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cask 'pycharm-ce-eap' do
version '2017.1,171.3780.111'
sha256 'f5a43260b2cd7a770bf725ac38ac99d36407437566ac40a4921e23ab92c853b9'
url "{version.after_comma}.dmg"
name 'Jetbrains PyCharm Community Edition EAP'
name 'PyCharm CE EAP'
homepage ''
conflicts_with cask: 'pycharm-ce'
app "PyCharm CE #{version.before_comma}"
uninstall_postflight do
ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).map { |path| File.join(path, 'charm') }.each { |path| File.delete(path) if File.exist?(path) }
zap delete: [
"~/Library/Application Support/PyCharm#{version.before_comma.major_minor}",