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cask 'dropbox-beta' do
version '17.3.28'
sha256 'ca3bb28124339420a13f4470329ee437a2a8f2fef0091ceb704f3610de96d17d'
# was verified as official when first introduced to the cask
url "{version}.dmg"
appcast '',
checkpoint: '8ff3fbcd6b128f85c7b530010b8b42e24aba486303e976552f0ed975af077abf'
name 'Dropbox'
homepage ''
app ''
uninstall login_item: 'Dropbox'
zap delete: [
'~/Library/Application Scripts/com.getdropbox.dropbox.garcon',
'~/Library/Group Containers/com.getdropbox.dropbox.garcon',