Browse Source
this is a first draft of an idea i've had kicking around for awhile pushing out some code so i can get a conversation started
14 changed files with 608 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
class Alfred < Cask |
url '' |
homepage '' |
version '1.1_189' |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
class Dropbox < Cask |
url '' |
homepage '' |
version '1.2.52' |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
class GoogleChrome < Cask |
url '' |
homepage '' |
version '17.0.963.56' |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
class KeepassX < Cask |
url '' |
homepage '' |
version '0.4.3' |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
class NvAlt < Cask |
url '' |
homepage '' |
version '2.1' |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ |
# "To install, drag this icon..." no more! |
Let's see if we can get the elegance, simplicity, and speed of Homebrew for the |
installation and management GUI Mac applications like Google Chrome and Adium. |
`brew-cask` provides a friendly homebrew-style CLI workflow for the |
administration of Mac applications distributed as binaries. |
It's implemented as a `homebrew` "[external |
command](" called |
`cask`. |
# Let's try it! |
## Install and set up brew-cask |
This is still a little ornery. You'll probably want to also see "Known |
Ugliness" below. |
# be sure you have Homebrew installed first |
$ git clone |
$ ln -s brew-cask/bin/brew-cask.rb ~/bin # or anywhere in your $PATH |
$ ln -s brew-cask/Casks /usr/local/Library/ |
## Now let's install something |
Let's see if there's a Cask for Chrome: |
$ brew cask search chrome |
google-chrome |
Cool, there it is. Let's install it. |
$ brew cask install google-chrome |
Downloading... |
Success! google-chrome installed to /usr/local/Cellar/google-chrome/17.0.963.56 |
Now we have `Google` in our Cellar, let's get it linked somewhere useful: |
$ brew cask linkapps |
/Users/phinze/Applications/Google -> /usr/local/Cellar/google-chrome/17.0.963.56/Google |
And there we have it. Google Chrome installed with a few quick commands; no clicking, no dragging, no dropping. |
open "~/Applications/Google" |
# What is a Cask? |
A `Cask` is like a `Formula` in Homebrew except it describes how to download |
and install a binary application. |
Casks have two important fields: |
* __url__: (required) points to binary distribution of the application |
* __version__: (required) describes the version of the application available at the URL |
# What Casks are available? |
Just run `brew cask search` with no arguments to get a list. |
Here's the current list: |
<pre> |
alfred |
dropbox |
google-chrome |
keepass-x |
nv-alt |
</pre> |
# What's the status of this project? Where's it headed? |
It's really just a start at this point, but it works, and I've got big plans! |
`brew-cask` currently understands how to install `dmg` and `zip` files that |
contain a `app` file. I'd like to extend it to be able to handle `pkg` files |
as well as the numerous other permutations of compression and distribution in |
the wild (`app` inside `dmg` inside `zip`; folder inside `dmg`; etc.). |
I plan to use the `Cask` model to allow per-project customization of behavior, |
like Homebrew does with `Formula`. This would allow weirdo applications like |
Eclipse ("really you want me to drag that whole folder to `Applications`?") to |
contain their complexity. |
Each Cask will then encapsulate and automate the story of how a given |
application should be installed. If all goes well - I'm hoping to build up a |
community-maintained collection of Casks that becomes the standard way that |
hackers install Mac apps. |
# Known Ugliness |
The interactions with Old Uncle Homebrew are a little funky at this point. I'm |
still playing with sharing Homebrew's Cellar (which we do in the current |
implementation). This means that `cask` applications show up in regular old |
`brew list`, and can be `unlink`ed and `uninstall`ed by `brew`. But `cask` |
apps are not regular formula, so they won't show up in `brew search` and `brew |
info` will not return anything for you. |
So there's some coolness out of playing in @mxcl's playground, but also some |
confusing behavior. We'll see how it plays out. |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
$LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path('../../lib', |
require 'cask' |
Cask::CLI.process(ARGV) |
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ |
require 'download_strategy' |
require 'plist/parser' |
require 'uri' |
HOME_APPS ="~/Applications")) |
class Cask; end |
require 'cask/cli' |
require 'cask/cli/install' |
require 'cask/cli/linkapps' |
require 'cask/cli/list' |
require 'cask/cli/search' |
require 'plist/parser' |
class Cask |
def self.path |
HOMEBREW_PREFIX.join("Library", "Casks") |
end |
def self.cellarpath |
end |
def self.all |
cask_titles =$/).map { |p| p.to_s.split('.').first } |
||| { |c| self.load(c) } |
end |
def self.init |
path.mkpath |
HOME_APPS.mkpath |
end |
def self.homepage(homepage=nil) |
@homepage ||= homepage |
end |
def homepage; self.class.homepage; end |
def self.installed |
||| |
end |
def self.load(cask_title) |
require path.join(cask_title) |
const_get(cask_title.split('-').map(&:capitalize).join).new |
end |
def self.title |
|||[a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1-\2').downcase |
end |
def self.url(url=nil) |
@url ||= URI.parse(url) |
end |
def url; self.class.url; end |
attr_reader :title |
def initialize(title=self.class.title) |
@title = title |
end |
def self.version(version=nil) |
@version ||= version |
end |
def version; self.class.version; end |
# def version |
# |
# end |
VALID_SUFFIXES = ['dmg', 'pkg', 'app'] |
def destination_path |
HOMEBREW_CELLAR.join(self.title).join(self.version) |
end |
def install |
downloader =, self.title, self.version, {}) |
downloaded_path = downloader.fetch |
FileUtils.mkdir_p destination_path |
_with_extracted_mountpoints(downloaded_path) do |mountpoint| |
puts `ditto #{mountpoint} #{destination_path}` |
end |
puts "Success! #{self} installed to #{destination_path}" |
end |
def linkapps |
||| { |f| f.basename.to_s =~ /.app$/ }.each do |app| |
symlink_destination = HOME_APPS.join(app.basename) |
symlink_target = destination_path.join(app) |
if || symlink_destination.file? |
puts "#{symlink_destination} already exists and is not a symlink, not linking #{self}" |
elsif symlink_destination.symlink? |
puts "#{symlink_destination} exists but is symlink; removing and relinking" |
puts "#{symlink_destination} -> #{symlink_target}" |
symlink_destination.delete |
symlink_destination.make_symlink(symlink_destination) |
else |
puts "#{symlink_destination} -> #{symlink_target}" |
symlink_destination.make_symlink(symlink_destination) |
end |
end |
end |
def installed? |
return false unless destination_path.exist? |
destination_path.entries.any? do |f| |
f.basename.to_s =~ /.app$/ |
end |
end |
def _with_extracted_mountpoints(path) |
if _dmg?(path) |
||| do |dmg| |
xml_str = `hdiutil mount -plist -nobrowse -readonly -noidme -mountrandom /tmp #{dmg.path}` |
hdiutil_info = Plist::parse_xml(xml_str) |
raise"No disk entities returned by mount at #{dmg.path}") unless hdiutil_info.has_key?("system-entities") |
mounts = hdiutil_info["system-entities"].collect { |entity| |
entity["mount-point"] |
}.compact |
begin |
mounts.each do |mountpoint| |
yield |
end |
ensure |
mounts.each do |mountpoint| |
`hdiutil eject #{mountpoint}` |
end |
end |
end |
elsif _zip?(path) |
destdir = "/tmp/brewcask_#{@title}_extracted" |
`mkdir -p #{destdir}` |
`unzip -d '#{destdir}' '#{path}'` |
begin |
yield destdir |
ensure |
`rm -rf '#{destdir}'` |
end |
else |
raise "uh oh, could not identify type of #{path}" |
end |
end |
def _dmg?(path) |
output = `hdiutil imageinfo #{path} 2>/dev/null` |
output != '' |
end |
def _zip?(path) |
output = `file -Izb #{path}` |
output.chomp == 'application/x-empty compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary; charset=binary' |
end |
def to_s |
@title |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ |
class Cask::CLI |
def self.commands |
Cask::CLI.constants - ["NullCommand"] |
end |
def self.lookup_command(command) |
if command && Cask::CLI.const_defined?(command.capitalize) |
Cask::CLI.const_get(command.capitalize) |
else |
||| |
end |
end |
def self.process(arguments) |
Cask.init |
command, *rest = *arguments |
lookup_command(command).run(*rest) |
end |
class NullCommand |
def initialize(attempted_name) |
@attempted_name = attempted_name |
end |
def run(*args) |
purpose |
if @attempted_name |
puts "!! " |
puts "!! no command with name: #{@attempted_name}" |
puts "!! " |
end |
usage |
end |
def purpose |
puts <<-PURPOSE.gsub(/^ {6}/, '') |
{{ brew-cask }} |
brew-cask provides a friendly homebrew-style CLI workflow for the |
administration Mac applications distributed as binaries |
end |
def usage |
puts "available commands: " |
puts {|c| " - #{c.downcase}: #{_help_for(c)}"}.join("\n") |
end |
def _help_for(command) |
Cask::CLI.lookup_command(command).help |
end |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
class Cask::CLI::Install |
def*arguments) |
cask_name, *rest = *arguments |
cask = Cask.load(cask_name) |
cask.install |
end |
def |
"installs the cask of the given name" |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
class Cask::CLI::Linkapps |
def*arguments) |
||| |
end |
def |
"makes a symlink from all cask-installed .app files into ~/Applications" |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
class Cask::CLI::List |
def*arguments) |
puts"\n") |
end |
def |
"lists installed casks" |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
class Cask::CLI::Search |
def*arguments) |
search_term, *rest = *arguments |
puts{search_term}/).join("\n") |
end |
def |
"searches all known casks" |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ |
# |
# = plist |
# |
# Copyright 2006-2010 Ben Bleything and Patrick May |
# Distributed under the MIT License |
# |
# Plist parses Mac OS X xml property list files into ruby data structures. |
# |
# === Load a plist file |
# This is the main point of the library: |
# |
# r = Plist::parse_xml( filename_or_xml ) |
module Plist |
# Note that I don't use these two elements much: |
# |
# + Date elements are returned as DateTime objects. |
# + Data elements are implemented as Tempfiles |
# |
# Plist::parse_xml will blow up if it encounters a data element. |
# If you encounter such an error, or if you have a Date element which |
# can't be parsed into a Time object, please send your plist file to |
# so that I can implement the proper support. |
def Plist::parse_xml( filename_or_xml ) |
listener = |
#parser =, listener) |
parser =, listener) |
parser.parse |
listener.result |
end |
class Listener |
#include REXML::StreamListener |
attr_accessor :result, :open |
def initialize |
@result = nil |
@open = |
end |
def tag_start(name, attributes) |
@open.push PTag::mappings[name].new |
end |
def text( contents ) |
@open.last.text = contents if @open.last |
end |
def tag_end(name) |
last = @open.pop |
if @open.empty? |
@result = last.to_ruby |
else |
@open.last.children.push last |
end |
end |
end |
class StreamParser |
def initialize( plist_data_or_file, listener ) |
if plist_data_or_file.respond_to? :read |
@xml = |
elsif File.exists? plist_data_or_file |
@xml = plist_data_or_file ) |
else |
@xml = plist_data_or_file |
end |
@listener = listener |
end |
TEXT = /([^<]+)/ |
XMLDECL_PATTERN = /<\?xml\s+(.*?)\?>*/um |
DOCTYPE_PATTERN = /\s*<!DOCTYPE\s+(.*?)(\[|>)/um |
COMMENT_START = /\A<!--/u |
COMMENT_END = /.*?-->/um |
def parse |
plist_tags = PTag::mappings.keys.join('|') |
start_tag = /<(#{plist_tags})([^>]*)>/i |
end_tag = /<\/(#{plist_tags})[^>]*>/i |
require 'strscan' |
@scanner = @xml ) |
until @scanner.eos? |
if @scanner.scan(COMMENT_START) |
@scanner.scan(COMMENT_END) |
elsif @scanner.scan(XMLDECL_PATTERN) |
elsif @scanner.scan(DOCTYPE_PATTERN) |
elsif @scanner.scan(start_tag) |
@listener.tag_start(@scanner[1], nil) |
if (@scanner[2] =~ /\/$/) |
@listener.tag_end(@scanner[1]) |
end |
elsif @scanner.scan(TEXT) |
@listener.text(@scanner[1]) |
elsif @scanner.scan(end_tag) |
@listener.tag_end(@scanner[1]) |
else |
raise "Unimplemented element" |
end |
end |
end |
end |
class PTag |
@@mappings = { } |
def PTag::mappings |
@@mappings |
end |
def PTag::inherited( sub_class ) |
key = sub_class.to_s.downcase |
key.gsub!(/^plist::/, '' ) |
key.gsub!(/^p/, '') unless key == "plist" |
@@mappings[key] = sub_class |
end |
attr_accessor :text, :children |
def initialize |
@children = |
end |
def to_ruby |
raise "Unimplemented: " + self.class.to_s + "#to_ruby on #{self.inspect}" |
end |
end |
class PList < PTag |
def to_ruby |
children.first.to_ruby if children.first |
end |
end |
class PDict < PTag |
def to_ruby |
dict = |
key = nil |
children.each do |c| |
if key.nil? |
key = c.to_ruby |
else |
dict[key] = c.to_ruby |
key = nil |
end |
end |
dict |
end |
end |
require 'cgi' |
class PKey < PTag |
def to_ruby |
CGI::unescapeHTML(text || '') |
end |
end |
class PString < PTag |
def to_ruby |
CGI::unescapeHTML(text || '') |
end |
end |
class PArray < PTag |
def to_ruby |
children.collect do |c| |
c.to_ruby |
end |
end |
end |
class PInteger < PTag |
def to_ruby |
text.to_i |
end |
end |
class PTrue < PTag |
def to_ruby |
true |
end |
end |
class PFalse < PTag |
def to_ruby |
false |
end |
end |
class PReal < PTag |
def to_ruby |
text.to_f |
end |
end |
require 'date' |
class PDate < PTag |
def to_ruby |
DateTime.parse(text) |
end |
end |
require 'base64' |
class PData < PTag |
def to_ruby |
data = Base64.decode64(text.gsub(/\s+/, '')) |
begin |
return Marshal.load(data) |
rescue Exception => e |
io = |
io.write data |
io.rewind |
return io |
end |
end |
end |
end |
Reference in new issue