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This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <>.
/** @file State.h
* @author Gav Wood <>
* @date 2014
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <libdevcore/Common.h>
#include <libdevcore/RLP.h>
#include <libdevcrypto/TrieDB.h>
#include <libethcore/Exceptions.h>
#include <libethcore/BlockInfo.h>
#include <libethcore/ProofOfWork.h>
#include <libevm/FeeStructure.h>
#include <libevm/ExtVMFace.h>
#include "TransactionQueue.h"
#include "Account.h"
#include "Transaction.h"
#include "Executive.h"
#include "AccountDiff.h"
namespace dev
namespace test { class ImportTest; }
namespace eth
class BlockChain;
struct StateChat: public LogChannel { static const char* name() { return "-S-"; } static const int verbosity = 4; };
struct StateTrace: public LogChannel { static const char* name() { return "=S="; } static const int verbosity = 7; };
struct StateDetail: public LogChannel { static const char* name() { return "/S/"; } static const int verbosity = 14; };
class TransactionReceipt
TransactionReceipt(h256 _root, u256 _gasUsed, LogEntries const& _log, Manifest const& _ms): m_stateRoot(_root), m_gasUsed(_gasUsed), m_bloom(eth::bloom(_log)), m_log(_log), m_changes(_ms) {}
Manifest const& changes() const { return m_changes; }
h256 const& stateRoot() const { return m_stateRoot; }
u256 const& gasUsed() const { return m_gasUsed; }
LogBloom const& bloom() const { return m_bloom; }
LogEntries const& log() const { return m_log; }
void streamRLP(RLPStream& _s) const
_s.appendList(4) << m_stateRoot << m_gasUsed << m_bloom;
for (LogEntry const& l: m_log)
h256 m_stateRoot;
u256 m_gasUsed;
LogBloom m_bloom;
LogEntries m_log;
Manifest m_changes; ///< TODO: PoC-7: KILL
using TransactionReceipts = std::vector<TransactionReceipt>;
struct PrecompiledAddress
unsigned gas;
std::function<void(bytesConstRef, bytesRef)> exec;
* @brief Model of the current state of the ledger.
* Maintains current ledger (m_current) as a fast hash-map. This is hashed only when required (i.e. to create or verify a block).
* Should maintain ledger as of last N blocks, also, in case we end up on the wrong branch.
class State
friend class ExtVM;
friend class dev::test::ImportTest;
friend class Executive;
/// Construct state object.
State(Address _coinbaseAddress = Address(), OverlayDB const& _db = OverlayDB());
/// Construct state object from arbitrary point in blockchain.
State(OverlayDB const& _db, BlockChain const& _bc, h256 _hash);
/// Copy state object.
State(State const& _s);
/// Copy state object.
State& operator=(State const& _s);
/// Set the coinbase address for any transactions we do.
/// This causes a complete reset of current block.
void setAddress(Address _coinbaseAddress) { m_ourAddress = _coinbaseAddress; resetCurrent(); }
Address address() const { return m_ourAddress; }
/// Open a DB - useful for passing into the constructor & keeping for other states that are necessary.
static OverlayDB openDB(std::string _path, bool _killExisting = false);
static OverlayDB openDB(bool _killExisting = false) { return openDB(std::string(), _killExisting); }
OverlayDB const& db() const { return m_db; }
/// @returns the set containing all addresses currently in use in Ethereum.
std::map<Address, u256> addresses() const;
/// @returns the address b such that b > @a _a .
Address nextActiveAddress(Address _a) const;
/// Get the header information on the present block.
BlockInfo const& info() const { return m_currentBlock; }
/// @brief Checks that mining the current object will result in a valid block.
/// Effectively attempts to import the serialised block.
/// @returns true if all is ok. If it's false, worry.
bool amIJustParanoid(BlockChain const& _bc);
/// Prepares the current state for mining.
/// Commits all transactions into the trie, compiles uncles and transactions list, applies all
/// rewards and populates the current block header with the appropriate hashes.
/// The only thing left to do after this is to actually mine().
/// This may be called multiple times and without issue.
void commitToMine(BlockChain const& _bc);
/// Attempt to find valid nonce for block that this state represents.
/// This function is thread-safe. You can safely have other interactions with this object while it is happening.
/// @param _msTimeout Timeout before return in milliseconds.
/// @returns Information on the mining.
MineInfo mine(unsigned _msTimeout = 1000, bool _turbo = false);
/** Commit to DB and build the final block if the previous call to mine()'s result is completion.
* Typically looks like:
* @code
* // lock
* commitToMine(blockchain);
* // unlock
* MineInfo info;
* for (info.complete = false; !info.complete; info = mine()) {}
* // lock
* completeMine();
* // unlock
* @endcode
void completeMine();
/// Get the complete current block, including valid nonce.
/// Only valid after mine() returns true.
bytes const& blockData() const { return m_currentBytes; }
// TODO: Cleaner interface.
/// Sync our transactions, killing those from the queue that we have and assimilating those that we don't.
/// @returns a list of bloom filters one for each transaction placed from the queue into the state.
/// @a o_transactionQueueChanged boolean pointer, the value of which will be set to true if the transaction queue
/// changed and the pointer is non-null
h256s sync(TransactionQueue& _tq, bool* o_transactionQueueChanged = nullptr);
/// Like sync but only operate on _tq, killing the invalid/old ones.
bool cull(TransactionQueue& _tq) const;
/// Execute a given transaction.
/// This will append @a _t to the transaction list and change the state accordingly.
u256 execute(bytes const& _rlp, bytes* o_output = nullptr, bool _commit = true) { return execute(&_rlp, o_output, _commit); }
u256 execute(bytesConstRef _rlp, bytes* o_output = nullptr, bool _commit = true);
/// Get the remaining gas limit in this block.
u256 gasLimitRemaining() const { return m_currentBlock.gasLimit - gasUsed(); }
/// Check if the address is in use.
bool addressInUse(Address _address) const;
/// Check if the address contains executable code.
bool addressHasCode(Address _address) const;
/// Get an account's balance.
/// @returns 0 if the address has never been used.
u256 balance(Address _id) const;
/// Add some amount to balance.
/// Will initialise the address if it has never been used.
void addBalance(Address _id, u256 _amount);
/** Subtract some amount from balance.
* @throws NotEnoughCash if balance of @a _id is less than @a _value (or has never been used).
* @note We use bigint here as we don't want any accidental problems with negative numbers.
void subBalance(Address _id, bigint _value);
/// Get the root of the storage of an account.
h256 storageRoot(Address _contract) const;
/// Get the value of a storage position of an account.
/// @returns 0 if no account exists at that address.
u256 storage(Address _contract, u256 _memory) const;
/// Set the value of a storage position of an account.
void setStorage(Address _contract, u256 _location, u256 _value) { m_cache[_contract].setStorage(_location, _value); }
/// Get the storage of an account.
/// @note This is expensive. Don't use it unless you need to.
/// @returns std::map<u256, u256> if no account exists at that address.
std::map<u256, u256> storage(Address _contract) const;
/// Get the code of an account.
/// @returns bytes() if no account exists at that address.
bytes const& code(Address _contract) const;
/// Note that the given address is sending a transaction and thus increment the associated ticker.
void noteSending(Address _id);
/// Get the number of transactions a particular address has sent (used for the transaction nonce).
/// @returns 0 if the address has never been used.
u256 transactionsFrom(Address _address) const;
/// The hash of the root of our state tree.
h256 rootHash() const { return m_state.root(); }
/// Get the list of pending transactions.
Transactions const& pending() const { return m_transactions; }
/// Get the list of pending transactions. TODO: PoC-7: KILL
Manifest changesFromPending(unsigned _i) const { return m_receipts[_i].changes(); }
/// Get the bloom filter of all changes happened in the block. TODO: PoC-7: KILL
h256 oldBloom() const;
/// Get the bloom filter of a particular transaction that happened in the block. TODO: PoC-7: KILL
h256 oldBloom(unsigned _i) const { return m_receipts[_i].changes().bloom(); }
/// Get the transaction receipt for the transaction of the given index.
TransactionReceipt const& receipt(unsigned _i) const { return m_receipts[_i]; }
/// Get the list of pending transactions.
LogEntries const& log(unsigned _i) const { return m_receipts[_i].log(); }
/// Get the bloom filter of all logs that happened in the block.
LogBloom logBloom() const;
/// Get the bloom filter of a particular transaction that happened in the block.
LogBloom const& logBloom(unsigned _i) const { return m_receipts[_i].bloom(); }
/// Get the State immediately after the given number of pending transactions have been applied.
/// If (_i == 0) returns the initial state of the block.
/// If (_i == pending().size()) returns the final state of the block, prior to rewards.
State fromPending(unsigned _i) const;
/// @returns the StateDiff caused by the pending transaction of index @a _i.
StateDiff pendingDiff(unsigned _i) const { return fromPending(_i).diff(fromPending(_i + 1)); }
/// @return the difference between this state (origin) and @a _c (destination).
StateDiff diff(State const& _c) const;
/// Sync our state with the block chain.
/// This basically involves wiping ourselves if we've been superceded and rebuilding from the transaction queue.
bool sync(BlockChain const& _bc);
/// Sync with the block chain, but rather than synching to the latest block, instead sync to the given block.
bool sync(BlockChain const& _bc, h256 _blockHash, BlockInfo const& _bi = BlockInfo());
/// Execute all transactions within a given block.
/// @returns the additional total difficulty.
u256 enactOn(bytesConstRef _block, BlockInfo const& _bi, BlockChain const& _bc);
/// Returns back to a pristine state after having done a playback.
/// @arg _fullCommit if true flush everything out to disk. If false, this effectively only validates
/// the block since all state changes are ultimately reversed.
void cleanup(bool _fullCommit);
/// Undo the changes to the state for committing to mine.
void uncommitToMine();
/// Retrieve all information about a given address into the cache.
/// If _requireMemory is true, grab the full memory should it be a contract item.
/// If _forceCreate is true, then insert a default item into the cache, in the case it doesn't
/// exist in the DB.
void ensureCached(Address _a, bool _requireCode, bool _forceCreate) const;
/// Retrieve all information about a given address into a cache.
void ensureCached(std::map<Address, Account>& _cache, Address _a, bool _requireCode, bool _forceCreate) const;
/// Commit all changes waiting in the address cache to the DB.
void commit();
/// Execute the given block, assuming it corresponds to m_currentBlock. If _bc is passed, it will be used to check the uncles.
/// Throws on failure.
u256 enact(bytesConstRef _block, BlockChain const* _bc = nullptr, bool _checkNonce = true);
// Two priviledged entry points for the VM (these don't get added to the Transaction lists):
// We assume all instrinsic fees are paid up before this point.
/// Execute a contract-creation transaction.
h160 create(Address _txSender, u256 _endowment, u256 _gasPrice, u256* _gas, bytesConstRef _code, Address _originAddress = Address(), SubState* o_sub = nullptr, Manifest* o_ms = nullptr, OnOpFunc const& _onOp = OnOpFunc(), unsigned _level = 0);
/// Execute a call.
/// @a _gas points to the amount of gas to use for the call, and will lower it accordingly.
/// @returns false if the call ran out of gas before completion. true otherwise.
bool call(Address _myAddress, Address _codeAddress, Address _txSender, u256 _txValue, u256 _gasPrice, bytesConstRef _txData, u256* _gas, bytesRef _out, Address _originAddress = Address(), SubState* o_sub = nullptr, Manifest* o_ms = nullptr, OnOpFunc const& _onOp = OnOpFunc(), unsigned _level = 0);
/// Sets m_currentBlock to a clean state, (i.e. no change from m_previousBlock).
void resetCurrent();
/// Finalise the block, applying the earned rewards.
void applyRewards(Addresses const& _uncleAddresses);
void refreshManifest(RLPStream* _txs = nullptr);
/// @returns gas used by transactions thus far executed.
u256 gasUsed() const { return m_receipts.size() ? m_receipts.back().gasUsed() : 0; }
bool isTrieGood(bool _enforceRefs, bool _requireNoLeftOvers) const;
void paranoia(std::string const& _when, bool _enforceRefs = false) const;
OverlayDB m_db; ///< Our overlay for the state tree.
TrieDB<Address, OverlayDB> m_state; ///< Our state tree, as an OverlayDB DB.
Transactions m_transactions; ///< The current list of transactions that we've included in the state.
TransactionReceipts m_receipts; ///< The corresponding list of transaction receipts.
std::set<h256> m_transactionSet; ///< The set of transaction hashes that we've included in the state.
OverlayDB m_lastTx;
mutable std::map<Address, Account> m_cache; ///< Our address cache. This stores the states of each address that has (or at least might have) been changed.
BlockInfo m_previousBlock; ///< The previous block's information.
BlockInfo m_currentBlock; ///< The current block's information.
bytes m_currentBytes; ///< The current block.
bytes m_currentTxs; ///< The RLP-encoded block of transactions.
bytes m_currentUncles; ///< The RLP-encoded block of uncles.
Address m_ourAddress; ///< Our address (i.e. the address to which fees go).
ProofOfWork m_pow; ///< The PoW mining class.
u256 m_blockReward;
static std::string c_defaultPath;
static const std::map<unsigned, PrecompiledAddress> c_precompiled;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& _out, State const& _s);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& _out, State const& _s);
template <class DB>
void commit(std::map<Address, Account> const& _cache, DB& _db, TrieDB<Address, DB>& _state)
for (auto const& i: _cache)
if (!i.second.isAlive())
RLPStream s(4);
s << i.second.nonce() << i.second.balance();
if (i.second.storageOverlay().empty())
TrieDB<h256, DB> storageDB(&_db, i.second.baseRoot());
for (auto const& j: i.second.storageOverlay())
if (j.second)
storageDB.insert(j.first, rlp(j.second));
if (i.second.isFreshCode())
h256 ch = sha3(i.second.code());
_db.insert(ch, &i.second.code());
s << ch;
s << i.second.codeHash();
_state.insert(i.first, &s.out());