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cask 'libreoffice-still' do
version '5.2.6'
sha256 '6321c374f38b715338c1113a966ee37010b9e459caa330041b2acd153c6bad15'
# was verified as official when first introduced to the cask
url "{version}/mac/x86_64/LibreOffice_#{version}_MacOS_x86-64.dmg"
name 'LibreOffice Still'
homepage ''
gpg "#{url}.asc", key_id: 'c2839ecad9408fbe9531c3e9f434a1efafeeaea3'
depends_on macos: '>= :mountain_lion'
app ''
binary "#{appdir}/"
binary "#{appdir}/"
binary "#{appdir}/"
binary "#{appdir}/"
binary "#{appdir}/"
binary "#{appdir}/"
binary "#{appdir}/"
binary "#{appdir}/"
binary "#{appdir}/"
binary "#{appdir}/"
# shim script (
shimscript = "#{staged_path}/"
binary shimscript, target: 'soffice'
preflight do
IO.write shimscript, <<-EOS.undent
'#{appdir}/' "$@"
set_permissions shimscript, '+x'
zap delete: [
'~/Library/Application Support/',
'~/Library/Application Support/LibreOffice',