cask 'macvim-kaoriya' do if MacOS.release <= :lion version '7.4.22-20130911' sha256 'd9fc6e38de1852e4ef79e9ea78afa60e606bf45066cff031e349d65748cbfbce' else version '7.4.1089-20160113' sha256 '20166576636226e06a9db34c95e173b3dee4eb112a71ba78841199800aaa6ad0' end url "{version.sub(%r{.*-},'')}/MacVim-KaoriYa-#{version.sub(%r{.*-},'')}.dmg" appcast '', :checkpoint => '9dce7acfd14df2099803a0059688656fd5f779bd4b480e506f9230b117174f89' name 'MacVim KaoriYa' homepage '' license :oss app '' depends_on :macos => '>= :lion' mvim = '' executables = %w[macvim-askpass mvim mvimdiff mview mvimex gvim gvimdiff gview gvimex] executables += %w[vi vim vimdiff view vimex] if ARGV.include? '--override-system-vim' executables.each { |e| binary mvim, :target => e } zap :delete => [ '~/Library/Preferences/org.vim.MacVim.LSSharedFileList.plist', '~/Library/Preferences/org.vim.MacVim.plist', ] postflight do system 'ruby', '-i.bak', '-pe', %q[sub %r[`dirname "\$0"`(?=(?:/\.\.){3})], '$(cd $(dirname $(readlink $0 || echo $0));pwd)'], staged_path.join(mvim) end caveats do files_in_usr_local <<-EOS.undent Note that homebrew also provides a compiled macvim Formula that links its binary to /usr/local/bin/mvim. And the Cask MacVim also does. It's not recommended to install both the Cask MacVim KaoriYa and the Cask MacVim and the Formula of MacVim. This cask installs symlinks in /usr/local/bin that target to the binary Below is the list. macvim-askpass / mvim / mvimdiff / mview / mvimex / gvim / gvimdiff / gview / gvimex With --override-system-vim option, you can have more symlinks to use macvim-kaoriya instead of the system vim. vi / vim / vimdiff / view / vimex EOS end end