You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

283 lines
11 KiB

#pragma once
#include <QtCore/QObject>
#include <QtCore/QStringList>
#include <QtCore/QList>
#include <libdevcore/CommonIO.h>
#include <libethcore/CommonEth.h>
namespace dev {
namespace eth {
class Interface;
namespace shh {
class Interface;
class QJSEngine;
class QWebFrame;
class QEthereum;
inline dev::bytes asBytes(QString const& _s)
dev::bytes ret;
for (QChar c: _s)
return ret;
inline QString asQString(dev::bytes const& _s)
QString ret;
for (auto c: _s)
ret.push_back(QChar(c, 0));
return ret;
dev::bytes toBytes(QString const& _s);
QString padded(QString const& _s, unsigned _l, unsigned _r);
QString padded(QString const& _s, unsigned _l);
QString unpadded(QString _s);
template <unsigned N> dev::FixedHash<N> toFixed(QString const& _s)
if (_s.startsWith("0x"))
// Hex
return dev::FixedHash<N>(_s.mid(2).toStdString());
else if (!_s.contains(QRegExp("[^0-9]")))
// Decimal
return (typename dev::FixedHash<N>::Arith)(_s.toStdString());
// Binary
return dev::FixedHash<N>(asBytes(padded(_s, N)));
template <unsigned N> inline boost::multiprecision::number<boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_backend<N * 8, N * 8, boost::multiprecision::unsigned_magnitude, boost::multiprecision::unchecked, void>> toInt(QString const& _s);
inline dev::Address toAddress(QString const& _s) { return toFixed<20>(_s); }
inline dev::Secret toSecret(QString const& _s) { return toFixed<32>(_s); }
inline dev::u256 toU256(QString const& _s) { return toInt<32>(_s); }
template <unsigned S> QString toQJS(dev::FixedHash<S> const& _h) { return QString::fromStdString("0x" + toHex(_h.ref())); }
template <unsigned N> QString toQJS(boost::multiprecision::number<boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_backend<N, N, boost::multiprecision::unsigned_magnitude, boost::multiprecision::unchecked, void>> const& _n) { return QString::fromStdString("0x" + dev::toHex(dev::toCompactBigEndian(_n))); }
inline QString toQJS(dev::bytes const& _n) { return "0x" + QString::fromStdString(dev::toHex(_n)); }
inline QString toBinary(QString const& _s)
return unpadded(asQString(toBytes(_s)));
inline QString toDecimal(QString const& _s)
return QString::fromStdString(dev::toString(toU256(_s)));
inline double fromFixed(QString const& _s)
return (double)toU256(_s) / (double)(dev::u256(1) << 128);
inline QString toFixed(double _s)
return toQJS(dev::u256(_s * (double)(dev::u256(1) << 128)));
inline QString fromBinary(dev::bytes _s, unsigned _padding = 32)
_s.resize(std::max<unsigned>(_s.size(), _padding));
return QString::fromStdString("0x" + dev::toHex(_s));
inline QString fromBinary(QString const& _s, unsigned _padding = 32)
return fromBinary(asBytes(_s), _padding);
class QEthereum: public QObject
QEthereum(QObject* _p, dev::eth::Interface* _c, QList<dev::KeyPair> _accounts);
virtual ~QEthereum();
dev::eth::Interface* client() const;
void setClient(dev::eth::Interface* _c) { m_client = _c; }
/// Call when the client() is going to be deleted to make this object useless but safe.
void clientDieing();
void setAccounts(QList<dev::KeyPair> _l) { m_accounts = _l; keysChanged(); }
Q_INVOKABLE QString ethTest() const { return "Hello world!"; }
Q_INVOKABLE QEthereum* self() { return this; }
Q_INVOKABLE QString secretToAddress(QString _s) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QString lll(QString _s) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QString sha3(QString _s) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QString sha3(QString _s1, QString _s2) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QString sha3(QString _s1, QString _s2, QString _s3) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QString sha3old(QString _s) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QString offset(QString _s, int _offset) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QString pad(QString _s, unsigned _l) const { return padded(_s, _l); }
Q_INVOKABLE QString pad(QString _s, unsigned _l, unsigned _r) const { return padded(_s, _l, _r); }
Q_INVOKABLE QString unpad(QString _s) const { return unpadded(_s); }
Q_INVOKABLE QString toAscii(QString _s) const { return ::toBinary(_s); }
Q_INVOKABLE QString fromAscii(QString _s) const { return ::fromBinary(_s, 32); }
Q_INVOKABLE QString fromAscii(QString _s, unsigned _padding) const { return ::fromBinary(_s, _padding); }
Q_INVOKABLE QString toDecimal(QString _s) const { return ::toDecimal(_s); }
Q_INVOKABLE double fromFixed(QString _s) const { return ::fromFixed(_s); }
Q_INVOKABLE QString toFixed(double _d) const { return ::toFixed(_d); }
// [NEW API] - Use this instead.
Q_INVOKABLE QString/*dev::u256*/ balanceAt(QString/*dev::Address*/ _a, int _block) const;
Q_INVOKABLE double countAt(QString/*dev::Address*/ _a, int _block) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QString/*dev::u256*/ stateAt(QString/*dev::Address*/ _a, QString/*dev::u256*/ _p, int _block) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QString/*dev::u256*/ codeAt(QString/*dev::Address*/ _a, int _block) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QString/*dev::u256*/ balanceAt(QString/*dev::Address*/ _a) const;
Q_INVOKABLE double countAt(QString/*dev::Address*/ _a) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QString/*dev::u256*/ stateAt(QString/*dev::Address*/ _a, QString/*dev::u256*/ _p) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QString/*dev::u256*/ codeAt(QString/*dev::Address*/ _a) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QString/*json*/ getBlock(QString _numberOrHash/*unsigned if < number(), hash otherwise*/) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QString/*json*/ getTransaction(QString _numberOrHash/*unsigned if < number(), hash otherwise*/, int _index) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QString/*json*/ getUncle(QString _numberOrHash/*unsigned if < number(), hash otherwise*/, int _index) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QString/*json*/ getMessages(QString _attribs/*json*/) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QString doCreate(QString _secret, QString _amount, QString _init, QString _gas, QString _gasPrice);
Q_INVOKABLE void doTransact(QString _secret, QString _amount, QString _dest, QString _data, QString _gas, QString _gasPrice);
Q_INVOKABLE QString doTransact(QString _json);
Q_INVOKABLE QString doCall(QString _json);
Q_INVOKABLE unsigned newWatch(QString _json);
Q_INVOKABLE QString watchMessages(unsigned _w);
Q_INVOKABLE void killWatch(unsigned _w);
void clearWatches();
bool isListening() const;
bool isMining() const;
QString/*dev::Address*/ coinbase() const;
QString/*dev::u256*/ gasPrice() const { return toQJS(10 * dev::eth::szabo); }
QString/*dev::u256*/ number() const;
int getDefault() const;
QString/*dev::KeyPair*/ key() const;
QStringList/*list of dev::KeyPair*/ keys() const;
QString/*dev::Address*/ account() const;
QStringList/*list of dev::Address*/ accounts() const;
unsigned peerCount() const;
public slots:
void setCoinbase(QString/*dev::Address*/);
void setMining(bool _l);
void setListening(bool _l);
void setDefault(int _block);
/// Check to see if anything has changed, fire off signals if so.
/// @note Must be called in the QObject's thread.
void poll();
void watchChanged(unsigned _w);
void coinbaseChanged();
void keysChanged();
void netChanged();
void miningChanged();
Q_PROPERTY(QString number READ number NOTIFY watchChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString coinbase READ coinbase WRITE setCoinbase NOTIFY coinbaseChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString gasPrice READ gasPrice)
Q_PROPERTY(QString key READ key NOTIFY keysChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList keys READ keys NOTIFY keysChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool mining READ isMining WRITE setMining NOTIFY netChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool listening READ isListening WRITE setListening NOTIFY netChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(unsigned peerCount READ peerCount NOTIFY miningChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int defaultBlock READ getDefault WRITE setDefault)
dev::eth::Interface* m_client;
std::vector<unsigned> m_watches;
QList<dev::KeyPair> m_accounts;
class QWhisper: public QObject
QWhisper(QObject* _p, std::shared_ptr<dev::shh::Interface> const& _c);
virtual ~QWhisper();
std::shared_ptr<dev::shh::Interface> face() const;
void setFace(std::shared_ptr<dev::shh::Interface> const& _c) { m_face = _c; }
/// Call when the face() is going to be deleted to make this object useless but safe.
void faceDieing();
Q_INVOKABLE QWhisper* self() { return this; }
/// Basic message send.
Q_INVOKABLE void send(QString /*dev::Address*/ _dest, QString /*ev::KeyPair*/ _from, QString /*dev::h256 const&*/ _topic, QString /*dev::bytes const&*/ _payload);
// Watches interface
Q_INVOKABLE unsigned newWatch(QString _json);
Q_INVOKABLE QString watchMessages(unsigned _w);
Q_INVOKABLE void killWatch(unsigned _w);
void clearWatches();
public slots:
/// Check to see if anything has changed, fire off signals if so.
/// @note Must be called in the QObject's thread.
void poll();
void watchChanged(unsigned _w);
std::weak_ptr<dev::shh::Interface> m_face;
std::vector<unsigned> m_watches;
#define QETH_INSTALL_JS_NAMESPACE(frame, eth, shh, env) [frame, eth, shh, env]() \
{ \
frame->disconnect(); \
frame->addToJavaScriptWindowObject("env", env, QWebFrame::QtOwnership); \
frame->addToJavaScriptWindowObject("eth", eth, QWebFrame::ScriptOwnership); \
frame->addToJavaScriptWindowObject("shh", eth, QWebFrame::ScriptOwnership); \
frame->evaluateJavaScript("eth.makeWatch = function(a) { var ww = eth.newWatch(a); var ret = { w: ww }; ret.uninstall = function() { eth.killWatch(w); }; ret.changed = function(f) { eth.watchChanged.connect(function(nw) { if (nw == ww) f() }); }; ret.messages = function() { return JSON.parse(eth.watchMessages(this.w)) }; return ret; }"); \
frame->evaluateJavaScript(" = function(a) { return eth.makeWatch(JSON.stringify(a)) }"); \
frame->evaluateJavaScript("eth.transact = function(a, f) { var r = eth.doTransact(JSON.stringify(a)); if (f) f(r); }"); \
frame->evaluateJavaScript(" = function(a, f) { var ret = eth.doCallJson(JSON.stringify(a)); if (f) f(ret); return ret; }"); \
frame->evaluateJavaScript("eth.messages = function(a) { return JSON.parse(eth.getMessages(JSON.stringify(a))); }"); \
frame->evaluateJavaScript("eth.block = function(a) { return JSON.parse(eth.getBlock(a)); }"); \
frame->evaluateJavaScript("eth.transaction = function(a) { return JSON.parse(eth.getTransaction(a)); }"); \
frame->evaluateJavaScript("eth.uncle = function(a) { return JSON.parse(eth.getUncle(a)); }"); \
frame->evaluateJavaScript("shh.makeWatch = function(a) { var ww = shh.newWatch(a); var ret = { w: ww }; ret.uninstall = function() { shh.killWatch(w); }; ret.changed = function(f) { shh.watchChanged.connect(function(nw) { if (nw == ww) f() }); }; ret.messages = function() { return JSON.parse(shh.watchMessages(this.w)) }; return ret; }"); \
frame->evaluateJavaScript(" = function(a) { return shh.makeWatch(JSON.stringify(a)) }"); \
template <unsigned N> inline boost::multiprecision::number<boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_backend<N * 8, N * 8, boost::multiprecision::unsigned_magnitude, boost::multiprecision::unchecked, void>> toInt(QString const& _s)
if (_s.startsWith("0x"))
return dev::fromBigEndian<boost::multiprecision::number<boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_backend<N * 8, N * 8, boost::multiprecision::unsigned_magnitude, boost::multiprecision::unchecked, void>>>(dev::fromHex(_s.toStdString().substr(2)));
else if (!_s.contains(QRegExp("[^0-9]")))
// Hex or Decimal
return boost::multiprecision::number<boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_backend<N * 8, N * 8, boost::multiprecision::unsigned_magnitude, boost::multiprecision::unchecked, void>>(_s.toStdString());
// Binary
return dev::fromBigEndian<boost::multiprecision::number<boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_backend<N * 8, N * 8, boost::multiprecision::unsigned_magnitude, boost::multiprecision::unchecked, void>>>(asBytes(padded(_s, N)));