# Project Hermes
CFD trading on Bitcoin.
Details coming soon.
## Quickstart
All the components can be started at once by running the following script:
Note: Before first run, you need to run `cd frontend; yarn install` command to
ensure that all dependencies get installed.
The script combines the logs from all binaries inside a single terminal so it
might not be ideal for all cases, but it is convenient for quick regression testing.
Pressing `Ctrl + c` once stops all the processes.
The script also enables backtraces by setting `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` env variable.
## Starting the maker and taker daemon
The maker and taker frontend depend on the respective daemon running.
At the moment the maker daemon has to be started first:
cargo run --bin maker
Once the maker is started you can start the taker:
cargo run --bin taker
Upon startup the taker daemon will connect to the (hardcoded) maker and retrieve the current order.
Note: The sqlite databases for maker and taker are currently created in the project root.
## Starting the maker and taker frontend
We use a single react project for hosting both the taker and the maker frontends.
Remove hardcoded absolute URLs from the frontend source code
Achieving this is rather tricky due to the nature of our multi-page
project. We need to solve several problems:
1. We want a single npm project that produces two independent bundles.
2. We want our paths to be relative to the serving URL, that is `localhost:3000`
in development and in production, whereever the backend is hosted.
3. We have independent backends, hence requiring different `server.proxy`
We solve (1) by using vite (already prior to this commit).
To solve (2), we simply remove all absolute URLs from the code and replace
them with absolute paths which will be relative to the serving host.
This creates a problem: Prior to this patch, we only have one devServer running
that would serve both frontends under a different sub-directory (/maker and /taker).
Even though this worked, it was impossible to create a proxy configuration that would:
- Forward API requests from `/maker` to `localhost:8001`
- Forward API requests from `/taker` to `localhost:8000`
Because in both cases, the API requests would simply start with `/api`, making
them indistinguishable from each other.
To solve this problem, we needed to serve each frontend separately. Doing so
would allow us to have dedicated proxy server configurations and forward the
requests to `/api` to the correct backend.
Unfortunately, the intuitive approach of solving this (have a `maker.html` and
`taker.html` file) does not work. With React being a client-side routing framework,
full page-reloads would be broken with this approach because they would be looking
for an `index.html` file which doesn't exist.
To work around this issue, our final solution is:
1. Use a dynamic ID to reference the desired app from within the `index.html`: `__app__`
2. Use a vite plugin to resolve this ID to the file in question: `maker.tsx` or `taker.tsx`
Fixes #6.
4 years ago
However, the development environment still needs to be start twice!
Which frontend to start is configured via the `APP` environment variable.
cd frontend
yarn install
Remove hardcoded absolute URLs from the frontend source code
Achieving this is rather tricky due to the nature of our multi-page
project. We need to solve several problems:
1. We want a single npm project that produces two independent bundles.
2. We want our paths to be relative to the serving URL, that is `localhost:3000`
in development and in production, whereever the backend is hosted.
3. We have independent backends, hence requiring different `server.proxy`
We solve (1) by using vite (already prior to this commit).
To solve (2), we simply remove all absolute URLs from the code and replace
them with absolute paths which will be relative to the serving host.
This creates a problem: Prior to this patch, we only have one devServer running
that would serve both frontends under a different sub-directory (/maker and /taker).
Even though this worked, it was impossible to create a proxy configuration that would:
- Forward API requests from `/maker` to `localhost:8001`
- Forward API requests from `/taker` to `localhost:8000`
Because in both cases, the API requests would simply start with `/api`, making
them indistinguishable from each other.
To solve this problem, we needed to serve each frontend separately. Doing so
would allow us to have dedicated proxy server configurations and forward the
requests to `/api` to the correct backend.
Unfortunately, the intuitive approach of solving this (have a `maker.html` and
`taker.html` file) does not work. With React being a client-side routing framework,
full page-reloads would be broken with this approach because they would be looking
for an `index.html` file which doesn't exist.
To work around this issue, our final solution is:
1. Use a dynamic ID to reference the desired app from within the `index.html`: `__app__`
2. Use a vite plugin to resolve this ID to the file in question: `maker.tsx` or `taker.tsx`
Fixes #6.
4 years ago
APP=taker yarn dev
APP=maker yarn dev
Bundling the web frontend and serving it from the respective daemon is yet to be configured.
At the moment you will need a browser extension to allow CORS headers like `CORS Everywhere` ([Firefox Extension](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/cors-everywhere/)) to use the frontends.
### Linting
To run eslint, use:
cd frontend & & yarn run eslint