# free-for-dev Developers and Open Source authors now have a massive amount of services offering free tiers, but it can be hard to find them all in order to make informed decisions. This is list of software (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.) and other offerings that have free tiers for developers. The scope of this particular list is limited to things infrastructure developers (System Administrator, DevOps Practitioners, etc.) are likely to find useful. We love all the free services out there, but it would be good to keep it on topic. It's a bit of a grey line at times so this is a bit opinionated; do not be offended if I do not accept your contribution. You can help by sending Pull Requests to add more services. Once I have a good set of links in this README file, I'll look into a better layout for the information and links (help with that is appreciated too). If you're not inclined to make PRs you can tweet me at ```@ripienaar``` ## Source Code Repos * https://bitbucket.org/ - Unlimited public and private git repos for small teams * https://github.com – Free for an unlimited number of public repositories * https://about.gitlab.com/ - Unlimited public and private git repos with unlimited collaborators ## Tools for teams & Collaboration * http://appear.in/ - One click video conversations, for free * http://www.hall.com/ - Free for unlimited users with some feature limitations * https://www.flowdock.com/ - Chat and inbox, free for teams of 5 or less * https://slack.com - Free for unlimited users with some feature limitations * https://hipchat.com - Free for unlimited users with some feature limitations * https://gitter.im - "Chat, for GitHub". Unlimited public & private rooms, free for teams of up to 25 * http://www.google.com/hangouts/ - One place for all your Conversations, for free (Need Google Account) * https://kato.im - Team Chat & Collaboration, free for unlimited users with some feature limitations * http://seafile.com/ - Private or cloud storage, file sharing, sync, discussions. Private version is full. Cloud version has just 1 GB. ## Code Quality * https://landscape.io/ - Code Quality for Python projects, free for Open Source * https://codeclimate.com/ - Automated code review, free for Open Source * https://houndci.com/ - Comments on github commits about code quality - free for Open Source * https://coveralls.io/ - Display test coverage reports - free for open source * https://scrutinizer-ci.com/ - Continuous inspection platform - free for Open Source * https://codecov.io/ - Code coverage tool (SaaS), free for 1 private project and no restrictions for publics repos * https://insight.sensiolabs.com/ _ Code Quality for PHP/Symfony projects, free for Open Source ## Code Search and Browsing * https://sourcegraph.com/ - Java, Go, Python, Node.js, etc., code search/cross-references - free for open source * https://searchcode.com/ - comprehensive text-based code search - free for open source ## CI / CD * https://codeship.com/ - 100 private builds / month, 5 private projects. Unlimited for Open Source * https://circleci.com – Free for one concurrent build * https://travis-ci.org – Free for public Github repositories. * http://wercker.com/ - Free for public and private repositories * https://drone.io/ - CI platform that includes browser testing, free for Open Source * https://semaphoreci.com/ - 100 private builds / month. Unlimited for Open Source. * http://www.shippable.com/ - Free for 1 build container, private and public repos, unlimited builds. * https://snap-ci.com - Free for public repositories, 1 build at the time * http://www.appveyor.com/ - CD service for Windows. Free for open-source projects. * [Comparison of Continuous Integration services](https://github.com/ligurio/Continuous-Integration-services) * https://saucelabs.com/ - CI with scalable testing for mobile and web apps, free for Open Source * http://ftploy.com/ - 1 project w/ unlimited deployments * https://deployhq.com/ - 1 project w/ 10 daily deployments ## Security and PKI * http://vaddy.net - Continuous web security testing with continuous integration (CI) tools * https://www.globalsign.com/en/ssl/ssl-open-source/ - Free SSL certs for Open Source projects * https://www.startssl.com/ - Free SSL certs * https://stormpath.com/ - Free user management, authentication, social login, and SSO. * https://auth0.com/ - Hosted free for development SSO * https://getclef.com/ - New take on auth unlimited free tier for anyone not using premium features * https://ringcaptcha.com/ - Tools to use phone number as id, available for free * https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/ - Very deep analysis of the configuration of any SSL web server * https://qualys.com/forms/freescan/owasp/ - Find web app vulnerabilities, audit for OWASP Risks * [alienvault.com ThreatFinder](https://www.alienvault.com/open-threat-exchange/threatfinder) - Uncovers compromised systems in your metwork ## Management Systems * https://opbeat.com/ - Release, deploy, monitor. Free for 3 users ## Log Management * https://papertrailapp.com/ - 48 hours search, 7 day archive, 100MB/month * https://logentries.com/ - Free up to 5GB/month with 7 day retention * https://www.loggly.com/ - Free for a single user, see the ```lite``` option * http://sematext.com/logsene - Free for 1M logs, unlimited retention ## Analytics * http://www.splunk.com/en_us/products/splunk-cloud.html - Upload 5GB of data per day up to 28GB of total data stored * https://parse.com - Unlimited free analytics ## Monitoring * https://www.thousandeyes.com - Network & user experience monitoring. 3 locations, plus 20 data feeds of major web services free. * https://www.datadoghq.com/ - Free for up to 5 nodes * http://www.stackdriver.com/ - Free for up to 10 nodes/services * https://keymetrics.io/ - Free for 2 servers with 7 days data retention * http://newrelic.com/ - Free with 24 hour data retention * https://nodequery.com/ - Free basic server monitor up to 10 servers * https://www.pingdom.com/free/ - 1 site free * https://www.opsgenie.com/ - Alert management with mobile push. 600 free alerts for 2 users a month * https://www.runscope.com/ - Monitor and log API usage. Single user 10,000 request/month free * http://www.circonus.com/ - Free for 20 metrics * https://uptimerobot.com/ - Website monitoring, 50 monitors free * https://www.statuscake.com/ - Website monitoring, unlimited tests free with limitations * http://www.boundary.com/ - Free 1 second resolution for up to 10 servers * https://ghostinspector.com/ - Free website and web application monitoring. Single user, 100 test runs per month * http://java-monitor.com/ - Free monitoring of JVM's and uptime * http://sematext.com/spm - Free for 24h metrics, unlimited number of servers, 10 custom metrics, 500K custom metrics data points, unlimited dashboards, users, etc. * https://sealion.com/ - Free up to 2 servers, 3 days data retention, graphs and raw command output history (`top`, `ps`, `ifconfig`, `netstat`, `iostat`, `free`, custom, etc.) * https://www.stathat.com - Get started with ten stats for free, no expiration. ## Crash / Exception handling * https://rollbar.com/ - Exception and error monitoring, free plan - 5000 errors/month, unlimited users, 30 days retention. * https://bugsnag.com/ - Free for up to 2000 errors a month after the initial trial * https://airbrake.io/ - Free for 1 project, 1 user, 2 errors per minute, 2 day retention * http://getsentry.com/ - Sentry tracks app exceptions in realtime, has a small free plan ## Search * https://swiftype.com – hosted search solution (API and crawler). Free for a single search engine with up to 1000 documents. Free upgrade to Premuim level for open-source projects. * https://bonsai.io - Free 1GB memory and 1GB storage. * http://www.searchly.com - Free 2 Indices and 5MB storage. ## Email * http://www.mailgun.com/ - First 10,000 emails per month are free * http://mailchimp.com/ - Send 12,000 emails to 2,000 subscribers for free * http://sendgrid.com/ - 400 emails per day for free * http://mandrill.com/ - First 12,000 emails are free * https://www.phplist.com/ - Hosted version allow 300 mails per month for free * https://www.mailjet.com/ - 6000 mails per month for free * https://www.sendinblue.com/ - 9000 mails per month for free ## CDN and Protection * http://www.cloudflare.com/ - Basic service is free, good for a blog * http://www.bootstrapcdn.com/ - CDN for bootstrap, bootswatch and font awesome * https://surge.sh - Zero-bullshit, single–command, bring your own source control web publishing CDN. ## PaaS * http://aws.amazon.com/free/ - AWS Free Tier - Free for 12 months * https://cloud.google.com/appengine/ - Google App Engine gives 28 instance hours free, 1Gb NoSQL Database and more. * https://www.engineyard.com - Engine Yard provides 500 free hours * http://azure.microsoft.com/ - MS Azure gives $200 worth of free usage for a trial * http://hpcloud.com/ - $300 credit over 90 days. * https://appharbor.com/ - A .Net PaaS that provides 1 free worker * https://www.heroku.com/ - Host your apps in the cloud, free for single process apps * https://www.firebase.com/ - Build realtime apps, free plan has 50 Max Connections, 5 GB Data Transfer, 100 MB Data Storage. 1 GB Hosting Storage and 100 GB Hosting Transfer. * https://bluemix.net/ - IBM PaaS with a monthly free allowance * https://www.openshift.com/ - RedHat OpenShift offers 3 free hosted apps * https://bitnami.com/ - One free small app * https://scalingo.com - Free Tier, up to 3 apps, 1 container each, combined with data store addons free tier * https://algorithmia.com - Host algorithms for free - includes 10,000 credits (seconds of on-demand execution time) free * https://bigml.com/ - Hosted machine learning algorithms. Unlimited free tasks for development, limit of 16MB data per task * https://www.activestate.com/stackato/ - Enterprise-hardened Cloud Foundry PaaS from ActiveState, for private, public and hybrid cloud, free up to 20GB ## BaaS * https://www.parse.com - Mobile backends, free plan has 30 requests per second, with 20 GB of file and database storage, as well as push notifications for up to 1,000,000 unique recipients. ## Web Hosting * https://www.simplybuilt.com - SimplyBuilt offers free website building and hosting for open source projects (http://www.simplybuilt.com/explore/free-websites-for-open-source-projects). Simple alternative to GitHub Pages. * https://www.devport.co - Turn GitHub projects, Apps, and websites into a personal developer portfolio. ## IaaS * https://exoscale.ch/ - Free resources for Open Source projects * https://cloudant.com/ - Hosted database from IBM, free if usage is below $50/month * https://developer.rackspace.com/ - Rackspace Cloud gives $50/month for 12 months * https://cloud.google.com/compute/ - Google Compute Engine gives $300 over 60 days * https://cloud.google.com/container-engine/ - Google Container Engine for run Docker containers(Alpha). Pricing: same of Google Compute Engine. * https://nsone.net/ - Data Driven DNS, automatic traffic management, 1M free Queries ## DBaaS * https://mongolab.com/ - MongoDB as a service (500mb free) * https://realm.io - Free to use even for commercial projects, under Apache 2.0 License * https://orchestrate.io/ - 1 application free * https://redislabs.com/redis-cloud - Redis as a Service (25 mb free) * https://www.backand.com/ - Back-end as a service (for AngularJS) * http://www.zenginehq.com - Build business workflow apps in minutes - free for single users * https://parsehub.com/ — Extract data from dynamic sites, turn dynamic websites into APIs, 5 projects free. * https://import.io/ - Easily turn websites into APIs, completely free for life. ## STUN, WebRTC, Web Socket Servers and other Routers * https://pusher.com. Hosted Web Sockets broker. Free for up to 20 simultaneous connections and 100k messages a day. * stun:stun.l.google.com:19302 - Google STUN * stun:global.stun.twilio.com:3478?transport=udp - Twilio STUN * https://www.segment.com. Hub to translate and route events to other third party services. 100k events a month free. ## Issue tracking / Project management * https://www.atlassian.com/opensource/overview - Free Jira etc for Open Source projects * https://kanbanflow.com/ - Board based project management. Free (premium version with more options). * https://kanbanpad.com/ - Board based project management. Free (premium version with more options). * https://kanbanery.com/ - Board based project management. Free for 2 users (premium tiers with more options). * https://trello.com/ - Board based project management. Free * https://waffle.io/ - Board based project management solution from your existing GitHub Issues. Free for open-source. * https://huboard.com/ - Instant project management for your GitHub issues. Free for open-source. * https://taiga.io/ - Project management platform for startups and agile developers. Free for open-source. * https://www.jetbrains.com/youtrack/buy/open_source_incloud.jsp - Free hosted YouTrack (InCloud) for FOSS projects (private projects free for 10 users: https://www.jetbrains.com/youtrack/buy/) * https://github.com - In addition to its git storage facility, github offers basic issue tracking * https://asana.com - Free for private project with collaborators. * http://www.acunote.com/ - Free project management and SCRUM software for up to 5 team members. * http://gliffy.com/ - Online diagrams: flowchart, UML, wireframe... Also Plugins for Jira & Confluence. 5 diagrams and 2 MB free. * https://cacoo.com/ - Online diagrams in real time: flowchart, UML, network. Free max. 15 users/diagram, 25 sheets. ## Storage and Media Processing * https://www.aerofs.com/ - P2P file syncing, free for up to 30 users * http://cloudinary.com - Image upload, powerful manipulations, storage, and delivery for sites and apps, with libraries for Ruby, Python, Java, PHP, Objective-C and more. Perpetual free tier includes 7500 images/month, 2gb storage, 5gb bandwidth. * https://plot.ly - graph and share your data. Free tier includes unlimited public files and 10 private files. ## Package Build Systems * https://build.opensuse.org/ - package build service for multiple distros (SUSE, EL, Fedora, Debian etc.) * https://copr.fedoraproject.org/ - mock-based RPM build service for Fedora and EL * https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging - Ubuntu and Debian build service ## IDE and Code Editing * https://c9.io - IDE in a browser. Incorporates an Ubuntu virtual machine and in-browser terminal access. Integrates with github and bitbucket, but also adds SFTP and generic Git access. * https://koding.com - IDE in a browser. Features: Full sudo access - VMs hosted on Amazon EC2 - SSH Access - Real EC2 VM, no LXCs/hypervising - Custom sub-domains - Publicly accessible IP - Ubuntu 14.04 - IDE/Terminal/Collaboration * https://www.nitrous.io - Private Linux instance(s) with interactive collaboration {[More Details](http://goo.gl/J1Zbsg)} * http://visualstudio.com/free - Fully-featured IDE with thousands of extensions, cross-platform app development (Microsoft extensions available for download for iOS and Android), desktop, web and cloud development, multi-language support (C#, C++, JavaScript, Python, PHP and more). * https://wakatime.com - quantified self metrics about your coding activity, using text editor plugins - Limited plan for free. * https://codenvy.com/ - IDE in a browser, collaborative, git integration, build and run your app in customizable Docker-based runners (free 512Mb RAM to distribute between you runners), pre-integrated deploy to Google Apps. * https://apiary.io/ - Collaborative design API with instant API mock and generated documentation (Free for unlimited API blueprints and unlimited user with one admin account and hosted documentation) * https://www.jetbrains.com/ruby/ - RubyMine IDE primarily used for Ruby/RoR Projects. Free license for students, teachers, open source projects, and user groups. ## Analytics, Events and Statistics * https://www.librato.com/ - Event/Data collection service with analysis and graphs. Limited plan for free. * https://google.com/analytics/ - Google Analytics * http://sematext.com/search-analytics - Free for up to 50K actions/month, 1 day data retention, unlimited dashboards, users, etc. * https://usabilityhub.com - Test designs and mockups on real people, track visitors. Free for one user, unlimited tests. ## Other Packs * https://education.github.com/pack - As long as you're a student at a recognized university ## Docker Related ### Alternate container hosting * https://quay.io/ - Unlimited free public containers ## Vagrant Related ### Vagrant box indexes * https://atlas.hashicorp.com/boxes/search - HashiCorp's index of boxes * http://vagrantbox.es - An alternative public box index ## Data mining * http://www.monkeylearn.com/ - Text mining in the cloud, 1,000 queries for free per month.