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import test from 'ava';
import pem from 'pem';
import pify from 'pify';
import got from '../';
import {createSSLServer, portSSL} from './_server';
let s;
let key;
let cert;
let caRootKey;
let caRootCert;
let pemify = pify.all(pem);
test.before('https - create root pem', async t => {
const keys = await pemify.createCertificate({days: 1, selfSigned: true});
caRootKey = keys.serviceKey;
caRootCert = keys.certificate;
test.before('https - create pem', async t => {
const keys = await pemify.createCertificate({
serviceCertificate: caRootCert,
serviceKey: caRootKey,
days: 500,
country: '',
state: '',
locality: '',
organization: '',
organizationUnit: '',
commonName: ''
key = keys.clientKey;
cert = keys.certificate;
test.before('https - setup', t => {
s = createSSLServer(portSSL + 1, {key, cert});
s.on('/', (req, res) => res.end('ok'));
s.listen(s.port, () => t.end());
test('https - redirects from http to https works', async t => {
t.ok((await got('')).body);
test('https - make request to https server', async t => {
t.ok((await got('', {strictSSL: true})).body);
test('https - make request to https server with ca', async t => {
const {body} = await got(s.url, {
strictSSL: true,
ca: caRootCert,
headers: {host: ''}
});, 'ok');
test.after('https - cleanup', t => {