# free-for-dev Developers and Open Source authors now have a massive amount of services offering free tiers but it can be hard to find them all in order to make informed decisions. This then is a list of software, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS etc offerings that have free tiers for devs. You can help by sending Pull Requests to add more services. Once I have a good set of link in this README file I'll look into a better layout for the information and links, help with that appreciated too. If you're not inclined to make PRs you can tweet me at ```@ripienaar``` ## Source Code Repos * https://bitbucket.org/ - Unlimited public and private git repos for small teams * https://github.com – Free for an unlimited number of public repositories * https://about.gitlab.com/ - Unlimited public and private git repos with unlimited collaborators ## Tools for teams & Collaboration * https://www.flowdock.com/ - Chat and inbox, free for teams of 5 or less * https://slack.com - Free for unlimited users with some feature limitations * https://hipchat.com - Free for unlimited users with some feature limitations * https://gitter.im - "Chat, for GitHub". Free for public rooms. ## Code Quality * https://landscape.io/ - Code Quality for Python projects, free for Open Source * https://codeclimate.com/ - Automated code review, free for Open Source * http://www.sonarqube.org/ - Static code analysis, code coverage, technical debt management * https://houndci.com/ - Comments on github commits about code quality - free for open source * https://coveralls.io/ - Display test coverage reports - free for open source * https://scrutinizer-ci.com/ - Continuous inspection platform - free for open source ## CI / CD * https://codeship.com/ - 100 private builds / month, 5 private projects. Unlimited for Open Source * https://circleci.com – free for one concurrent build * https://travis-ci.org – free for public Github repositories. * https://wercker.com/ - free for public and private repositories * https://drone.io/ - CI platform that includes browser testing, free for Open Source ## Security and PKI * https://www.globalsign.com/en/ssl/ssl-open-source/ - Free SSL certs for Open Source projects ## Management Systems * https://opbeat.com/ - release, deploy, monitor. Free for 3 users ## Log Management * https://papertrailapp.com/ - 48 hours search, 7 day archive, 100MB/month * https://logentries.com/ - Free up to 5GB/month with 7 day retention * https://www.loggly.com/ - Free for a single user, see the ```lite``` option ## Monitoring * https://www.datadoghq.com/ - Free for up to 5 nodes * http://www.stackdriver.com/ - Free for up to 10 nodes/services * http://newrelic.com/ - Free with 24 hour data retention * https://nodequery.com/ - Free basic server monitor up to 10 servers * https://www.pingdom.com/free/ - 1 site free * https://www.opsgenie.com/ - Alert management with mobile push. 600 free alerts for 2 users a month * https://www.runscope.com/ - Monitor and log API usage. Single user 10,000 request/month free * http://www.circonus.com/ - Free for 20 metrics * https://uptimerobot.com/ - Website monitoring, 50 monitors free * https://www.statuscake.com/ - Website monitoring, unlimited tests free with limitations * http://www.boundary.com/ - Free 1 second resolution for up to 10 servers * https://ghostinspector.com/ - Free website and web application monitoring. Single user, 100 test runs per month * http://java-monitor.com/ - Free monitoring of JVM's and uptime ## Crash / Exception handling * https://rollbar.com/ - Exception and error monitoring, free for prototypes and personal projects * https://bugsnag.com/ - Free for up to 2000 errors a month after the initial trial * https://airbrake.io/ - Free for 1 project, 1 user, 2 errors per minute, 2 day retention ## Search * https://swiftype.com – hosted search solution (API and crawler). Free for a single search engine with up to 1000 documents. Free upgrade to Premuim level for open-source projects. ## Email * http://www.mailgun.com/ - First 10 000 emails are free * http://mailchimp.com/ - Send 12,000 emails to 2,000 subscribers for free * http://sendgrid.com/ - 400 emails per day for free * http://mandrill.com/ - First 12,000 emails are free * https://www.phplist.com/ - Hosted version allow 300 mails per months for free * https://www.mailjet.com/ - 6000 mails per months for free ## CDN and Protection * http://www.cloudflare.com/ - Basic service is free, good for a blog etc * http://www.bootstrapcdn.com/ - CDN for bootstrap, bootswatch and font awesome ## PaaS * http://aws.amazon.com/free/ - AWS Free Tier - free for 12 months * https://cloud.google.com/compute/ - Google Cloud Platform gives $300 over 60 days * https://www.engineyard.com - Engine Yard provides 500 free hours * http://azure.microsoft.com/ - MS Azure gives $200 worth of free usage for a trial * https://appharbor.com/ - A .Net PaaS that provides 1 free worker * https://www.heroku.com/ - Host your apps in the cloud, free for single process apps * https://bluemix.net/ - IBM PaaS with a monthly free allowance * https://www.openshift.com/ - RedHat OpenShift offers 3 free hosted apps * https://bitnami.com/ - One free small app ## IaaS * https://exoscale.ch/ - Free resources for Open Source projects * https://mongolab.com/ - Free 500MB MongoDB * https://cloudant.com/ - Hosted database from IBM, free if usage is below $50/month * https://developer.rackspace.com/ - Rackspace Cloud gives $50/month for 12 months ## SSO and other Authentication Systems * https://auth0.com/ - hosted free for development SSO * https://getclef.com/ - new take on auth unlimited free tier for anyone not using premium features ## Issue tracking etc * https://www.atlassian.com/opensource/overview - Free Jira etc for Open Source projects ## Storage * https://www.aerofs.com/ - behind-the-firewall dropbox, free for 30 users ## Media services / Image processing * http://cloudinary.com - Image upload, powerful manipulations, storage, and delivery for sites and apps, with libraries for Ruby, Python, Java, PHP, Objective-C and more. Perpetual free tier includes 7500 images/month, 2gb storage, 5gb bandwidth. ## Docker Related ### Alternate container hosting * https://quay.io/ - unlimited free public containers