import test from 'ava'; import tk from 'timekeeper'; import isEqual from 'date-fns/is_equal'; import expired from '../'; test('throw error if header argument is missing', t => { const err = t.throws(() => expired());, 'Headers argument is missing'); }); test('throw error if Date header is missing', t => { const headers = {}; const err = t.throws(() => expired(headers));, 'Date header is missing'); }); test('headers can be passed in as an object', t => { const date = new Date().toUTCString(); const headers = { date, age: 0, 'cache-control': `public, max-age=0` }; tk.freeze(date); t.true(isEqual(expired.on(headers), date)); tk.reset(); }); test('headers can be passed in as a string', t => { const date = new Date().toUTCString(); const headers = ` Date: ${date} Age: 0 Cache-Control public, max-age=0`; tk.freeze(date); t.true(isEqual(expired.on(headers), date)); tk.reset(); }); test('headers can contain status code', t => { const date = new Date().toUTCString(); const headers = ` HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: ${date} Age: 0 Cache-Control public, max-age=0`; tk.freeze(date); t.true(isEqual(expired.on(headers), date)); tk.reset(); });