use xtra::spawn::TokioGlobalSpawnExt;
use xtra::Actor;
use xtra_productivity::xtra_productivity;
struct DummyActor;
impl xtra::Actor for DummyActor {}
struct DummyMessage;
struct DummyMessageWithContext;
// Dummy actor, xtra::Handler and xtra::Message impls generated by xtra_productivity
impl DummyActor {
pub fn handle_dummy_message(&mut self, message: DummyMessage) -> i32 {
let _ = message.clone();
pub fn handle_dummy_message_with_context(
&mut self,
_message: DummyMessageWithContext,
context: &mut xtra::Context<Self>,
) {
let _ = context.address();
fn is_i32(_: i32) {}
struct DummyMessageWithoutMessageImpl;
#[xtra_productivity(message_impl = false)]
impl DummyActor {
pub fn handle_dummy_message_without_message_impl(
&mut self,
_message: DummyMessageWithoutMessageImpl,
) {
impl xtra::Message for DummyMessageWithoutMessageImpl {
type Result = ();
async fn main() {
// Create dummy actor
let dummy_actor = DummyActor.create(None).spawn_global();
// Send message to dummy actor
let i32 = dummy_actor.send(DummyMessage).await.unwrap();