import {Agent as HttpAgent} from 'http'; import {Agent as HttpsAgent} from 'https'; import test from 'ava'; import pem from 'pem'; import pify from 'pify'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import got from '..'; import {createServer, createSSLServer} from './helpers/server'; let http; let https; const pemP = pify(pem, Promise); test.before('setup', async () => { const caKeys = await pemP.createCertificate({ days: 1, selfSigned: true }); const caRootKey = caKeys.serviceKey; const caRootCert = caKeys.certificate; const keys = await pemP.createCertificate({ serviceCertificate: caRootCert, serviceKey: caRootKey, serial:, days: 500, country: '', state: '', locality: '', organization: '', organizationUnit: '', commonName: '' }); const key = keys.clientKey; const cert = keys.certificate; https = await createSSLServer({key, cert}); // eslint-disable-line object-property-newline http = await createServer(); // HTTPS Handlers https.on('/', (req, res) => { res.end('https'); }); https.on('/httpsToHttp', (req, res) => { res.writeHead(302, { location: http.url }); res.end(); }); // HTTP Handlers http.on('/', (req, res) => { res.end('http'); }); http.on('/httpToHttps', (req, res) => { res.writeHead(302, { location: https.url }); res.end(); }); await http.listen(http.port); await https.listen(https.port); }); const createAgentSpy = Cls => { const agent = new Cls({keepAlive: true}); const spy = sinon.spy(agent, 'addRequest'); return {agent, spy}; }; test('non-object agent option works with http', async t => { const {agent, spy} = createAgentSpy(HttpAgent); t.truthy((await got(`${http.url}/`, { rejectUnauthorized: false, agent })).body); t.true(spy.calledOnce); // Make sure to close all open sockets agent.destroy(); }); test('non-object agent option works with https', async t => { const {agent, spy} = createAgentSpy(HttpsAgent); t.truthy((await got(`${https.url}/`, { rejectUnauthorized: false, agent })).body); t.true(spy.calledOnce); // Make sure to close all open sockets agent.destroy(); }); test('redirects from http to https work with an agent object', async t => { const {agent: httpAgent, spy: httpSpy} = createAgentSpy(HttpAgent); const {agent: httpsAgent, spy: httpsSpy} = createAgentSpy(HttpsAgent); t.truthy((await got(`${http.url}/httpToHttps`, { rejectUnauthorized: false, agent: { http: httpAgent, https: httpsAgent } })).body); t.true(httpSpy.calledOnce); t.true(httpsSpy.calledOnce); // Make sure to close all open sockets httpAgent.destroy(); httpsAgent.destroy(); }); test('redirects from https to http work with an agent object', async t => { const {agent: httpAgent, spy: httpSpy} = createAgentSpy(HttpAgent); const {agent: httpsAgent, spy: httpsSpy} = createAgentSpy(HttpsAgent); t.truthy((await got(`${https.url}/httpsToHttp`, { rejectUnauthorized: false, agent: { http: httpAgent, https: httpsAgent } })).body); t.true(httpSpy.calledOnce); t.true(httpsSpy.calledOnce); // Make sure to close all open sockets httpAgent.destroy(); httpsAgent.destroy(); }); test('socket connect listener cleaned up after request', async t => { const {agent} = createAgentSpy(HttpsAgent); await got(`${https.url}`, { rejectUnauthorized: false, agent }); Object.keys(agent.freeSockets).forEach(k => agent.freeSockets[k] .forEach(sock =>'connect'), 0))); // Make sure to close all open sockets agent.destroy(); }); test.after('cleanup', async () => { await http.close(); await https.close(); });