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cask 'docker-edge' do
version '17.07.0-ce-rc2-mac22,18909'
sha256 '39111d82fa90a4102567adac1b62fc811ffdf79f15e856beea1e6d350fe39614'
url "{version.after_comma}/Docker.dmg"
appcast '',
checkpoint: '7cd068249af8f3035a76fa2e9f2a8bd9b647d552d59cd1930443d3e057d2849b'
name 'Docker Community Edition for Mac (Edge)'
homepage ''
auto_updates true
app ''
uninstall delete: '/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.docker.vmnetd',
launchctl: [
quit: 'com.docker.docker'
zap delete: [
'~/Library/Group Containers/',