cask 'pycharm-ce-eap' do
version '2016.1.3'
sha256 '3da97fd5b103d602fafd433549d43a6a6503ce9cfeb6be34da8ffe26a6eb0267'
url "https://download.jetbrains.com/python/pycharm-community-#{version}.dmg"
name 'PyCharm Community Edition'
homepage 'https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/PYH/JetBrains+PyCharm+Preview+(EAP)'
license :apache
conflicts_with cask: 'pycharm-ce'
app 'PyCharm CE.app'
uninstall delete: '/usr/local/bin/charm'
zap delete: [
# TODO: expand/glob for '~/Library/Preferences/jetbrains.pycharm.*.plist',
"~/Library/Application Support/PyCharm#{version.major_minor}",
# remove this when this cask is updated to an EAP release
caveats <<-EOS.undent
There is currently no EAP preview release. Instead, the latest stable
version will be installed.
To receive future EAP releases via the IDE's built-in update system, go to
Preferences > Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Updates
and select the Early Access Program channel.