You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

368 lines
8.9 KiB

'use strict';
8 years ago
const EventEmitter = require('events');
const http = require('http');
const https = require('https');
const PassThrough = require('stream').PassThrough;
const urlLib = require('url');
const querystring = require('querystring');
const duplexer3 = require('duplexer3');
const isStream = require('is-stream');
const getStream = require('get-stream');
const timedOut = require('timed-out');
const urlParseLax = require('url-parse-lax');
const lowercaseKeys = require('lowercase-keys');
const isRedirect = require('is-redirect');
const unzipResponse = require('unzip-response');
const createErrorClass = require('create-error-class');
const isRetryAllowed = require('is-retry-allowed');
const Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer;
8 years ago
const pkg = require('./package');
function requestAsEventEmitter(opts) {
opts = opts || {};
const ee = new EventEmitter();
const requestUrl = opts.href || urlLib.resolve(urlLib.format(opts), opts.path);
let redirectCount = 0;
let retryCount = 0;
let redirectUrl;
10 years ago
const get = opts => {
const fn = opts.protocol === 'https:' ? https : http;
const req = fn.request(opts, res => {
const statusCode = res.statusCode;
if (isRedirect(statusCode) && opts.followRedirect && 'location' in res.headers && (opts.method === 'GET' || opts.method === 'HEAD')) {
11 years ago
if (++redirectCount > 10) {
ee.emit('error', new got.MaxRedirectsError(statusCode, opts), null, res);
11 years ago
const bufferString = Buffer.from(res.headers.location, 'binary').toString();
redirectUrl = urlLib.resolve(urlLib.format(opts), bufferString);
const redirectOpts = Object.assign({}, opts, urlLib.parse(redirectUrl));
ee.emit('redirect', res, redirectOpts);
9 years ago
11 years ago
9 years ago
setImmediate(() => {
const response = typeof unzipResponse === 'function' && req.method !== 'HEAD' ? unzipResponse(res) : res;
response.url = redirectUrl || requestUrl;
response.requestUrl = requestUrl;
ee.emit('response', response);
req.once('error', err => {
const backoff = opts.retries(++retryCount, err);
if (backoff) {
setTimeout(get, backoff, opts);
ee.emit('error', new got.RequestError(err, opts));
if (opts.gotTimeout) {
timedOut(req, opts.gotTimeout);
8 years ago
setImmediate(() => {
ee.emit('request', req);
return ee;
function asPromise(opts) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const ee = requestAsEventEmitter(opts);
10 years ago
ee.on('request', req => {
if (isStream(opts.body)) {
opts.body = undefined;
ee.on('response', res => {
const stream = opts.encoding === null ? getStream.buffer(res) : getStream(res, opts);
.catch(err => reject(new got.ReadError(err, opts)))
.then(data => {
const statusCode = res.statusCode;
const limitStatusCode = opts.followRedirect ? 299 : 399;
res.body = data;
if (opts.json && res.body) {
try {
res.body = JSON.parse(res.body);
} catch (e) {
throw new got.ParseError(e, statusCode, opts, data);
if (statusCode !== 304 && (statusCode < 200 || statusCode > limitStatusCode)) {
throw new got.HTTPError(statusCode, opts);
.catch(err => {
Object.defineProperty(err, 'response', {value: res});
ee.on('error', reject);
function asStream(opts) {
const input = new PassThrough();
const output = new PassThrough();
const proxy = duplexer3(input, output);
if (opts.json) {
throw new Error('got can not be used as stream when options.json is used');
if (opts.body) {
proxy.write = () => {
throw new Error('got\'s stream is not writable when options.body is used');
const ee = requestAsEventEmitter(opts);
ee.on('request', req => {
proxy.emit('request', req);
if (isStream(opts.body)) {
10 years ago
if (opts.body) {
if (opts.method === 'POST' || opts.method === 'PUT' || opts.method === 'PATCH') {
ee.on('response', res => {
const statusCode = res.statusCode;
if (statusCode !== 304 && (statusCode < 200 || statusCode > 299)) {
proxy.emit('error', new got.HTTPError(statusCode, opts), null, res);
proxy.emit('response', res);
11 years ago
ee.on('redirect', proxy.emit.bind(proxy, 'redirect'));
ee.on('error', proxy.emit.bind(proxy, 'error'));
return proxy;
function normalizeArguments(url, opts) {
if (typeof url !== 'string' && typeof url !== 'object') {
throw new TypeError(`Parameter \`url\` must be a string or object, not ${typeof url}`);
if (typeof url === 'string') {
url = url.replace(/^unix:/, 'http://$&');
url = urlParseLax(url);
if (url.auth) {
throw new Error('Basic authentication must be done with auth option');
opts = Object.assign(
protocol: 'http:',
path: '',
retries: 5
opts.headers = Object.assign({
'user-agent': `${}/${pkg.version} (`,
'accept-encoding': 'gzip,deflate'
}, lowercaseKeys(opts.headers));
const query = opts.query;
9 years ago
if (query) {
if (typeof query !== 'string') {
opts.query = querystring.stringify(query);
opts.path = `${opts.path.split('?')[0]}?${opts.query}`;
delete opts.query;
if (opts.json && opts.headers.accept === undefined) {
opts.headers.accept = 'application/json';
let body = opts.body;
9 years ago
if (body) {
if (typeof body !== 'string' && !(body !== null && typeof body === 'object')) {
throw new Error('options.body must be a ReadableStream, string, Buffer or plain Object');
opts.method = opts.method || 'POST';
if (isStream(body) && typeof body.getBoundary === 'function') {
// Special case for
opts.headers['content-type'] = opts.headers['content-type'] || `multipart/form-data; boundary=${body.getBoundary()}`;
} else if (body !== null && typeof body === 'object' && !Buffer.isBuffer(body) && !isStream(body)) {
opts.headers['content-type'] = opts.headers['content-type'] || 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
body = querystring.stringify(body);
opts.body = body;
if (opts.headers['content-length'] === undefined && opts.headers['transfer-encoding'] === undefined && !isStream(body)) {
const length = typeof body === 'string' ? Buffer.byteLength(body) : body.length;
opts.headers['content-length'] = length;
9 years ago
opts.method = (opts.method || 'GET').toUpperCase();
if (opts.hostname === 'unix') {
const matches = /(.+):(.+)/.exec(opts.path);
if (matches) {
opts.socketPath = matches[1];
opts.path = matches[2]; = null;
if (typeof opts.retries !== 'function') {
const retries = opts.retries;
9 years ago
8 years ago
opts.retries = (iter, err) => {
if (iter > retries || !isRetryAllowed(err)) {
return 0;
const noise = Math.random() * 100;
9 years ago
return ((1 << iter) * 1000) + noise;
if (opts.followRedirect === undefined) {
opts.followRedirect = true;
if (opts.timeout) {
opts.gotTimeout = opts.timeout;
delete opts.timeout;
return opts;
function got(url, opts) {
try {
return asPromise(normalizeArguments(url, opts));
} catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(err);
const helpers = [
helpers.forEach(el => {
got[el] = (url, opts) => got(url, Object.assign({}, opts, {method: el}));
8 years ago = (url, opts) => asStream(normalizeArguments(url, opts));
8 years ago
for (const el of helpers) {
8 years ago[el] = (url, opts) =>, Object.assign({}, opts, {method: el}));
8 years ago
function stdError(error, opts) {
if (error.code !== undefined) {
this.code = error.code;
Object.assign(this, {
message: error.message,
hostname: opts.hostname,
method: opts.method,
path: opts.path,
protocol: opts.protocol,
url: opts.href
got.RequestError = createErrorClass('RequestError', stdError);
got.ReadError = createErrorClass('ReadError', stdError);
got.ParseError = createErrorClass('ParseError', function (e, statusCode, opts, data) {, e, opts);
this.statusCode = statusCode;
this.statusMessage = http.STATUS_CODES[this.statusCode];
this.message = `${e.message} in "${urlLib.format(opts)}": \n${data.slice(0, 77)}...`;
got.HTTPError = createErrorClass('HTTPError', function (statusCode, opts) {, {}, opts);
this.statusCode = statusCode;
this.statusMessage = http.STATUS_CODES[this.statusCode];
this.message = `Response code ${this.statusCode} (${this.statusMessage})`;
got.MaxRedirectsError = createErrorClass('MaxRedirectsError', function (statusCode, opts) {, {}, opts);
this.statusCode = statusCode;
this.statusMessage = http.STATUS_CODES[this.statusCode];
this.message = 'Redirected 10 times. Aborting.';
module.exports = got;