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25 lines
1005 B
cask 'intellij-idea20161' do
version '2016.1.4,145.2070'
sha256 'c6ed2455cfeeb542c646e6a3d639d32e85ebe8ead87a0f3744dfa3c0a920e2f9'
url "{version.before_comma}.dmg"
name 'IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate'
homepage ''
auto_updates true
app 'IntelliJ'
uninstall_postflight do
ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).map { |path| File.join(path, 'idea') }.each { |path| File.delete(path) if File.exist?(path) }
zap delete: [
"~/Library/Application Support/IntelliJIdea#{version.major_minor}",
'~/Library/Saved Application State/com.jetbrains.intellij.savedState',