'use strict'; var http = require('http'); var https = require('https'); var urlLib = require('url'); var zlib = require('zlib'); var duplexify = require('duplexify'); var assign = require('object-assign'); var read = require('read-all-stream'); var timeout = require('timed-out'); function got(url, opts, cb) { if (typeof opts === 'function') { // if `cb` has been specified but `opts` has not cb = opts; opts = {}; } else if (!opts) { // opts has not been specified opts = {}; } // extract own options var encoding = opts.encoding; delete opts.encoding; var body = opts.body; delete opts.body; if (body) { opts.method = opts.method || 'POST'; } // returns a proxy stream to the response // if no callback has been provided var proxy; if (!cb) { proxy = duplexify(); // forward errors on the stream cb = function (err) { proxy.emit('error', err); }; } // merge additional headers opts.headers = assign({ 'user-agent': 'https://github.com/sindresorhus/got', 'accept-encoding': 'gzip,deflate' }, opts.headers || {}); var redirectCount = 0; var get = function (url, opts, cb) { var parsedUrl = urlLib.parse(url); var fn = parsedUrl.protocol === 'https:' ? https : http; var arg = assign({}, parsedUrl, opts); var req = fn.request(arg, function (response) { var statusCode = response.statusCode; var res = response; // redirect if (statusCode < 400 && statusCode >= 300 && res.headers.location) { if (++redirectCount > 10) { cb(new Error('Redirected 10 times. Aborting.'), undefined, res); return; } get(urlLib.resolve(url, res.headers.location), opts, cb); return; } if (['gzip', 'deflate'].indexOf(res.headers['content-encoding']) !== -1) { var unzip = zlib.createUnzip(); res.pipe(unzip); res = unzip; } if (statusCode < 200 || statusCode > 299) { read(res, encoding, function (error, data) { var err = error || new Error('Couldn\'t connect to ' + url + '.'); err.code = statusCode; cb(err, data, response); }); return; } // pipe the response to the proxy if in proxy mode if (proxy) { proxy.setReadable(res); return; } read(res, encoding, cb, response); }).once('error', cb); if (opts.timeout) { timeout(req, opts.timeout); } if (!proxy) { req.end(body); return; } if (body) { proxy.write = function () { throw new Error('got\'s stream is not writable when options.body is used'); }; req.end(body); return; } if (opts.method === 'POST' || opts.method === 'PUT') { proxy.setWritable(req); return; } req.end(); }; get(url, opts, cb); return proxy; } [ 'get', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'head', 'delete' ].forEach(function (el) { got[el] = function (url, opts, cb) { opts = opts || {}; opts.method = el.toUpperCase(); return got(url, opts, cb); }; }); module.exports = got;