import test from 'ava';
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { exec } from 'child-process-promise';
import htconvert from '../dist/htconvert';
const inputPath = './fixtures/input';
const input = readFileSync(inputPath, 'utf-8');
const output = readFileSync('./fixtures/output', 'utf-8');
test('htconvert should export a function', t => {
t.is(typeof htconvert, 'function');
test('htconvert should match input with output', t => {
t.is(htconvert(input), output);
test('cli input with -f arg', t => {
return exec(`node ../dist/cli.js -f ${inputPath}`).then(result => {
t.is(result.stdout, output+'\n');
test('cli input with --file arg', t => {
return exec(`node ../dist/cli.js --file ${inputPath}`).then(result => {
t.is(result.stdout, output+'\n');
test('cli input from stdin', t => {
return exec(`echo "${input}" | node ../dist/cli.js`).then(result => {
t.is(result.stdout, output+'\n\n');