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use crate::model::WalletInfo;
use crate::wallet::Wallet;
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use bdk::bitcoin::secp256k1::{schnorrsig, SECP256K1};
use bdk::bitcoin::Network;
use clap::Clap;
use futures::StreamExt;
use model::cfd::{Cfd, Order};
use rocket::fairing::AdHoc;
use rocket_db_pools::Database;
use seed::Seed;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::thread::sleep;
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::sync::watch;
use tokio_util::codec::FramedRead;
use tracing_subscriber::filter::LevelFilter;
use wire::TakerToMaker;
use xtra::spawn::TokioGlobalSpawnExt;
use xtra::Actor;
mod actors;
mod bitmex_price_feed;
mod db;
mod keypair;
mod logger;
mod model;
mod monitor;
mod routes;
mod routes_taker;
mod seed;
mod send_to_socket;
mod setup_contract;
mod taker_cfd;
mod to_sse_event;
mod wallet;
mod wallet_sync;
mod wire;
const CONNECTION_RETRY_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(5);
pub struct Db(sqlx::SqlitePool);
struct Opts {
/// The IP address of the taker to connect to.
#[clap(long, default_value = "")]
taker: SocketAddr,
/// The port to listen on for the HTTP API.
#[clap(long, default_value = "8000")]
http_port: u16,
/// URL to the electrum backend to use for the wallet.
#[clap(long, default_value = "ssl://")]
electrum: String,
/// Where to permanently store data, defaults to the current working directory.
data_dir: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Generate a seed file within the data directory.
generate_seed: bool,
/// If enabled logs will be in json format
#[clap(short, long)]
json: bool,
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
let opts = Opts::parse();
logger::init(LevelFilter::DEBUG, opts.json).context("initialize logger")?;
let data_dir = opts
.unwrap_or_else(|| std::env::current_dir().expect("unable to get cwd"));
if !data_dir.exists() {
let seed = Seed::initialize(&data_dir.join("taker_seed"), opts.generate_seed).await?;
let ext_priv_key = seed.derive_extended_priv_key(Network::Testnet)?;
let wallet = Wallet::new(
let wallet_info = wallet.sync().await.unwrap();
let oracle = schnorrsig::KeyPair::new(SECP256K1, &mut rand::thread_rng()); // TODO: Fetch oracle public key from oracle.
let (cfd_feed_sender, cfd_feed_receiver) = watch::channel::<Vec<Cfd>>(vec![]);
let (order_feed_sender, order_feed_receiver) = watch::channel::<Option<Order>>(None);
let (wallet_feed_sender, wallet_feed_receiver) = watch::channel::<WalletInfo>(wallet_info);
let (read, write) = loop {
let socket = tokio::net::TcpSocket::new_v4()?;
if let Ok(connection) = socket.connect(opts.taker).await {
break connection.into_split();
} else {
"Could not connect to the maker, retrying in {}s ...",
let (task, mut quote_updates) = bitmex_price_feed::new().await?;
// dummy usage of quote receiver
tokio::spawn(async move {
loop {
let bitmex_price_feed::Quote { bid, ask, .. } = *quote_updates.borrow();
tracing::info!(%bid, %ask, "BitMex quote updated");
if quote_updates.changed().await.is_err() {
let figment = rocket::Config::figment()
.merge(("databases.taker.url", data_dir.join("taker.sqlite")))
.merge(("port", opts.http_port));
"SQL migrations",
|rocket| async move {
match Db::fetch(&rocket) {
Some(db) => match db::run_migrations(&**db).await {
Ok(_) => Ok(rocket),
Err(_) => Err(rocket),
None => Err(rocket),
"Create actors",
move |rocket| async move {
let db = match Db::fetch(&rocket) {
Some(db) => (**db).clone(),
None => return Err(rocket),
let send_to_maker = send_to_socket::Actor::new(write)
let (monitor_actor_address, monitor_actor_context) = xtra::Context::new(None);
let cfd_actor_inbox = taker_cfd::Actor::new(
schnorrsig::PublicKey::from_keypair(SECP256K1, &oracle),
let read = FramedRead::new(read, wire::JsonCodec::new())
.map(move |item| taker_cfd::MakerStreamMessage { item });
tokio::spawn(wallet_sync::new(wallet, wallet_feed_sender));
Remove hardcoded absolute URLs from the frontend source code Achieving this is rather tricky due to the nature of our multi-page project. We need to solve several problems: 1. We want a single npm project that produces two independent bundles. 2. We want our paths to be relative to the serving URL, that is `localhost:3000` in development and in production, whereever the backend is hosted. 3. We have independent backends, hence requiring different `server.proxy` configurations. We solve (1) by using vite (already prior to this commit). To solve (2), we simply remove all absolute URLs from the code and replace them with absolute paths which will be relative to the serving host. This creates a problem: Prior to this patch, we only have one devServer running that would serve both frontends under a different sub-directory (/maker and /taker). Even though this worked, it was impossible to create a proxy configuration that would: - Forward API requests from `/maker` to `localhost:8001` - Forward API requests from `/taker` to `localhost:8000` Because in both cases, the API requests would simply start with `/api`, making them indistinguishable from each other. To solve this problem, we needed to serve each frontend separately. Doing so would allow us to have dedicated proxy server configurations and forward the requests to `/api` to the correct backend. Unfortunately, the intuitive approach of solving this (have a `maker.html` and `taker.html` file) does not work. With React being a client-side routing framework, full page-reloads would be broken with this approach because they would be looking for an `index.html` file which doesn&#39;t exist. To work around this issue, our final solution is: 1. Use a dynamic ID to reference the desired app from within the `index.html`: `__app__` 2. Use a vite plugin to resolve this ID to the file in question: `maker.tsx` or `taker.tsx` Fixes #6.
3 years ago
rocket::routes![routes_taker::dist, routes_taker::index],
impl xtra::Message for TakerToMaker {
type Result = ();