IntelliJ offers a version with a bundled JDK for it to run when one is not present, or there is no java version installed (as with yosemite not having a jdk)
In order to scan from the ScanSnap S300M (and some other models), you need to download the Scansnap Manager V22L11 and then install the V22L16 update.
There is a currently a problem, where uninstalling either cask will actually uninstall both, because it is impossible to just uninstall the update or the original without uninstalling the other. I am not sure what the best thing to do in this case is.
In reality you never want to install V22L11 without installing V22L16 after, but I made to formulas because this is the easiest way to achieve this and was reccomended when I asked how to install two package for one formula (caskroom/homebrew-cask#6788
Updating Android Studio to RC4 and removing the postflight section.
As of version RC3 ( the user can export which JDK he wants Android Studio to use. The postflight section was changing the Info.plist therefore causing trouble for Android Studio to auto update. So, now that we have way to change the JDK without changing the Info.plist, we should use it.
“Kepler” being the release name used by the Eclipse project.
Avoids conflict with the latest version available as `eclipse-jee` in
the main repository.