if ! run command -v gpg2 &>/dev/null;then run brew unlink gnupg && run brew install gpg2;fi# After El Capitan is no longer needed, this can likely be removed
if ! run command -v gpg2 &>/dev/null;then run brew unlink gnupg && run brew install gpg2;fi# REMOVE AFTER EL CAPITAN IS NO LONGER NEEDED
run gpg2 --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 # Required by RVM: https://rvm.io/rvm/security
run gpg2 --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 # Required by RVM: https://rvm.io/rvm/security
run rvm get stable # Required due to Travis bug: https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/6307#issuecomment-233315824
run rvm get stable # Required due to Travis bug: https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/6307#issuecomment-233315824