import stream from 'stream'; import test from 'ava'; import getStream from 'get-stream'; import PCancelable from 'p-cancelable'; import got from '..'; import {createServer} from './helpers/server'; const Readable = stream.Readable; async function createAbortServer() { const s = await createServer(); const aborted = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { s.on('/abort', (req, res) => { req.on('aborted', resolve); res.on('finish', reject.bind(null, new Error('Request finished instead of aborting.'))); getStream(req).then(() => { res.end(); }); }); }); await s.listen(s.port); return { aborted, url: `${s.url}/abort` }; } test('cancel in-progress request', async t => { const helper = await createAbortServer(); const body = new Readable({ read() {} }); body.push('1'); const p = got(helper.url, {body}); // Wait for the stream to be established before canceling setTimeout(() => { p.cancel(); body.push(null); }, 100); await t.throws(p, PCancelable.CancelError); await t.notThrows(helper.aborted, 'Request finished instead of aborting.'); }); test('cancel in-progress request with timeout', async t => { const helper = await createAbortServer(); const body = new Readable({ read() {} }); body.push('1'); const p = got(helper.url, {body, timeout: 10000}); // Wait for the stream to be established before canceling setTimeout(() => { p.cancel(); body.push(null); }, 100); await t.throws(p, PCancelable.CancelError); await t.notThrows(helper.aborted, 'Request finished instead of aborting.'); }); test('cancel immediately', async t => { const s = await createServer(); const aborted = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // We won't get an abort or even a connection // We assume no request within 1000ms equals a (client side) aborted request s.on('/abort', (req, res) => { res.on('finish', reject.bind(this, new Error('Request finished instead of aborting.'))); res.end(); }); setTimeout(resolve, 1000); }); await s.listen(s.port); const p = got(`${s.url}/abort`); p.cancel(); await t.throws(p); await t.notThrows(aborted, 'Request finished instead of aborting.'); });