/**/ import test from 'ava'; import intoStream from 'into-stream'; import got from '../'; import {createServer} from './_server'; let s; test.before('setup', async t => { s = await createServer(); s.on('/', (req, res) => { res.setHeader('method', req.method); req.pipe(res); }); s.on('/headers', (req, res) => { res.end(JSON.stringify(req.headers)); }); s.on('/empty', (req, res) => { res.end(); }); await s.listen(s.port); }); test('GET can have body', async t => { const {body, headers} = await got.get(s.url, {body: 'hi'}); t.is(body, 'hi'); t.is(headers.method, 'GET'); }); test('sends strings', async t => { const {body} = await got(s.url, {body: 'wow'}); t.is(body, 'wow'); }); test('sends Buffers', async t => { const {body} = await got(s.url, {body: new Buffer('wow')}); t.is(body, 'wow'); }); test('sends Streams', async t => { const {body} = await got(s.url, {body: intoStream(['wow'])}); t.is(body, 'wow'); }); test('works with empty post response', async t => { const {body} = await got(`${s.url}/empty`, {body: 'wow'}); t.is(body, ''); }); test('content-length header with string body', async t => { const {body} = await got(`${s.url}/headers`, {body: 'wow', json: true}); t.is(body['content-length'], '3'); }); test('content-length header with Buffer body', async t => { const {body} = await got(`${s.url}/headers`, {body: new Buffer('wow'), json: true}); t.is(body['content-length'], '3'); }); test('content-length header with Stream body', async t => { const {body} = await got(`${s.url}/headers`, {body: intoStream(['wow']), json: true}); t.is(body['content-length'], undefined); }); test('content-length header is not overriden', async t => { const {body} = await got(`${s.url}/headers`, { body: 'wow', json: true, headers: { 'content-length': '10' } }); t.is(body['content-length'], '10'); }); test('content-length header disabled for chunked transfer-encoding', async t => { const {body} = await got(`${s.url}/headers`, { body: '3\r\nwow\r\n0\r\n', json: true, headers: { 'transfer-encoding': 'chunked' } }); t.is(body['content-length'], undefined); }); test('object in options.body treated as querystring', async t => { const {body} = await got(s.url, { body: { such: 'wow' } }); t.is(body, 'such=wow'); }); test('content-type header is not overriden when object in options.body', async t => { const {body} = await got(`${s.url}/headers`, { headers: { 'content-type': 'doge' }, body: { such: 'wow' }, json: true }); t.is(body['content-type'], 'doge'); }); test.after('cleanup', async t => { await s.close(); });