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cask 'jabref-beta' do
version '4.0-beta3'
sha256 '9c95ddb95164073a4e66a52c69fd0994bb99b390285160f204d6799ed1d431a5'
# was verified as official when first introduced to the cask
url "{version}/JabRef_macos_#{version.dots_to_underscores}.dmg"
appcast '',
checkpoint: 'f69c0b2f44afba77f0e6202faa841622e16b229aa3a8492013ffc67d6c916f37'
name 'JabRef Beta'
homepage ''
conflicts_with cask: 'jabref'
installer script: {
executable: 'JabRef',
args: [
uninstall delete: '/Applications/'