import test from 'ava';
import got from '../';
import {createServer} from './_server';
const s = createServer();
s.on('/', (req, res) => {
res.statusCode = 404;
s.on('/test', (req, res) => {
s.on('/?test=wow', (req, res) => {
test.before('arguments - setup', t => {
s.listen(s.port, () => t.end());
test('arguments - url argument is required', async t => {
try {
await got();
t.fail('Exception is not thrown');
} catch (err) {
t.regexTest(/Parameter `url` must be a string or object, not undefined/, err.message);
test('arguments - accepts url.parse object as first argument', async t => {
t.is((await got({hostname: s.host, port: s.port, path: '/test'})).body, '/test');
test('arguments - overrides querystring from opts', async t => {
t.is((await got(`${s.url}/?test=doge`, {query: {test: 'wow'}})).body, '/?test=wow');
test('arguments - should throw with auth in url', async t => {
try {
await got(`https://test:45d3ps453@account.myservice.com/api/token`);
t.fail('Exception is not thrown');
} catch (err) {
t.regexTest(/Basic authentication must be done with auth option/, err.message);
test.after('arguments - cleanup', t => {