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* Update intellij-idea-eap to 162.917.19 * Remove conflicts_with stanza from intellij-idea-eap There is no conflict between intellij-idea-eap and intellij-idea. * Add major_minor to intellij-idea-eap version This also fixes issues with broken zap stanza. * Update intellij-idea-ce-eap to 162.917.19 * Add major_minor to version of intellij-idea-ce-eap This fixes issues with broken zap stanza. * Remove conflicts_with stanza from intellij-idea-ce and intellij-idea-ce-eap There is no conflict between intellij-idea-ce and intellij-idea-ce-eap.master
Maciej Matys
9 years ago
committed by
Vítor Galvão
3 changed files with 6 additions and 12 deletions
Reference in new issue