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cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
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/** @file ContractCallDataEncoder.cpp
* @author Yann
* @date 2014
* Ethereum IDE client.
#include <vector>
#include <QMap>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <libethcore/CommonJS.h>
#include <libsolidity/AST.h>
#include "QVariableDeclaration.h"
#include "QVariableDefinition.h"
#include "QFunctionDefinition.h"
#include "ContractCallDataEncoder.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace dev;
using namespace dev::solidity;
using namespace dev::mix;
bytes ContractCallDataEncoder::encodedData()
bytes r(m_encodedData);
size_t headerSize = m_encodedData.size() & ~0x1fUL; //ignore any prefix that is not 32-byte aligned
//apply offsets
for (auto const& p: m_dynamicOffsetMap)
vector_ref<byte> offsetRef( + p.first, 32);
toBigEndian<size_t, vector_ref<byte>>(p.second + headerSize, offsetRef); //add header size minus signature hash
for (auto const& p: m_staticOffsetMap)
vector_ref<byte> offsetRef( + p.first, 32);
toBigEndian<size_t, vector_ref<byte>>(p.second + headerSize, offsetRef); //add header size minus signature hash
if (m_dynamicData.size() > 0)
r.insert(r.end(), m_dynamicData.begin(), m_dynamicData.end());
return r;
void ContractCallDataEncoder::encode(QFunctionDefinition const* _function)
bytes hash = _function->hash().asBytes();
m_encodedData.insert(m_encodedData.end(), hash.begin(), hash.end());
void ContractCallDataEncoder::encodeArray(QJsonArray const& _array, QList<int> _dim, SolidityType const& _type, bytes& _content)
size_t offsetStart = _content.size();
if (_dim[0] == -1)
bytes count = bytes(32);
toBigEndian((u256)_array.size(), count);
_content += count; //reserved space for count
int k = 0;
for (QJsonValue const& c: _array)
if (c.isArray())
if (_dim[0] == -1)
m_dynamicOffsetMap.push_back(std::make_pair(m_dynamicData.size() + offsetStart + 32 + k * 32, m_dynamicData.size() + _content.size()));
encodeArray(c.toArray(), _dim, _type, _content);
// encode single item
if (c.isDouble())
encodeSingleItem(QString::number(c.toDouble()), _type, _content);
else if (c.isString())
encodeSingleItem(c.toString(), _type, _content);
void ContractCallDataEncoder::encode(QVariant const& _data, SolidityType const& _type)
QStringList strList;
vector<int> dim;
if (_type.array)
QList<int> dim = extractDimension(_type. name);
bytes content;
QJsonDocument jsonResponse = QJsonDocument::fromJson(_data.toString().toUtf8());
QJsonArray jsonObject = jsonResponse.array();
size_t size = m_encodedData.size();
if (dim[0] == -1)
m_encodedData += bytes(32); // reserve space for offset
m_staticOffsetMap.push_back(std::make_pair(size, m_dynamicData.size()));
encodeArray(jsonObject, dim, _type, content);
if (!_type.dynamicSize)
m_encodedData.insert(m_encodedData.end(), content.begin(), content.end());
m_dynamicData.insert(m_dynamicData.end(), content.begin(), content.end());
else if (_type.dynamicSize && _type.type == SolidityType::Type::Bytes)
bytes empty(32);
size_t sizePos = m_dynamicData.size();
m_dynamicData += empty; //reserve space for count
u256 count = encodeSingleItem(_data.toString(), _type, m_dynamicData);
vector_ref<byte> sizeRef( + sizePos, 32);
toBigEndian(count, sizeRef);
m_staticOffsetMap.push_back(std::make_pair(m_encodedData.size(), sizePos));
m_encodedData += empty; //reserve space for offset
encodeSingleItem(_data.toString(), _type, m_encodedData);
QList<int> ContractCallDataEncoder::extractDimension(QString const& _type)
QList<int> dim;
QRegExp dimExtract("(\\[[^\\]]*\\])");
int pos = dimExtract.indexIn(_type);
while (pos != -1)
QString d = dimExtract.cap(0);
pos += d.length();
pos = dimExtract.indexIn(_type, pos);
if (d == "[]")
dim.push_front(d.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").toInt());
return dim;
unsigned ContractCallDataEncoder::encodeSingleItem(QString const& _data, SolidityType const& _type, bytes& _dest)
if (_type.type == SolidityType::Type::Struct)
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(dev::Exception() << dev::errinfo_comment("Struct parameters are not supported yet"));
unsigned const alignSize = 32;
QString src = _data;
bytes result;
if ((src.startsWith("\"") && src.endsWith("\"")) || (src.startsWith("\'") && src.endsWith("\'")))
src = src.remove(src.length() - 1, 1).remove(0, 1);
if (src.startsWith("0x"))
result = fromHex(src.toStdString().substr(2));
if (_type.type != SolidityType::Type::Bytes)
result = padded(result, alignSize);
bigint i(src.toStdString());
result = bytes(alignSize);
toBigEndian((u256)i, result);
catch (std::exception const&)
// manage input as a string.
QRegExp strExtract("\"(.*)\""); //check if contains both string and hex value, keep the string.
int i = strExtract.indexIn(src);
if (i != -1)
src = strExtract.cap(0);
src = src.replace("\"", "");
result = encodeStringParam(src, alignSize);
size_t dataSize = _type.dynamicSize ? result.size() : alignSize;
if (result.size() % alignSize != 0)
result.resize((result.size() & ~(alignSize - 1)) + alignSize);
_dest.insert(_dest.end(), result.begin(), result.end());
return dataSize;
bigint ContractCallDataEncoder::decodeInt(dev::bytes const& _rawValue)
dev::u256 un = dev::fromBigEndian<dev::u256>(_rawValue);
if (un >> 255)
return (-s256(~un + 1));
return un;
QString ContractCallDataEncoder::toString(dev::bigint const& _int)
std::stringstream str;
str << std::dec << _int;
return QString::fromStdString(str.str());
dev::bytes ContractCallDataEncoder::encodeBool(QString const& _str)
bytes b(1);
b[0] = _str == "1" || _str.toLower() == "true " ? 1 : 0;
return padded(b, 32);
bool ContractCallDataEncoder::decodeBool(dev::bytes const& _rawValue)
byte ret = - 1);
return (ret != 0);
QString ContractCallDataEncoder::toString(bool _b)
return _b ? "true" : "false";
dev::bytes ContractCallDataEncoder::encodeStringParam(QString const& _str, unsigned alignSize)
bytes result;
QByteArray bytesAr = _str.toLocal8Bit();
result = bytes(bytesAr.begin(), bytesAr.end());
return paddedRight(result, alignSize);
dev::bytes ContractCallDataEncoder::encodeBytes(QString const& _str)
QByteArray bytesAr = _str.toLocal8Bit();
bytes r = bytes(bytesAr.begin(), bytesAr.end());
return padded(r, 32);
dev::bytes ContractCallDataEncoder::decodeBytes(dev::bytes const& _rawValue)
return _rawValue;
QString ContractCallDataEncoder::toString(dev::bytes const& _b)
QString str;
if (asString(_b, str))
return "\"" + str + "\" " + QString::fromStdString(dev::toJS(_b));
return QString::fromStdString(dev::toJS(_b));
QString ContractCallDataEncoder::toChar(dev::bytes const& _b)
QString str;
asString(_b, str);
return str;
QVariant ContractCallDataEncoder::decode(SolidityType const& _type, bytes const& _value)
bytesConstRef value(&_value);
bytes rawParam(32);
QSolidityType::Type type = _type.type;
if (type == QSolidityType::Type::SignedInteger || type == QSolidityType::Type::UnsignedInteger)
return QVariant::fromValue(toString(decodeInt(rawParam)));
else if (type == QSolidityType::Type::Bool)
return QVariant::fromValue(toString(decodeBool(rawParam)));
else if (type == QSolidityType::Type::Bytes || type == QSolidityType::Type::Hash)
return QVariant::fromValue(toString(decodeBytes(rawParam)));
else if (type == QSolidityType::Type::String)
return QVariant::fromValue(toChar(decodeBytes(rawParam)));
else if (type == QSolidityType::Type::Struct)
return QVariant::fromValue(QString("struct")); //TODO
else if (type == QSolidityType::Type::Address)
return QVariant::fromValue(toString(decodeBytes(unpadLeft(rawParam))));
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Exception() << errinfo_comment("Parameter declaration not found"));
QString ContractCallDataEncoder::decode(QVariableDeclaration* const& _param, bytes _value)
SolidityType const& type = _param->type()->type();
return decode(type, _value).toString();
QStringList ContractCallDataEncoder::decode(QList<QVariableDeclaration*> const& _returnParameters, bytes _value)
bytesConstRef value(&_value);
bytes rawParam(32);
QStringList r;
for (int k = 0; k <_returnParameters.length(); k++)
value = value.cropped(32);
QVariableDeclaration* dec = static_cast<QVariableDeclaration*>(;
SolidityType const& type = dec->type()->type();
r.append(decode(type, rawParam).toString());
return r;
bool ContractCallDataEncoder::asString(dev::bytes const& _b, QString& _str)
dev::bytes bunPad = unpadded(_b);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < bunPad.size(); i++)
if ( < 9 || > 127)
return false;
_str += QString::fromStdString(dev::toJS("0x", "");
return true;