@ -25,17 +25,29 @@ use sqlx::Sqlite;
use std ::collections ::{ HashMap , HashSet } ;
use time ::Duration ;
use xtra ::prelude ::* ;
use xtra_productivity ::xtra_productivity ;
pub enum CfdAction {
AcceptOrder { order_id : OrderId } ,
RejectOrder { order_id : OrderId } ,
AcceptSettlement { order_id : OrderId } ,
RejectSettlement { order_id : OrderId } ,
AcceptRollOver { order_id : OrderId } ,
RejectRollOver { order_id : OrderId } ,
Commit { order_id : OrderId } ,
pub struct AcceptOrder {
pub order_id : OrderId ,
pub struct RejectOrder {
pub order_id : OrderId ,
pub struct AcceptSettlement {
pub order_id : OrderId ,
pub struct RejectSettlement {
pub order_id : OrderId ,
pub struct AcceptRollOver {
pub order_id : OrderId ,
pub struct RejectRollOver {
pub order_id : OrderId ,
pub struct Commit {
pub order_id : OrderId ,
pub struct NewOrder {
pub price : Price ,
pub min_quantity : Usd ,
@ -65,7 +77,12 @@ pub struct FromTaker {
pub msg : wire ::TakerToMaker ,
pub struct Actor < O , M , T , W > {
pub struct Actor <
O = oracle ::Actor ,
M = monitor ::Actor ,
T = maker_inc_connections ::Actor ,
W = wallet ::Actor ,
> {
db : sqlx ::SqlitePool ,
wallet : Address < W > ,
settlement_interval : Duration ,
@ -301,14 +318,6 @@ impl<O, M, T, W> Actor<O, M, T, W>
W : xtra ::Handler < wallet ::TryBroadcastTransaction > ,
async fn handle_commit ( & mut self , order_id : OrderId ) -> Result < ( ) > {
let mut conn = self . db . acquire ( ) . await ? ;
cfd_actors ::handle_commit ( order_id , & mut conn , & self . wallet , & self . projection_actor )
. await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
async fn handle_monitoring_event ( & mut self , event : monitor ::Event ) -> Result < ( ) > {
let mut conn = self . db . acquire ( ) . await ? ;
cfd_actors ::handle_monitoring_event ( event , & mut conn , & self . wallet , & self . projection_actor )
@ -366,85 +375,20 @@ where
Ok ( ( ) )
async fn handle_accept_settlement ( & mut self , order_id : OrderId ) -> Result < ( ) > {
tracing ::debug ! ( % order_id , "Maker accepts a settlement proposal" ) ;
let taker_id = self . get_taker_id_of_proposal ( & order_id ) ? ;
match self
. takers
. send ( maker_inc_connections ::TakerMessage {
taker_id ,
msg : wire ::MakerToTaker ::ConfirmSettlement ( order_id ) ,
} )
. await ?
Ok ( _ ) = > {
self . current_agreed_proposals
. insert ( order_id , self . get_settlement_proposal ( order_id ) ? ) ;
self . remove_pending_proposal ( & order_id )
. await
. context ( "accepted settlement" ) ? ;
Err ( e ) = > {
tracing ::warn ! ( "Failed to notify taker of accepted settlement: {}" , e ) ;
self . remove_pending_proposal ( & order_id )
. await
. context ( "accepted settlement" ) ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
async fn handle_reject_settlement ( & mut self , order_id : OrderId ) -> Result < ( ) > {
tracing ::debug ! ( % order_id , "Maker rejects a settlement proposal" ) ;
let taker_id = self . get_taker_id_of_proposal ( & order_id ) ? ;
// clean-up state ahead of sending to ensure consistency in case we fail to deliver the
// message
self . remove_pending_proposal ( & order_id )
. await
. context ( "rejected settlement" ) ? ;
self . takers
. send ( maker_inc_connections ::TakerMessage {
taker_id ,
msg : wire ::MakerToTaker ::RejectSettlement ( order_id ) ,
} )
. await ? ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
async fn handle_reject_roll_over ( & mut self , order_id : OrderId ) -> Result < ( ) > {
tracing ::debug ! ( % order_id , "Maker rejects a roll_over proposal" ) ;
// Validate if order is actually being requested to be extended
let ( _ , taker_id ) = match self . current_pending_proposals . get ( & order_id ) {
Some ( (
UpdateCfdProposal ::RollOverProposal {
proposal ,
direction : SettlementKind ::Incoming ,
} ,
taker_id ,
) ) = > ( proposal , * taker_id ) ,
_ = > {
anyhow ::bail ! ( "Order is in invalid state. Ignoring reject roll over request." )
} ;
async fn reject_order (
& mut self ,
taker_id : TakerId ,
mut cfd : Cfd ,
mut conn : PoolConnection < Sqlite > ,
) -> Result < ( ) > {
cfd . state = CfdState ::rejected ( ) ;
// clean-up state ahead of sending to ensure consistency in case we fail to deliver the
// message
self . remove_pending_proposal ( & order_id )
. await
. context ( "rejected roll_over" ) ? ;
append_cfd_state ( & cfd , & mut conn , & self . projection_actor ) . await ? ;
self . takers
. send ( maker_inc_connections ::TakerMessage {
taker_id ,
msg : wire ::MakerToTaker ::RejectRollOver ( order_ id ) ,
msg : wire ::MakerToTaker ::RejectOrder ( cfd . order . id ) ,
} )
. await ? ? ;
@ -529,49 +473,9 @@ where
Ok ( ( ) )
async fn handle_reject_order ( & mut self , order_id : OrderId ) -> Result < ( ) > {
tracing ::debug ! ( % order_id , "Maker rejects an order" ) ;
let mut conn = self . db . acquire ( ) . await ? ;
let cfd = load_cfd_by_order_id ( order_id , & mut conn ) . await ? ;
let taker_id = match cfd {
Cfd {
state : CfdState ::IncomingOrderRequest { taker_id , . . } ,
. .
} = > taker_id ,
_ = > {
anyhow ::bail ! ( "Order is in invalid state. Ignoring trying to accept it." )
} ;
self . reject_order ( taker_id , cfd , conn ) . await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
async fn reject_order (
& mut self ,
taker_id : TakerId ,
mut cfd : Cfd ,
mut conn : PoolConnection < Sqlite > ,
) -> Result < ( ) > {
cfd . state = CfdState ::rejected ( ) ;
append_cfd_state ( & cfd , & mut conn , & self . projection_actor ) . await ? ;
self . takers
. send ( maker_inc_connections ::TakerMessage {
taker_id ,
msg : wire ::MakerToTaker ::RejectOrder ( cfd . order . id ) ,
} )
. await ? ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
#[ xtra_productivity ]
impl < O , M , T , W > Actor < O , M , T , W >
Self : xtra ::Handler < CfdSetupCompleted > ,
@ -581,9 +485,11 @@ where
async fn handle_accept_order (
& mut self ,
order_id : OrderId ,
msg : AcceptOrder ,
ctx : & mut Context < Self > ,
) -> Result < ( ) > {
let AcceptOrder { order_id } = msg ;
if let SetupState ::Active { . . } = self . setup_state {
anyhow ::bail ! ( "Already setting up a contract!" )
@ -674,81 +580,141 @@ where
#[ xtra_productivity ]
impl < O , M , T , W > Actor < O , M , T , W >
O : xtra ::Handler < oracle ::MonitorAttestation > ,
M : xtra ::Handler < monitor ::StartMonitoring > ,
W : xtra ::Handler < wallet ::TryBroadcastTransaction > ,
T : xtra ::Handler < maker_inc_connections ::TakerMessage > ,
async fn handle_cfd_setup_completed (
& mut self ,
order_id : OrderId ,
dlc : Result < Dlc > ,
) -> Result < ( ) > {
self . setup_state = SetupState ::None ;
async fn handle_reject_order ( & mut self , msg : RejectOrder ) -> Result < ( ) > {
let RejectOrder { order_id } = msg ;
tracing ::debug ! ( % order_id , "Maker rejects an order" ) ;
let mut conn = self . db . acquire ( ) . await ? ;
let mut cfd = load_cfd_by_order_id ( order_id , & mut conn ) . await ? ;
let cfd = load_cfd_by_order_id ( order_id , & mut conn ) . await ? ;
let dlc = match dlc {
Ok ( dlc ) = > dlc ,
Err ( e ) = > {
cfd . state = CfdState ::SetupFailed {
common : CfdStateCommon ::default ( ) ,
info : e . to_string ( ) ,
} ;
let taker_id = match cfd {
Cfd {
state : CfdState ::IncomingOrderRequest { taker_id , . . } ,
. .
} = > taker_id ,
_ = > {
anyhow ::bail ! ( "Order is in invalid state. Ignoring trying to accept it." )
} ;
append_cfd_state ( & cfd , & mut conn , & self . projection_actor ) . await ? ;
self . reject_order ( taker_id , cfd , conn ) . await ? ;
return Err ( e ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
async fn handle_accept_settlement ( & mut self , msg : AcceptSettlement ) -> Result < ( ) > {
let AcceptSettlement { order_id } = msg ;
tracing ::debug ! ( % order_id , "Maker accepts a settlement proposal" ) ;
let taker_id = self . get_taker_id_of_proposal ( & order_id ) ? ;
match self
. takers
. send ( maker_inc_connections ::TakerMessage {
taker_id ,
msg : wire ::MakerToTaker ::ConfirmSettlement ( order_id ) ,
} )
. await ?
Ok ( _ ) = > {
self . current_agreed_proposals
. insert ( order_id , self . get_settlement_proposal ( order_id ) ? ) ;
self . remove_pending_proposal ( & order_id )
. await
. context ( "accepted settlement" ) ? ;
} ;
Err ( e ) = > {
tracing ::warn ! ( "Failed to notify taker of accepted settlement: {}" , e ) ;
self . remove_pending_proposal ( & order_id )
. await
. context ( "accepted settlement" ) ? ;
cfd . state = CfdState ::PendingOpen {
common : CfdStateCommon ::default ( ) ,
dlc : dlc . clone ( ) ,
attestation : None ,
} ;
Ok ( ( ) )
append_cfd_state ( & cfd , & mut conn , & self . projection_actor ) . await ? ;
async fn handle_reject_settlement ( & mut self , msg : RejectSettlement ) -> Result < ( ) > {
let RejectSettlement { order_id } = msg ;
let txid = self
. wallet
. send ( wallet ::TryBroadcastTransaction {
tx : dlc . lock . 0. clone ( ) ,
tracing ::debug ! ( % order_id , "Maker rejects a settlement proposal" ) ;
let taker_id = self . get_taker_id_of_proposal ( & order_id ) ? ;
// clean-up state ahead of sending to ensure consistency in case we fail to deliver the
// message
self . remove_pending_proposal ( & order_id )
. await
. context ( "rejected settlement" ) ? ;
self . takers
. send ( maker_inc_connections ::TakerMessage {
taker_id ,
msg : wire ::MakerToTaker ::RejectSettlement ( order_id ) ,
} )
. await ? ? ;
tracing ::info ! ( "Lock transaction published with txid {}" , txid ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
self . monitor_actor
. send ( monitor ::StartMonitoring {
id : order_id ,
params : MonitorParams ::new ( dlc . clone ( ) , cfd . refund_timelock_in_blocks ( ) ) ,
} )
. await ? ;
async fn handle_reject_roll_over ( & mut self , msg : RejectRollOver ) -> Result < ( ) > {
let RejectRollOver { order_id } = msg ;
self . oracle_actor
. send ( oracle ::MonitorAttestation {
event_id : dlc . settlement_event_id ,
tracing ::debug ! ( % order_id , "Maker rejects a roll_over proposal" ) ;
// Validate if order is actually being requested to be extended
let ( _ , taker_id ) = match self . current_pending_proposals . get ( & order_id ) {
Some ( (
UpdateCfdProposal ::RollOverProposal {
proposal ,
direction : SettlementKind ::Incoming ,
} ,
taker_id ,
) ) = > ( proposal , * taker_id ) ,
_ = > {
anyhow ::bail ! ( "Order is in invalid state. Ignoring reject roll over request." )
} ;
// clean-up state ahead of sending to ensure consistency in case we fail to deliver the
// message
self . remove_pending_proposal ( & order_id )
. await
. context ( "rejected roll_over" ) ? ;
self . takers
. send ( maker_inc_connections ::TakerMessage {
taker_id ,
msg : wire ::MakerToTaker ::RejectRollOver ( order_id ) ,
} )
. await ? ;
. await ? ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
#[ xtra_productivity ]
impl < O , M , T , W > Actor < O , M , T , W >
Self : xtra ::Handler < CfdRollOverCompleted > ,
O : xtra ::Handler < oracle ::MonitorAttestation > + xtra ::Handler < oracle ::GetAnnouncement > ,
T : xtra ::Handler < maker_inc_connections ::TakerMessage > ,
W : xtra ::Handler < wallet ::Sign > + xtra ::Handler < wallet ::BuildPartyParams > ,
async fn handle_accept_roll_over (
& mut self ,
order_id : OrderId ,
msg : AcceptRollOver ,
ctx : & mut Context < Self > ,
) -> Result < ( ) > {
let AcceptRollOver { order_id } = msg ;
tracing ::debug ! ( % order_id , "Maker accepts a roll_over proposal" ) ;
let mut conn = self . db . acquire ( ) . await ? ;
@ -836,6 +802,86 @@ where
#[ xtra_productivity ]
impl < O , M , T , W > Actor < O , M , T , W >
W : xtra ::Handler < wallet ::TryBroadcastTransaction > ,
async fn handle_commit ( & mut self , msg : Commit ) -> Result < ( ) > {
let Commit { order_id } = msg ;
let mut conn = self . db . acquire ( ) . await ? ;
cfd_actors ::handle_commit ( order_id , & mut conn , & self . wallet , & self . projection_actor )
. await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
impl < O , M , T , W > Actor < O , M , T , W >
O : xtra ::Handler < oracle ::MonitorAttestation > ,
M : xtra ::Handler < monitor ::StartMonitoring > ,
W : xtra ::Handler < wallet ::TryBroadcastTransaction > ,
async fn handle_cfd_setup_completed (
& mut self ,
order_id : OrderId ,
dlc : Result < Dlc > ,
) -> Result < ( ) > {
self . setup_state = SetupState ::None ;
let mut conn = self . db . acquire ( ) . await ? ;
let mut cfd = load_cfd_by_order_id ( order_id , & mut conn ) . await ? ;
let dlc = match dlc {
Ok ( dlc ) = > dlc ,
Err ( e ) = > {
cfd . state = CfdState ::SetupFailed {
common : CfdStateCommon ::default ( ) ,
info : e . to_string ( ) ,
} ;
append_cfd_state ( & cfd , & mut conn , & self . projection_actor ) . await ? ;
return Err ( e ) ;
} ;
cfd . state = CfdState ::PendingOpen {
common : CfdStateCommon ::default ( ) ,
dlc : dlc . clone ( ) ,
attestation : None ,
} ;
append_cfd_state ( & cfd , & mut conn , & self . projection_actor ) . await ? ;
let txid = self
. wallet
. send ( wallet ::TryBroadcastTransaction {
tx : dlc . lock . 0. clone ( ) ,
} )
. await ? ? ;
tracing ::info ! ( "Lock transaction published with txid {}" , txid ) ;
self . monitor_actor
. send ( monitor ::StartMonitoring {
id : order_id ,
params : MonitorParams ::new ( dlc . clone ( ) , cfd . refund_timelock_in_blocks ( ) ) ,
} )
. await ? ;
self . oracle_actor
. send ( oracle ::MonitorAttestation {
event_id : dlc . settlement_event_id ,
} )
. await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
impl < O , M , T , W > Actor < O , M , T , W >
M : xtra ::Handler < monitor ::StartMonitoring > ,
@ -947,34 +993,6 @@ where
#[ async_trait ]
impl < O : 'static , M : 'static , T : 'static , W : 'static > Handler < CfdAction > for Actor < O , M , T , W >
Self : xtra ::Handler < CfdSetupCompleted > + xtra ::Handler < CfdRollOverCompleted > ,
O : xtra ::Handler < oracle ::MonitorAttestation > + xtra ::Handler < oracle ::GetAnnouncement > ,
T : xtra ::Handler < maker_inc_connections ::TakerMessage >
+ xtra ::Handler < maker_inc_connections ::BroadcastOrder > ,
W : xtra ::Handler < wallet ::Sign >
+ xtra ::Handler < wallet ::BuildPartyParams >
+ xtra ::Handler < wallet ::TryBroadcastTransaction > ,
async fn handle ( & mut self , msg : CfdAction , ctx : & mut Context < Self > ) -> Result < ( ) > {
use CfdAction ::* ;
if let Err ( e ) = match msg {
AcceptOrder { order_id } = > self . handle_accept_order ( order_id , ctx ) . await ,
RejectOrder { order_id } = > self . handle_reject_order ( order_id ) . await ,
AcceptSettlement { order_id } = > self . handle_accept_settlement ( order_id ) . await ,
RejectSettlement { order_id } = > self . handle_reject_settlement ( order_id ) . await ,
AcceptRollOver { order_id } = > self . handle_accept_roll_over ( order_id , ctx ) . await ,
RejectRollOver { order_id } = > self . handle_reject_roll_over ( order_id ) . await ,
Commit { order_id } = > self . handle_commit ( order_id ) . await ,
} {
anyhow ::bail ! ( "Message handler failed: {:#}" , e ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
#[ async_trait ]
impl < O : 'static , M : 'static , T : 'static , W : 'static > Handler < NewOrder > for Actor < O , M , T , W >
@ -1168,10 +1186,6 @@ impl Message for CfdRollOverCompleted {
type Result = ( ) ;
impl Message for CfdAction {
type Result = Result < ( ) > ;
impl Message for FromTaker {
type Result = ( ) ;