Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.5 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.5 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 2.6 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.6 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
node_modules |
.DS_Store |
dist-ssr |
*.local |
dist/ |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html lang="en"> |
<head> |
<meta charset="UTF-8" /> |
<link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="/src/logo.svg" /> |
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> |
<title>Itchy Stats</title> |
</head> |
<body> |
<div id="root"></div> |
<script type="module" src="/src/main.tsx"></script> |
</body> |
</html> |
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ |
{ |
"name": "itchysats", |
"version": "0.1.0", |
"scripts": { |
"dev": "vite", |
"build": "vite build", |
"serve": "vite preview", |
"eslint": "eslint src/**/*.{ts,tsx}", |
"tsc": "tsc" |
}, |
"dependencies": { |
"@chakra-ui/icons": "^1.0.16", |
"@chakra-ui/react": "^1.6.10", |
"@emotion/react": "^11", |
"@emotion/styled": "^11", |
"react": "^17.0.2", |
"react-dom": "^17.0.2", |
"@testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.9.0", |
"@testing-library/react": "^10.2.1", |
"@testing-library/user-event": "^12.0.2", |
"@types/jest": "^25.0.0", |
"@types/node": "^12.0.0", |
"@types/react": "^17.0.34", |
"@types/react-dom": "^17.0.11", |
"@types/react-router-dom": "5.3.1", |
"framer-motion": "^4", |
"react-async": "^10.0.1", |
"react-icons": "^3.0.0", |
"react-refresh": "^0.10.0", |
"react-router-dom": "5.3.0", |
"react-scripts": "4.0.3", |
"react-sse-hooks": "^1.0.5", |
"web-vitals": "^0.2.2", |
"@vitejs/plugin-react": "^1.0.0", |
"typescript": "^4.4.4", |
"vite": "^2.6.13" |
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"devDependencies": { |
"@types/eslint": "^7", |
"@types/react": "^17.0.34", |
"@types/react-dom": "^17.0.11", |
"typescript": "^4.4.4", |
"vite": "^2.6.13" |
}, |
"eslintConfig": { |
"parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser", |
"plugins": [ |
"@typescript-eslint" |
], |
"parserOptions": { |
"project": "./tsconfig.json" |
}, |
"extends": [ |
"react-app", |
"react-app/jest" |
], |
"rules": { |
"@typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises": "error", |
"@typescript-eslint/promise-function-async": "error", |
"require-await": "off", |
"@typescript-eslint/require-await": "error", |
"@typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define": "off", |
"@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars": "error", |
"react-hooks/exhaustive-deps": "error" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ |
import { Box, StackDivider, useToast, VStack } from "@chakra-ui/react"; |
import * as React from "react"; |
import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; |
import { useAsync } from "react-async"; |
import { Route, Switch } from "react-router-dom"; |
import { useEventSource } from "react-sse-hooks"; |
import History from "./components/History"; |
import Nav from "./components/NavBar"; |
import Trade from "./components/Trade"; |
import { |
Cfd, |
CfdOrderRequestPayload, |
intoCfd, |
intoOrder, |
MarginRequestPayload, |
MarginResponse, |
Order, |
StateGroupKey, |
WalletInfo, |
} from "./components/Types"; |
import { Wallet } from "./components/Wallet"; |
import useLatestEvent from "./Hooks"; |
async function getMargin(payload: MarginRequestPayload): Promise<MarginResponse> { |
let res = await fetch(`/api/calculate/margin`, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(payload) }); |
if (!res.status.toString().startsWith("2")) { |
throw new Error("failed to create new CFD order request: " + res.status + ", " + res.statusText); |
} |
return res.json(); |
} |
async function postCfdOrderRequest(payload: CfdOrderRequestPayload) { |
let res = await fetch(`/api/cfd/order`, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(payload) }); |
if (!res.status.toString().startsWith("2")) { |
console.log(`Error${JSON.stringify(res)}`); |
throw new Error("failed to create new CFD order request: " + res.status + ", " + res.statusText); |
} |
} |
export const App = () => { |
const toast = useToast(); |
let source = useEventSource({ source: "/api/feed" }); |
const walletInfo = useLatestEvent<WalletInfo>(source, "wallet"); |
const order = useLatestEvent<Order>(source, "order", intoOrder); |
const cfdsOrUndefined = useLatestEvent<Cfd[]>(source, "cfds", intoCfd); |
let cfds = cfdsOrUndefined ? cfdsOrUndefined! : []; |
cfds.sort((a, b) => a.order_id.localeCompare(b.order_id)); |
let [quantity, setQuantity] = useState("0"); |
let [margin, setMargin] = useState("0"); |
let [userHasEdited, setUserHasEdited] = useState(false); |
const { price, min_quantity, max_quantity, leverage, liquidation_price: liquidationPrice } = order || {}; |
let effectiveQuantity = userHasEdited ? quantity : (min_quantity?.toString() || "0"); |
let { run: calculateMargin } = useAsync({ |
deferFn: async ([payload]: any[]) => { |
try { |
let res = await getMargin(payload as MarginRequestPayload); |
setMargin(res.margin.toString()); |
} catch (e) { |
const description = typeof e === "string" ? e : JSON.stringify(e); |
toast({ |
title: "Error", |
description, |
status: "error", |
duration: 9000, |
isClosable: true, |
}); |
} |
}, |
}); |
let { run: makeNewOrderRequest, isLoading: isCreatingNewOrderRequest } = useAsync({ |
deferFn: async ([payload]: any[]) => { |
try { |
await postCfdOrderRequest(payload as CfdOrderRequestPayload); |
} catch (e) { |
console.error(`Error received: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`); |
const description = typeof e === "string" ? e : JSON.stringify(e); |
toast({ |
title: "Error", |
description, |
status: "error", |
duration: 9000, |
isClosable: true, |
}); |
} |
}, |
}); |
useEffect(() => { |
if (!order) { |
return; |
} |
let quantity = effectiveQuantity ? Number.parseFloat(effectiveQuantity) : 0; |
let payload: MarginRequestPayload = { |
leverage: order.leverage, |
price: order.price, |
quantity, |
}; |
calculateMargin(payload); |
}, // Eslint demands us to include `calculateMargin` in the list of dependencies.
// We don't want that as we will end up in an endless loop. It is safe to ignore `calculateMargin` because
// nothing in `calculateMargin` depends on outside values, i.e. is guaranteed to be stable.
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
[margin, effectiveQuantity, order]); |
const format = (val: any) => `$` + val; |
const parse = (val: any) => val.replace(/^\$/, ""); |
return ( |
<> |
<Nav walletInfo={walletInfo} /> |
<Box textAlign="center" padding={3}> |
<Switch> |
<Route path="/"> |
<VStack divider={<StackDivider borderColor="gray.500" />} spacing={4}> |
<Trade |
order_id={order?.id} |
quantity={format(effectiveQuantity)} |
max_quantity={max_quantity || 0} |
min_quantity={min_quantity || 0} |
price={price} |
margin={margin} |
leverage={leverage} |
liquidationPrice={liquidationPrice} |
onQuantityChange={(valueString: string) => { |
setUserHasEdited(true); |
setQuantity(parse(valueString)); |
if (!order) { |
return; |
} |
let quantity = valueString ? Number.parseFloat(valueString) : 0; |
let payload: MarginRequestPayload = { |
leverage: order.leverage, |
price: order.price, |
quantity, |
}; |
calculateMargin(payload); |
}} |
onLongSubmit={makeNewOrderRequest} |
isSubmitting={isCreatingNewOrderRequest} |
/> |
<History |
cfds={cfds.filter((cfd) => cfd.state.getGroup() !== StateGroupKey.CLOSED)} |
title={"Open Positions"} |
/> |
<History |
cfds={cfds.filter((cfd) => cfd.state.getGroup() === StateGroupKey.CLOSED)} |
title={"Closed Positions"} |
/> |
</VStack> |
</Route> |
<Route path="/wallet"> |
<Wallet walletInfo={walletInfo} /> |
</Route> |
</Switch> |
</Box> |
</> |
); |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ |
import { useState } from "react"; |
import { useEventSourceListener } from "react-sse-hooks"; |
export default function useLatestEvent<T>( |
source: EventSource, |
event_name: string, |
mapping: (key: string, value: any) => any = (key, value) => value, |
): T | null { |
const [state, setState] = useState<T | null>(null); |
useEventSourceListener<T | null>( |
{ |
source: source, |
startOnInit: true, |
event: { |
name: event_name, |
listener: ({ event }) => { |
// @ts-ignore - yes, there is a data field on event
setState(JSON.parse(, mapping)); |
}, |
}, |
}, |
[source], |
); |
return state; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ |
import { IconButton, IconButtonProps, useColorMode, useColorModeValue } from "@chakra-ui/react"; |
import * as React from "react"; |
import { FaMoon, FaSun } from "react-icons/fa"; |
type ColorModeSwitcherProps = Omit<IconButtonProps, "aria-label">; |
export const ColorModeSwitcher: React.FC<ColorModeSwitcherProps> = (props) => { |
const { toggleColorMode } = useColorMode(); |
const text = useColorModeValue("dark", "light"); |
const SwitchIcon = useColorModeValue(FaMoon, FaSun); |
return ( |
<IconButton |
size="md" |
fontSize="lg" |
variant="ghost" |
color="current" |
marginLeft="2" |
onClick={toggleColorMode} |
icon={<SwitchIcon />} |
aria-label={`Switch to ${text} mode`} |
{...props} |
/> |
); |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,264 @@ |
import { ExternalLinkIcon, Icon } from "@chakra-ui/icons"; |
import { |
Badge, |
Box, |
Button, |
Center, |
Checkbox, |
Divider, |
GridItem, |
Heading, |
HStack, |
Link, |
Popover, |
PopoverArrow, |
PopoverBody, |
PopoverCloseButton, |
PopoverContent, |
PopoverFooter, |
PopoverHeader, |
PopoverTrigger, |
SimpleGrid, |
Spinner, |
Table, |
Tbody, |
Td, |
Text, |
Tr, |
useColorModeValue, |
useToast, |
VStack, |
} from "@chakra-ui/react"; |
import * as React from "react"; |
import { useAsync } from "react-async"; |
import { Cfd, StateGroupKey, StateKey, Tx, TxLabel } from "./Types"; |
interface HistoryProps { |
cfds: Cfd[]; |
title: string; |
} |
const History = ({ cfds, title }: HistoryProps) => { |
return ( |
<VStack spacing={3}> |
<Heading size={"lg"} padding={2}>{title}</Heading> |
<SimpleGrid |
columns={{ sm: 2, md: 4 }} |
gap={4} |
> |
{ => { |
return (<GridItem rowSpan={1} colSpan={2} key={cfd.order_id}> |
<CfdDetails cfd={cfd} /> |
</GridItem>); |
})} |
</SimpleGrid> |
</VStack> |
); |
}; |
export default History; |
interface CfdDetailsProps { |
cfd: Cfd; |
} |
async function doPostAction(id: string, action: string) { |
await fetch( |
`/api/cfd/${id}/${action}`, |
{ method: "POST", credentials: "include" }, |
); |
} |
const CfdDetails = ({ cfd }: CfdDetailsProps) => { |
const toast = useToast(); |
const initialPrice = `$${cfd.initial_price.toLocaleString()}`; |
const quantity = `$${cfd.quantity_usd}`; |
const margin = `₿${Math.round((cfd.margin) * 1_000_000) / 1_000_000}`; |
const liquidationPrice = `$${cfd.liquidation_price}`; |
const pAndL = Math.round((cfd.profit_btc) * 1_000_000) / 1_000_000; |
const expiry = cfd.expiry_timestamp; |
const profit = Math.round((cfd.margin + cfd.profit_btc) * 1_000_000) / 1_000_000; |
const txLock = cfd.details.tx_url_list.find((tx) => tx.label === TxLabel.Lock); |
const txCommit = cfd.details.tx_url_list.find((tx) => tx.label === TxLabel.Commit); |
const txRefund = cfd.details.tx_url_list.find((tx) => tx.label === TxLabel.Refund); |
const txCet = cfd.details.tx_url_list.find((tx) => tx.label === TxLabel.Cet); |
const txSettled = cfd.details.tx_url_list.find((tx) => tx.label === TxLabel.Collaborative); |
let { run: postAction, isLoading: isActioning } = useAsync({ |
deferFn: async ([orderId, action]: any[]) => { |
try { |
console.log(`Closing: ${orderId} ${action}`); |
await doPostAction(orderId, action); |
} catch (e) { |
const description = typeof e === "string" ? e : JSON.stringify(e); |
toast({ |
title: "Error", |
description, |
status: "error", |
duration: 9000, |
isClosable: true, |
}); |
} |
}, |
}); |
const disableCloseButton = cfd.state.getGroup() === StateGroupKey.CLOSED |
cfd.state.key, |
); |
return ( |
<HStack bg={useColorModeValue("gray.100", "gray.700")} rounded={5}> |
<Center rounded={5} h={"100%"}> |
<Table variant="striped" colorScheme="gray" size="sm"> |
<Tbody> |
<Tr> |
<Td><Text as={"b"}>Quantity</Text></Td> |
<Td>{quantity}</Td> |
</Tr> |
<Tr> |
<Td><Text as={"b"}>Opening price</Text></Td> |
<Td>{initialPrice}</Td> |
</Tr> |
<Tr> |
<Td><Text as={"b"}>Liquidation</Text></Td> |
<Td>{liquidationPrice}</Td> |
</Tr> |
<Tr> |
<Td><Text as={"b"}>Margin</Text></Td> |
<Td>{margin}</Td> |
</Tr> |
<Tr> |
<Td><Text as={"b"}>Unrealized P/L</Text></Td> |
<Td>{pAndL.toString()}</Td> |
</Tr> |
</Tbody> |
</Table> |
</Center> |
<VStack> |
<Badge colorScheme={cfd.state.getColorScheme()}>{cfd.state.getLabel()}</Badge> |
<HStack w={"95%"}> |
<VStack> |
<TxIcon tx={txLock} /> |
<Text>Lock</Text> |
</VStack> |
{txSettled |
? <> |
<Divider variant={txSettled ? "solid" : "dashed"} /> |
<VStack> |
<TxIcon tx={txSettled} /> |
<Text>Payout</Text> |
</VStack> |
</> |
: <> |
<Divider variant={txCommit ? "solid" : "dashed"} /> |
<VStack> |
<TxIcon tx={txCommit} /> |
<Text>Commit</Text> |
</VStack> |
{txRefund |
? <> |
<Divider variant={txRefund ? "solid" : "dashed"} /> |
<VStack> |
<TxIcon tx={txRefund} /> |
<Text>Refund</Text> |
</VStack> |
</> |
: <> |
<Divider variant={txCet ? "solid" : "dashed"} /> |
<VStack> |
<TxIcon tx={txCet} /> |
<Text>Payout</Text> |
</VStack> |
</>} |
</>} |
</HStack> |
<HStack> |
<Box w={"45%"}> |
<Text fontSize={"sm"} align={"left"}> |
At the current rate you would receive <b>₿ {profit}</b> |
</Text> |
</Box> |
<Box w={"45%"}> |
<Popover |
placement="bottom" |
closeOnBlur={true} |
> |
{({ onClose }) => (<> |
<PopoverTrigger> |
<Button colorScheme={"blue"} disabled={disableCloseButton}>Close</Button> |
</PopoverTrigger> |
<PopoverContent color="white" bg="blue.800" borderColor="blue.800"> |
<PopoverHeader pt={4} fontWeight="bold" border="0"> |
Close your position |
</PopoverHeader> |
<PopoverArrow /> |
<PopoverCloseButton /> |
<PopoverBody> |
<Text> |
This will force-close your position if your counterparty cannot be reached. |
The exchange rate at {expiry} |
will determine your profit/losses. It is likely that the rate will change |
until then. |
</Text> |
</PopoverBody> |
<PopoverFooter |
border="0" |
d="flex" |
alignItems="center" |
justifyContent="space-between" |
pb={4} |
> |
<Button |
size="sm" |
colorScheme="red" |
onClick={async () => { |
await postAction(cfd.order_id, "settle"); |
onClose(); |
}} |
isLoading={isActioning} |
> |
Close |
</Button> |
<Checkbox defaultIsChecked>Don't show this again</Checkbox> |
</PopoverFooter> |
</PopoverContent> |
</>)} |
</Popover> |
</Box> |
</HStack> |
</VStack> |
</HStack> |
); |
}; |
const CircleIcon = (props: any) => ( |
<Icon viewBox="0 0 200 200" {...props}> |
<path |
stroke="currentColor" |
fill="transparent" |
d="M 100, 100 m -75, 0 a 75,75 0 1,0 150,0 a 75,75 0 1,0 -150,0" |
/> |
</Icon> |
); |
interface TxIconProps { |
tx?: Tx; |
} |
const TxIcon = ({ tx }: TxIconProps) => { |
const iconColor = useColorModeValue("white.200", "white.600"); |
if (!tx) { |
return (<CircleIcon boxSize={5} color={iconColor} />); |
} else if (tx && !tx.url) { |
return (<Spinner mx="2px" color={iconColor} speed="1.65s" />); |
} else { |
return (<Link href={tx.url!} isExternal> |
<ExternalLinkIcon mx="2px" color={iconColor} /> |
</Link>); |
} |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ |
import { Box, BoxProps } from "@chakra-ui/layout"; |
import { Center, Image, Text, VStack } from "@chakra-ui/react"; |
import { motion } from "framer-motion"; |
import React from "react"; |
import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom"; |
import logo from "../images/logo.svg"; |
const MotionBox = motion<BoxProps>(Box); |
export const Logo = () => { |
const history = useHistory(); |
function handleClick() { |
history.push("/trade"); |
} |
return ( |
<Center> |
<VStack> |
<MotionBox |
height="200px" |
width="200px" |
whileHover={{ scale: 1.2 }} |
whileTap={{ scale: 0.9 }} |
animate={{ |
scale: [1, 1.5, 1.5, 1, 1], |
rotate: [0, 360], |
}} |
onClick={handleClick} |
// @ts-ignore: lint is complaining but should be fine :)
transition={{ |
repeat: 999, |
repeatType: "loop", |
duration: 2, |
}} |
> |
<Image src={logo} width="200px" /> |
</MotionBox> |
<Text>Click to enter</Text> |
</VStack> |
</Center> |
); |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ |
import { HamburgerIcon, MoonIcon, SunIcon } from "@chakra-ui/icons"; |
import { |
Box, |
Button, |
Flex, |
Image, |
Menu, |
MenuButton, |
MenuItem, |
MenuList, |
Stack, |
useColorMode, |
useColorModeValue, |
} from "@chakra-ui/react"; |
import * as React from "react"; |
import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom"; |
import logoBlack from "../images/logo_nav_bar_black.svg"; |
import logoWhite from "../images/logo_nav_bar_white.svg"; |
import { WalletInfo } from "./Types"; |
import { WalletNavBar } from "./Wallet"; |
interface NavProps { |
walletInfo: WalletInfo | null; |
} |
export default function Nav({ walletInfo }: NavProps) { |
const history = useHistory(); |
const { toggleColorMode } = useColorMode(); |
const navBarLog = useColorModeValue( |
<Image src={logoBlack} w="128px" />, |
<Image src={logoWhite} w="128px" />, |
); |
const toggleIcon = useColorModeValue( |
<MoonIcon />, |
<SunIcon />, |
); |
return ( |
<> |
<Box bg={useColorModeValue("gray.100", "gray.900")} px={4}> |
<Flex h={16} alignItems={"center"} justifyContent={"space-between"}> |
<Menu> |
<MenuButton |
as={Button} |
variant={"link"} |
cursor={"pointer"} |
minW={0} |
> |
<HamburgerIcon w={"32px"} /> |
</MenuButton> |
<MenuList alignItems={"center"}> |
<MenuItem onClick={() => history.push("/trade")}>Home</MenuItem> |
<MenuItem onClick={() => history.push("/wallet")}>Wallet</MenuItem> |
<MenuItem>Settings</MenuItem> |
</MenuList> |
</Menu> |
<WalletNavBar walletInfo={walletInfo} /> |
<Flex alignItems={"center"}> |
<Stack direction={"row"} spacing={7}> |
<Button onClick={toggleColorMode} bg={"transparent"}> |
{toggleIcon} |
</Button> |
<Box> |
<Button bg={"transparent"} onClick={() => history.push("/trade")}> |
{navBarLog} |
</Button> |
</Box> |
</Stack> |
</Flex> |
</Flex> |
</Box> |
</> |
); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ |
import { Text } from "@chakra-ui/react"; |
import React from "react"; |
import { unixTimestampToDate } from "./Types"; |
interface Props { |
timestamp: number; |
} |
export default function Timestamp( |
{ |
timestamp, |
}: Props, |
) { |
return ( |
<Text> |
{unixTimestampToDate(timestamp).toLocaleDateString("en-US", { |
year: "numeric", |
month: "numeric", |
day: "numeric", |
hour: "2-digit", |
minute: "2-digit", |
second: "2-digit", |
})} |
</Text> |
); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,294 @@ |
import { BoxProps } from "@chakra-ui/layout"; |
import { |
Box, |
Button, |
ButtonGroup, |
Center, |
Checkbox, |
Circle, |
FormControl, |
FormHelperText, |
FormLabel, |
Grid, |
GridItem, |
HStack, |
Modal, |
ModalBody, |
ModalCloseButton, |
ModalContent, |
ModalFooter, |
ModalHeader, |
ModalOverlay, |
NumberDecrementStepper, |
NumberIncrementStepper, |
NumberInput, |
NumberInputField, |
NumberInputStepper, |
Skeleton, |
Slider, |
SliderFilledTrack, |
SliderThumb, |
SliderTrack, |
Table, |
TableCaption, |
Tbody, |
Td, |
Text, |
Tr, |
useColorModeValue, |
useDisclosure, |
VStack, |
} from "@chakra-ui/react"; |
import { motion } from "framer-motion"; |
import * as React from "react"; |
import { useAsync } from "react-async"; |
import { CfdOrderRequestPayload } from "./Types"; |
const MotionBox = motion<BoxProps>(Box); |
interface TradeProps { |
order_id?: string; |
min_quantity: number; |
max_quantity: number; |
price?: number; |
margin?: string; |
leverage?: number; |
quantity: string; |
liquidationPrice?: number; |
isSubmitting: boolean; |
onQuantityChange: any; |
onLongSubmit: (payload: CfdOrderRequestPayload) => void; |
} |
const Trade = ( |
{ |
min_quantity, |
max_quantity, |
price: priceAsNumber, |
quantity, |
onQuantityChange, |
margin: marginAsNumber, |
leverage, |
liquidationPrice: liquidationPriceAsNumber, |
onLongSubmit, |
order_id, |
}: TradeProps, |
) => { |
let outerCircleBg = useColorModeValue("gray.100", "gray.700"); |
let innerCircleBg = useColorModeValue("gray.200", "gray.600"); |
const price = `$${priceAsNumber?.toLocaleString() || "0.0"}`; |
const liquidationPrice = `$${liquidationPriceAsNumber?.toLocaleString() || "0.0"}`; |
const margin = `₿${marginAsNumber?.toLocaleString() || "0.0"}`; |
const { isOpen, onOpen, onClose } = useDisclosure(); |
let { run: goLong, isLoading: isSubmitting } = useAsync({ |
deferFn: async () => { |
const quantityAsNumber = quantity.replace("$", ""); |
let payload: CfdOrderRequestPayload = { |
order_id: order_id!, |
quantity: Number.parseFloat(quantityAsNumber), |
}; |
await onLongSubmit(payload); |
onClose(); |
}, |
}); |
return ( |
<Center> |
<Grid |
templateRows="repeat(1, 1fr)" |
templateColumns="repeat(1, 1fr)" |
gap={4} |
> |
<GridItem colSpan={1}> |
<Center> |
<MotionBox |
variants={{ |
pulse: { |
scale: [1, 1.05, 1], |
}, |
}} |
// @ts-ignore: lint is complaining but should be fine :)
transition={{ |
// type: "spring",
ease: "linear", |
duration: 2, |
repeat: Infinity, |
}} |
animate={"pulse"} |
> |
<Circle size="256px" bg={outerCircleBg}> |
<Circle size="180px" bg={innerCircleBg}> |
<MotionBox> |
<Skeleton isLoaded={!!price}> |
<Text fontSize={"4xl"} as="b">{price}</Text> |
</Skeleton> |
</MotionBox> |
</Circle> |
</Circle> |
</MotionBox> |
</Center> |
</GridItem> |
<GridItem colSpan={1}> |
<Quantity min={min_quantity} max={max_quantity} quantity={quantity} onChange={onQuantityChange} /> |
</GridItem> |
<GridItem colSpan={1}> |
<Leverage leverage={leverage} /> |
</GridItem> |
<GridItem colSpan={1}> |
<Margin margin={margin} /> |
</GridItem> |
<GridItem colSpan={1}> |
<Liquidation value={liquidationPrice} /> |
</GridItem> |
<GridItem colSpan={1}> |
<Center> |
<ButtonGroup variant="solid" padding="3" spacing="6"> |
<Button colorScheme="red" size="lg" disabled h={16}> |
<VStack> |
<Text as="b">Short</Text> |
<Text fontSize={"sm"}>{quantity.replace("$", "")}@{price}</Text> |
</VStack> |
</Button> |
<Button colorScheme="green" size="lg" onClick={onOpen} h={16}> |
<VStack> |
<Text as="b">Long</Text> |
<Text fontSize={"sm"}>{quantity.replace("$", "")}@{price}</Text> |
</VStack> |
</Button> |
<Modal isOpen={isOpen} onClose={onClose}> |
<ModalOverlay /> |
<ModalContent> |
<ModalHeader>Market buy <b>{quantity}</b> of BTC/USD @ <b>{price}</b></ModalHeader> |
<ModalCloseButton /> |
<ModalBody> |
<Table variant="striped" colorScheme="gray" size="sm"> |
<TableCaption> |
By submitting {margin} will be locked on-chain in a contract. |
</TableCaption> |
<Tbody> |
<Tr> |
<Td><Text as={"b"}>Margin</Text></Td> |
<Td>{margin}</Td> |
</Tr> |
<Tr> |
<Td><Text as={"b"}>Leverage</Text></Td> |
<Td>{leverage}</Td> |
</Tr> |
<Tr> |
<Td><Text as={"b"}>Liquidation Price</Text></Td> |
<Td>{liquidationPrice}</Td> |
</Tr> |
</Tbody> |
</Table> |
</ModalBody> |
<ModalFooter> |
<HStack> |
<Button colorScheme="teal" isLoading={isSubmitting} onClick={goLong}> |
Confirm |
</Button> |
<Checkbox defaultIsChecked>Always show this dialog</Checkbox> |
</HStack> |
</ModalFooter> |
</ModalContent> |
</Modal> |
</ButtonGroup> |
</Center> |
</GridItem> |
</Grid> |
</Center> |
); |
}; |
export default Trade; |
interface QuantityProps { |
min: number; |
max: number; |
quantity: string; |
onChange: any; |
} |
function Quantity({ min, max, onChange, quantity }: QuantityProps) { |
return ( |
<FormControl id="quantity"> |
<FormLabel>Quantity</FormLabel> |
<NumberInput |
min={min} |
max={max} |
default={min} |
onChange={onChange} |
value={quantity} |
> |
<NumberInputField /> |
<NumberInputStepper> |
<NumberIncrementStepper /> |
<NumberDecrementStepper /> |
</NumberInputStepper> |
</NumberInput> |
<FormHelperText>How much do you want to buy or sell?</FormHelperText> |
</FormControl> |
); |
} |
interface LeverageProps { |
leverage?: number; |
} |
function Leverage({ leverage }: LeverageProps) { |
return ( |
<FormControl id="leverage"> |
<FormLabel>Leverage (fixed to 2 atm)</FormLabel> |
<Slider isReadOnly defaultValue={leverage} min={1} max={5} step={1}> |
<SliderTrack> |
<Box position="relative" right={10} /> |
<SliderFilledTrack /> |
</SliderTrack> |
<SliderThumb boxSize={6}> |
<Text color="black">{leverage}</Text> |
</SliderThumb> |
</Slider> |
<FormHelperText> |
How much do you want to leverage your position? |
</FormHelperText> |
</FormControl> |
); |
} |
interface MarginProps { |
margin?: string; |
} |
function Margin({ margin }: MarginProps) { |
return ( |
<VStack> |
<HStack> |
<Text as={"b"}>Required margin:</Text> |
<Text>{margin}</Text> |
</HStack> |
<Text fontSize={"sm"} color={"darkgrey"}>The collateral you will need to provide</Text> |
</VStack> |
); |
} |
interface LiquidationProps { |
value?: string; |
} |
function Liquidation({ value }: LiquidationProps) { |
return ( |
<VStack> |
<HStack> |
<Text as={"b"}>Liquidation price:</Text> |
<Text>{value || "0.0"}</Text> |
</HStack> |
<Text fontSize={"sm"} color={"darkgrey"}> |
You will lose your collateral if the price drops below this value |
</Text> |
</VStack> |
); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,267 @@ |
export interface WalletInfo { |
balance: number; |
address: string; |
last_updated_at: number; |
} |
export function unixTimestampToDate(unixTimestamp: number): Date { |
return new Date(unixTimestamp * 1000); |
} |
export interface Order { |
id: string; |
trading_pair: string; |
position: Position; |
price: number; |
min_quantity: number; |
max_quantity: number; |
leverage: number; |
liquidation_price: number; |
creation_timestamp: number; |
settlement_time_interval_in_secs: number; |
} |
export class Position { |
constructor(public key: PositionKey) {} |
public getColorScheme(): string { |
switch (this.key) { |
case PositionKey.LONG: |
return "green"; |
case PositionKey.SHORT: |
return "blue"; |
} |
} |
} |
enum PositionKey { |
LONG = "Long", |
SHORT = "Short", |
} |
export interface Cfd { |
order_id: string; |
initial_price: number; |
leverage: number; |
trading_pair: string; |
position: Position; |
liquidation_price: number; |
quantity_usd: number; |
margin: number; |
profit_btc: number; |
profit_in_percent: number; |
state: State; |
state_transition_timestamp: number; |
details: CfdDetails; |
expiry_timestamp: number; |
} |
export interface CfdDetails { |
tx_url_list: Tx[]; |
payout?: number; |
} |
export interface Tx { |
label: TxLabel; |
url: string; |
} |
export enum TxLabel { |
Lock = "Lock", |
Commit = "Commit", |
Cet = "Cet", |
Refund = "Refund", |
Collaborative = "Collaborative", |
} |
export class State { |
constructor(public key: StateKey) {} |
public getLabel(): string { |
switch (this.key) { |
return "Order Requested"; |
return "Order Requested"; |
case StateKey.ACCEPTED: |
return "Accepted"; |
case StateKey.REJECTED: |
return "Rejected"; |
case StateKey.CONTRACT_SETUP: |
return "Contract Setup"; |
case StateKey.PENDING_OPEN: |
return "Pending Open"; |
case StateKey.OPEN: |
return "Open"; |
case StateKey.PENDING_COMMIT: |
return "Pending Commit"; |
case StateKey.PENDING_CLOSE: |
return "Pending Close"; |
case StateKey.OPEN_COMMITTED: |
return "Open (commit-tx published)"; |
return "Settlement Proposed"; |
return "Settlement Proposed"; |
return "Rollover Proposed"; |
return "Rollover Proposed"; |
case StateKey.MUST_REFUND: |
return "Refunding"; |
case StateKey.REFUNDED: |
return "Refunded"; |
case StateKey.SETUP_FAILED: |
return "Setup Failed"; |
case StateKey.PENDING_CET: |
return "Pending CET"; |
case StateKey.CLOSED: |
return "Closed"; |
} |
} |
public getColorScheme(): string { |
const default_color = "gray"; |
const green = "green"; |
const red = "red"; |
const orange = "orange"; |
switch (this.key) { |
case StateKey.ACCEPTED: |
case StateKey.OPEN: |
return green; |
case StateKey.REJECTED: |
return red; |
case StateKey.PENDING_COMMIT: |
case StateKey.OPEN_COMMITTED: |
case StateKey.MUST_REFUND: |
case StateKey.PENDING_CET: |
case StateKey.PENDING_CLOSE: |
return orange; |
case StateKey.CONTRACT_SETUP: |
case StateKey.PENDING_OPEN: |
case StateKey.REFUNDED: |
case StateKey.SETUP_FAILED: |
case StateKey.CLOSED: |
return default_color; |
} |
} |
public getGroup(): StateGroupKey { |
switch (this.key) { |
return StateGroupKey.PENDING_ORDER; |
case StateKey.ACCEPTED: |
case StateKey.CONTRACT_SETUP: |
return StateGroupKey.OPENING; |
case StateKey.PENDING_OPEN: |
case StateKey.OPEN: |
case StateKey.PENDING_COMMIT: |
case StateKey.OPEN_COMMITTED: |
case StateKey.MUST_REFUND: |
case StateKey.PENDING_CET: |
case StateKey.PENDING_CLOSE: |
return StateGroupKey.OPEN; |
return StateGroupKey.PENDING_SETTLEMENT; |
return StateGroupKey.PENDING_ROLL_OVER; |
case StateKey.REJECTED: |
case StateKey.REFUNDED: |
case StateKey.SETUP_FAILED: |
case StateKey.CLOSED: |
return StateGroupKey.CLOSED; |
} |
} |
} |
export const enum StateKey { |
OUTGOING_ORDER_REQUEST = "OutgoingOrderRequest", |
INCOMING_ORDER_REQUEST = "IncomingOrderRequest", |
ACCEPTED = "Accepted", |
REJECTED = "Rejected", |
CONTRACT_SETUP = "ContractSetup", |
PENDING_OPEN = "PendingOpen", |
OPEN = "Open", |
PENDING_CLOSE = "PendingClose", |
PENDING_COMMIT = "PendingCommit", |
PENDING_CET = "PendingCet", |
OPEN_COMMITTED = "OpenCommitted", |
OUTGOING_SETTLEMENT_PROPOSAL = "OutgoingSettlementProposal", |
INCOMING_SETTLEMENT_PROPOSAL = "IncomingSettlementProposal", |
OUTGOING_ROLL_OVER_PROPOSAL = "OutgoingRollOverProposal", |
INCOMING_ROLL_OVER_PROPOSAL = "IncomingRollOverProposal", |
MUST_REFUND = "MustRefund", |
REFUNDED = "Refunded", |
SETUP_FAILED = "SetupFailed", |
CLOSED = "Closed", |
} |
export enum StateGroupKey { |
/// A CFD which is still being set up (not on chain yet)
OPENING = "Opening", |
PENDING_ORDER = "Pending Order", |
/// A CFD that is an ongoing open position (on chain)
OPEN = "Open", |
PENDING_SETTLEMENT = "Pending Settlement", |
PENDING_ROLL_OVER = "Pending Roll Over", |
/// A CFD that has been successfully or not-successfully terminated
CLOSED = "Closed", |
} |
export interface MarginRequestPayload { |
price: number; |
quantity: number; |
leverage: number; |
} |
export interface MarginResponse { |
margin: number; |
} |
export interface CfdOrderRequestPayload { |
order_id: string; |
quantity: number; |
} |
export function intoOrder(key: string, value: any): any { |
switch (key) { |
case "position": |
return new Position(value); |
default: |
return value; |
} |
} |
export function intoCfd(key: string, value: any): any { |
switch (key) { |
case "position": |
return new Position(value); |
case "state": |
return new State(value); |
default: |
return value; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ |
import { CheckIcon, CopyIcon } from "@chakra-ui/icons"; |
import { Box, Center, Divider, HStack, IconButton, Skeleton, Text, useClipboard } from "@chakra-ui/react"; |
import * as React from "react"; |
import Timestamp from "./Timestamp"; |
import { WalletInfo } from "./Types"; |
interface WalletProps { |
walletInfo: WalletInfo | null; |
} |
export default function Wallet( |
{ |
walletInfo, |
}: WalletProps, |
) { |
const { hasCopied, onCopy } = useClipboard(walletInfo ? walletInfo.address : ""); |
const { balance, address, last_updated_at } = walletInfo || {}; |
return ( |
<Center> |
<Box shadow={"md"} marginBottom={5} padding={5} boxSize={"sm"}> |
<Center><Text fontWeight={"bold"}>Your wallet</Text></Center> |
<HStack> |
<Text align={"left"}>Balance:</Text> |
<Skeleton isLoaded={balance != null}> |
<Text>{balance} BTC</Text> |
</Skeleton> |
</HStack> |
<Divider marginTop={2} marginBottom={2} /> |
<Skeleton isLoaded={address != null}> |
<HStack> |
<Text isTruncated>{address}</Text> |
<IconButton |
aria-label="Copy to clipboard" |
icon={hasCopied ? <CheckIcon /> : <CopyIcon />} |
onClick={onCopy} |
/> |
</HStack> |
</Skeleton> |
<Divider marginTop={2} marginBottom={2} /> |
<HStack> |
<Text align={"left"}>Updated:</Text> |
<Skeleton isLoaded={last_updated_at != null}> |
<Timestamp timestamp={last_updated_at!} /> |
</Skeleton> |
</HStack> |
</Box> |
</Center> |
); |
} |
const WalletNavBar = ({ |
walletInfo, |
}: WalletProps) => { |
const { balance } = walletInfo || {}; |
return ( |
<HStack> |
<Text align={"left"} as="b">On-chain balance:</Text> |
<Skeleton isLoaded={balance != null}> |
<Text>{balance} BTC</Text> |
</Skeleton> |
</HStack> |
); |
}; |
export { Wallet, WalletNavBar }; |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.5 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 8.8 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 10 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 22 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 10 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 22 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
import { ChakraProvider } from "@chakra-ui/react"; |
import React from "react"; |
import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; |
import { BrowserRouter } from "react-router-dom"; |
import { EventSourceProvider } from "react-sse-hooks"; |
import { App } from "./App"; |
import "./index.css"; |
import theme from "./theme"; |
ReactDOM.render( |
<React.StrictMode> |
<ChakraProvider theme={theme}> |
<EventSourceProvider> |
<BrowserRouter> |
<App /> |
</BrowserRouter> |
</EventSourceProvider> |
</ChakraProvider> |
</React.StrictMode>, |
document.getElementById("root"), |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
import { extendTheme, ThemeConfig } from "@chakra-ui/react"; |
let themeConfig: ThemeConfig = { |
initialColorMode: "dark", |
useSystemColorMode: false, |
}; |
const theme = extendTheme({ themeConfig }); |
export default theme; |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
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