require 'optparse' require 'shellwords' class Cask::CLI def self.commands Cask::CLI.constants - ["NullCommand"] end def self.lookup_command(command) if command && Cask::CLI.const_defined?(command.capitalize) Cask::CLI.const_get(command.capitalize) else end end def self.process(arguments) Cask.init command, *rest = *arguments rest = process_options(rest) lookup_command(command).run(*rest) end def self.nice_listing(cask_list) casks = {} cask_list.each { |c| repo, name = c.split "/" casks[name] ||= [] casks[name].push repo } list = [] casks.each { |name,repos| if repos.length == 1 list.push name else repos.each { |r| list.push [r,name].join "/" } end } list.sort end def self.process_options(args) allrgs = Shellwords.shellsplit(ENV['HOMEBREW_CASK_OPTS'] || "") + args do |opts| opts.on("--appdir=MANDATORY") do |v| Cask.appdir = File.expand_path(v) end end.parse!(allrgs) return allrgs end class NullCommand def initialize(attempted_name) @attempted_name = attempted_name end def run(*args) purpose if @attempted_name and @attempted_name != "help" puts "!! " puts "!! no command with name: #{@attempted_name}" puts "!! " end usage end def purpose puts <<-PURPOSE.undent {{ brew-cask }} brew-cask provides a friendly homebrew-style CLI workflow for the administration Mac applications distributed as binaries PURPOSE end def usage puts "available commands: " puts {|c| " - #{c.downcase}: #{_help_for(c)}"}.join("\n") end def _help_for(command) Cask::CLI.lookup_command(command).help end end end