <windows.h>
# error "Unsupported platform."
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/system/system_error.hpp>
#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
namespace boost {
namespace process {
namespace detail {
* Simple RAII model for system file handles.
* The \a file_handle class is a simple RAII model for native system file
* handles. This class wraps one of such handles grabbing its ownership,
* and automaticaly closes it upon destruction. It is basically used
* inside the library to avoid leaking open file handles, shall an
* unexpected execution trace occur.
* A \a file_handle object can be copied but doing so invalidates the
* source object. There can only be a single valid \a file_handle object
* for a given system file handle. This is similar to std::auto_ptr's
* semantics.
* This class also provides some convenience methods to issue special file
* operations under their respective platforms.
class file_handle
* Opaque name for the native handle type.
* Each operating system identifies file handles using a specific type.
* The \a handle_type type is used to transparently refer to file
* handles regarless of the operating system in which this class is
* used.
* If this class is used on a POSIX system, \a NativeSystemHandle is
* an integer type while it is a \a HANDLE on a Windows system.
typedef NativeSystemHandle handle_type;
#elif defined(BOOST_POSIX_API)
typedef int handle_type;
#elif defined(BOOST_WINDOWS_API)
typedef HANDLE handle_type;
* Constructs an invalid file handle.
* This constructor creates a new \a file_handle object that represents
* an invalid file handle. An invalid file handle can be copied but
* cannot be manipulated in any way (except checking for its validity).
* \see valid()
: handle_(invalid_value())
* Constructs a new file handle from a native file handle.
* This constructor creates a new \a file_handle object that takes
* ownership of the given \a h native file handle. The user must not
* close \a h on his own during the lifetime of the new object.
* Ownership can be reclaimed using release().
* \pre The native file handle must be valid; a close operation must
* succeed on it.
* \see release()
file_handle(handle_type h)
: handle_(h)
BOOST_ASSERT(handle_ != invalid_value());
* Copy constructor; invalidates the source handle.
* This copy constructor creates a new file handle from a given one.
* Ownership of the native file handle is transferred to the new
* object, effectively invalidating the source file handle. This
* avoids having two live \a file_handle objects referring to the
* same native file handle. The source file handle needs not be
* valid in the name of simplicity.
* \post The source file handle is invalid.
* \post The new file handle owns the source's native file handle.
file_handle(const file_handle &fh)
: handle_(fh.handle_)
fh.handle_ = invalid_value();
* Releases resources if the handle is valid.
* If the file handle is valid, the destructor closes it.
* \see valid()
if (valid())
* Assignment operator; invalidates the source handle.
* This assignment operator transfers ownership of the RHS file
* handle to the LHS one, effectively invalidating the source file
* handle. This avoids having two live \a file_handle objects
* referring to the same native file handle. The source file
* handle needs not be valid in the name of simplicity.
* \post The RHS file handle is invalid.
* \post The LHS file handle owns RHS' native file handle.
* \return A reference to the LHS file handle.
file_handle &operator=(const file_handle &fh)
handle_ = fh.handle_;
fh.handle_ = invalid_value();
return *this;
* Checks whether the file handle is valid or not.
* Returns a boolean indicating whether the file handle is valid or
* not. If the file handle is invalid, no other methods can be
* executed other than the destructor.
* \return true if the file handle is valid; false otherwise.
bool valid() const
return handle_ != invalid_value();
* Closes the file handle.
* Explicitly closes the file handle, which must be valid. Upon
* exit, the handle is not valid any more.
* \pre The file handle is valid.
* \post The file handle is invalid.
* \post The native file handle is closed.
void close()
#if defined(BOOST_POSIX_API)
#elif defined(BOOST_WINDOWS_API)
handle_ = invalid_value();
* Reclaims ownership of the native file handle.
* Explicitly reclaims ownership of the native file handle contained
* in the \a file_handle object, returning the native file handle.
* The caller is responsible of closing it later on.
* \pre The file handle is valid.
* \post The file handle is invalid.
* \return The native file handle.
handle_type release()
handle_type h = handle_;
handle_ = invalid_value();
return h;
* Gets the native file handle.
* Returns the native file handle for the \a file_handle object.
* The caller can issue any operation on it except closing it.
* If closing is required, release() shall be used.
* \pre The file handle is valid.
* \post The file handle is valid.
* \return The native file handle.
handle_type get() const
return handle_;
* Changes the native file handle to the given one.
* Given a new native file handle \a h, this operation assigns this
* handle to the current object, closing its old native file handle.
* In other words, it first calls dup2() to remap the old handle to
* the new one and then closes the old handle.
* If \a h is open, it is automatically closed by dup2().
* This operation is only available in POSIX systems.
* \pre The file handle is valid.
* \pre The native file handle \a h is valid; i.e., it must be
* closeable.
* \post The file handle's native file handle is \a h.
* \throw boost::system::system_error If the internal remapping
* operation fails.
void posix_remap(handle_type h)
if (::dup2(handle_, h) == -1)
boost::throw_exception(boost::system::system_error(boost::system::error_code(errno, boost::system::get_system_category()), "boost::process::detail::file_handle::posix_remap: dup2(2) failed"));
if (::close(handle_) == -1)
boost::throw_exception(boost::system::system_error(boost::system::error_code(errno, boost::system::get_system_category()), "boost::process::detail::file_handle::posix_remap: close(2) failed"));
handle_ = h;
* Duplicates an open native file handle.
* Given a native file handle \a h1, this routine duplicates it so
* that it ends up being identified by the native file handle \a h2
* and returns a new \a file_handle owning \a h2.
* This operation is only available in POSIX systems.
* \pre The native file handle \a h1 is open.
* \pre The native file handle \a h2 is valid (non-negative).
* \post The native file handle \a h1 is closed.
* \post The native file handle \a h2 is the same as the old \a h1
* from the operating system's point of view.
* \return A new \a file_handle object that owns \a h2.
* \throw boost::system::system_error If dup2() fails.
static file_handle posix_dup(int h1, int h2)
if (::dup2(h1, h2) == -1)
boost::throw_exception(boost::system::system_error(boost::system::error_code(errno, boost::system::get_system_category()), "boost::process::detail::file_handle::posix_dup: dup2(2) failed"));
return file_handle(h2);
* Duplicates the \a h native file handle.
* Given a native file handle \a h, this routine constructs a new
* \a file_handle object that owns a new duplicate of \a h. The
* duplicate's inheritable flag is set to the value of \a inheritable.
* This operation is only available in Windows systems.
* \pre The native file handle \a h is valid.
* \return A file handle owning a duplicate of \a h.
* \throw boost::system::system_error If DuplicateHandle() fails.
static file_handle win32_dup(HANDLE h, bool inheritable)
if (!::DuplicateHandle(::GetCurrentProcess(), h, ::GetCurrentProcess(), &h2, 0, inheritable ? TRUE : FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS))
boost::throw_exception(boost::system::system_error(boost::system::error_code(::GetLastError(), boost::system::get_system_category()), "boost::process::detail::file_handle::win32_dup: DuplicateHandle failed"));
return file_handle(h2);
* Creates a new duplicate of a standard file handle.
* Constructs a new \a file_handle object that owns a duplicate of a
* standard file handle. The \a d parameter specifies which standard
* file handle to duplicate and can be one of \a STD_INPUT_HANDLE,
* \a STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE or \a STD_ERROR_HANDLE. The duplicate's
* inheritable flag is set to the value of \a inheritable.
* This operation is only available in Windows systems.
* \pre \a d refers to one of the standard handles as described above.
* \return A file handle owning a duplicate of the standard handle
* referred to by \a d.
* \throw boost::system::system_error If GetStdHandle() or
* DuplicateHandle() fails.
static file_handle win32_std(DWORD d, bool inheritable)
HANDLE h = ::GetStdHandle(d);
boost::throw_exception(boost::system::system_error(boost::system::error_code(::GetLastError(), boost::system::get_system_category()), "boost::process::detail::file_handle::win32_std: GetStdHandle failed"));
return win32_dup(h, inheritable);
* Changes the file handle's inheritable flag.
* Changes the file handle's inheritable flag to \a i. It is not
* necessary for the file handle's flag to be different than \a i.
* This operation is only available in Windows systems.
* \pre The file handle is valid.
* \post The native file handle's inheritable flag is set to \a i.
* \throw boost::system::system_error If the property change fails.
void win32_set_inheritable(bool i)
if (!::SetHandleInformation(handle_, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, i ? HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT : 0))
boost::throw_exception(boost::system::system_error(boost::system::error_code(::GetLastError(), boost::system::get_system_category()), "boost::process::detail::file_handle::win32_set_inheritable: SetHandleInformation failed"));
* Internal handle value.
* This variable holds the native handle value for the file handle
* hold by this object. It is interesting to note that this needs
* to be mutable because the copy constructor and the assignment
* operator invalidate the source object.
mutable handle_type handle_;
* Constant function representing an invalid handle value.
* Returns the platform-specific handle value that represents an
* invalid handle. This is a constant function rather than a regular
* constant because, in the latter case, we cannot define it under
* Windows due to the value being of a complex type.
static handle_type invalid_value()
#if defined(BOOST_POSIX_API)
return -1;
#elif defined(BOOST_WINDOWS_API)