require 'open3' class Cask::Fetcher TIMEOUT = 10 def self.head(url) if url.to_s =~ /googlecode/ googlecode_fake_head(url) else `curl --max-time #{TIMEOUT} --silent --location --head '#{url}'` end end # google code does not properly respond to HTTP HEAD requests, like a jerk # this fakes a HEAD by doing a GET, taking the first 20 lines, then running away def self.googlecode_fake_head(url) command = "curl --max-time #{TIMEOUT} --verbose --location '#{url}' | head -n 20 > /dev/null" stderr = Open3.popen3(command) { |_, _, err, _| } stderr.split("\n").grep(/^< /).map { |line| line.sub(/^< /, '') }.join("\n") end end