Browse Source
Rework monitoring actor to use local state instead of tasksupload-correct-windows-binary
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5 changed files with 658 additions and 641 deletions
@ -1,429 +0,0 @@ |
#![allow(dead_code)] |
use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result}; |
use bdk::bitcoin::{Script, Txid}; |
use bdk::electrum_client::{ElectrumApi, GetHistoryRes, HeaderNotification}; |
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; |
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap}; |
use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto}; |
use std::fmt; |
use std::ops::Add; |
use std::sync::Arc; |
use tokio::sync::{watch, Mutex}; |
use tokio::time::{Duration, Instant}; |
pub struct Monitor { |
client: Arc<Mutex<Client>>, |
finality_confirmations: u32, |
} |
impl Monitor { |
pub fn new(electrum_rpc_url: &str, finality_confirmations: u32) -> Result<Self> { |
let client = bdk::electrum_client::Client::new(electrum_rpc_url) |
.context("Failed to initialize Electrum RPC client")?; |
let client = Client::new(client, Duration::from_secs(10))?; |
let monitor = Monitor { |
client: Arc::new(Mutex::new(client)), |
finality_confirmations, |
}; |
Ok(monitor) |
} |
pub async fn subscribe_to(&self, tx: impl Watchable + Send + 'static) -> Subscription { |
let txid =; |
let script = tx.script(); |
let sub = self |
.client |
.lock() |
.await |
.subscriptions |
.entry((txid, script.clone())) |
.or_insert_with(|| { |
let (sender, receiver) = watch::channel(ScriptStatus::Unseen); |
let client = self.client.clone(); |
tokio::spawn(async move { |
let mut last_status = None; |
// TODO: We need feedback in the monitoring actor about failures in here
loop { |
tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(5)).await; |
let new_status = match client.lock().await.status_of_script(&tx) { |
Ok(new_status) => new_status, |
Err(error) => { |
tracing::warn!(%txid, "Failed to get status of script: {:#}", error); |
return; |
} |
}; |
last_status = Some(print_status_change(txid, last_status, new_status)); |
let all_receivers_gone = sender.send(new_status).is_err(); |
if all_receivers_gone { |
tracing::debug!(%txid, "All receivers gone, removing subscription"); |
client.lock().await.subscriptions.remove(&(txid, script)); |
return; |
} |
} |
}); |
Subscription { |
receiver, |
finality_confirmations: self.finality_confirmations, |
txid, |
} |
}) |
.clone(); |
sub |
} |
} |
/// Represents a subscription to the status of a given transaction.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)] |
pub struct Subscription { |
receiver: watch::Receiver<ScriptStatus>, |
finality_confirmations: u32, |
txid: Txid, |
} |
impl Subscription { |
pub async fn wait_until_final(&self) -> Result<()> { |
let conf_target = self.finality_confirmations; |
let txid = self.txid; |
tracing::info!(%txid, required_confirmation=%conf_target, "Waiting for Bitcoin transaction finality"); |
let mut seen_confirmations = 0; |
self.wait_until(|status| match status { |
ScriptStatus::Confirmed(inner) => { |
let confirmations = inner.confirmations(); |
if confirmations > seen_confirmations { |
tracing::info!(%txid, |
seen_confirmations = %confirmations, |
needed_confirmations = %conf_target, |
"Waiting for Bitcoin transaction finality"); |
seen_confirmations = confirmations; |
} |
inner.meets_target(conf_target) |
} |
_ => false, |
}) |
.await |
} |
pub async fn wait_until_seen(&self) -> Result<()> { |
self.wait_until(ScriptStatus::has_been_seen).await |
} |
pub async fn wait_until_confirmed_with<T>(&self, target: T) -> Result<()> |
where |
u32: PartialOrd<T>, |
T: Copy, |
{ |
self.wait_until(|status| status.is_confirmed_with(target)) |
.await |
} |
async fn wait_until(&self, mut predicate: impl FnMut(&ScriptStatus) -> bool) -> Result<()> { |
let mut receiver = self.receiver.clone(); |
while !predicate(&receiver.borrow()) { |
receiver |
.changed() |
.await |
.context("Failed while waiting for next status update")?; |
} |
Ok(()) |
} |
} |
/// Defines a watchable transaction.
/// For a transaction to be watchable, we need to know two things: Its
/// transaction ID and the specific output script that is going to change.
/// A transaction can obviously have multiple outputs but our protocol purposes,
/// we are usually interested in a specific one.
pub trait Watchable { |
fn id(&self) -> Txid; |
fn script(&self) -> Script; |
} |
impl Watchable for (Txid, Script) { |
fn id(&self) -> Txid { |
self.0 |
} |
fn script(&self) -> Script { |
self.1.clone() |
} |
} |
fn print_status_change(txid: Txid, old: Option<ScriptStatus>, new: ScriptStatus) -> ScriptStatus { |
match (old, new) { |
(None, new_status) => { |
tracing::debug!(%txid, status = %new_status, "Found relevant Bitcoin transaction"); |
} |
(Some(old_status), new_status) if old_status != new_status => { |
tracing::debug!(%txid, %new_status, %old_status, "Bitcoin transaction status changed"); |
} |
_ => {} |
} |
new |
} |
pub struct Client { |
electrum: bdk::electrum_client::Client, |
latest_block_height: BlockHeight, |
last_sync: Instant, |
sync_interval: Duration, |
script_history: BTreeMap<Script, Vec<GetHistoryRes>>, |
subscriptions: HashMap<(Txid, Script), Subscription>, |
} |
impl Client { |
fn new(electrum: bdk::electrum_client::Client, interval: Duration) -> Result<Self> { |
// Initially fetch the latest block for storing the height.
// We do not act on this subscription after this call.
let latest_block = electrum |
.block_headers_subscribe() |
.context("Failed to subscribe to header notifications")?; |
Ok(Self { |
electrum, |
latest_block_height: BlockHeight::try_from(latest_block)?, |
last_sync: Instant::now(), |
sync_interval: interval, |
script_history: Default::default(), |
subscriptions: Default::default(), |
}) |
} |
fn update_state(&mut self) -> Result<()> { |
let now = Instant::now(); |
if now < self.last_sync + self.sync_interval { |
return Ok(()); |
} |
self.last_sync = now; |
self.update_latest_block()?; |
self.update_script_histories()?; |
Ok(()) |
} |
fn status_of_script<T>(&mut self, tx: &T) -> Result<ScriptStatus> |
where |
T: Watchable, |
{ |
let txid =; |
let script = tx.script(); |
if !self.script_history.contains_key(&script) { |
self.script_history.insert(script.clone(), vec![]); |
} |
self.update_state()?; |
let history = self.script_history.entry(script).or_default(); |
let history_of_tx = history |
.iter() |
.filter(|entry| entry.tx_hash == txid) |
.collect::<Vec<_>>(); |
match history_of_tx.as_slice() { |
[] => Ok(ScriptStatus::Unseen), |
[remaining @ .., last] => { |
if !remaining.is_empty() { |
tracing::warn!("Found more than a single history entry for script. This is highly unexpected and those history entries will be ignored") |
} |
if last.height <= 0 { |
Ok(ScriptStatus::InMempool) |
} else { |
Ok(ScriptStatus::Confirmed( |
Confirmed::from_inclusion_and_latest_block( |
u32::try_from(last.height)?, |
u32::from(self.latest_block_height), |
), |
)) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
fn update_latest_block(&mut self) -> Result<()> { |
// Fetch the latest block for storing the height.
// We do not act on this subscription after this call, as we cannot rely on
// subscription push notifications because eventually the Electrum server will
// close the connection and subscriptions are not automatically renewed
// upon renewing the connection.
let latest_block = self |
.electrum |
.block_headers_subscribe() |
.context("Failed to subscribe to header notifications")?; |
let latest_block_height = BlockHeight::try_from(latest_block)?; |
if latest_block_height > self.latest_block_height { |
tracing::debug!( |
block_height = u32::from(latest_block_height), |
"Got notification for new block" |
); |
self.latest_block_height = latest_block_height; |
} |
Ok(()) |
} |
fn update_script_histories(&mut self) -> Result<()> { |
let histories = self |
.electrum |
.batch_script_get_history(self.script_history.keys()) |
.context("Failed to get script histories")?; |
if histories.len() != self.script_history.len() { |
bail!( |
"Expected {} history entries, received {}", |
self.script_history.len(), |
histories.len() |
); |
} |
let scripts = self.script_history.keys().cloned(); |
let histories = histories.into_iter(); |
self.script_history =<BTreeMap<_, _>>(); |
Ok(()) |
} |
} |
/// Represent a block height, or block number, expressed in absolute block
/// count. E.g. The transaction was included in block #655123, 655123 block
/// after the genesis block.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Ord, PartialOrd, Serialize, Deserialize)] |
#[serde(transparent)] |
pub struct BlockHeight(u32); |
impl From<BlockHeight> for u32 { |
fn from(height: BlockHeight) -> Self { |
height.0 |
} |
} |
impl TryFrom<HeaderNotification> for BlockHeight { |
type Error = anyhow::Error; |
fn try_from(value: HeaderNotification) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> { |
Ok(Self( |
value |
.height |
.try_into() |
.context("Failed to fit usize into u32")?, |
)) |
} |
} |
impl Add<u32> for BlockHeight { |
type Output = BlockHeight; |
fn add(self, rhs: u32) -> Self::Output { |
BlockHeight(self.0 + rhs) |
} |
} |
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)] |
pub enum ExpiredTimelocks { |
None, |
Cancel, |
Punish, |
} |
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)] |
pub struct Confirmed { |
/// The depth of this transaction within the blockchain.
/// Will be zero if the transaction is included in the latest block.
depth: u32, |
} |
impl Confirmed { |
pub fn new(depth: u32) -> Self { |
Self { depth } |
} |
/// Compute the depth of a transaction based on its inclusion height and the
/// latest known block.
/// Our information about the latest block might be outdated. To avoid an
/// overflow, we make sure the depth is 0 in case the inclusion height
/// exceeds our latest known block,
pub fn from_inclusion_and_latest_block(inclusion_height: u32, latest_block: u32) -> Self { |
let depth = latest_block.saturating_sub(inclusion_height); |
Self { depth } |
} |
pub fn confirmations(&self) -> u32 { |
self.depth + 1 |
} |
pub fn meets_target<T>(&self, target: T) -> bool |
where |
u32: PartialOrd<T>, |
{ |
self.confirmations() >= target |
} |
} |
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)] |
pub enum ScriptStatus { |
Unseen, |
InMempool, |
Confirmed(Confirmed), |
} |
impl ScriptStatus { |
/// Check if the script has any confirmations.
pub fn is_confirmed(&self) -> bool { |
matches!(self, ScriptStatus::Confirmed(_)) |
} |
/// Check if the script has met the given confirmation target.
pub fn is_confirmed_with<T>(&self, target: T) -> bool |
where |
u32: PartialOrd<T>, |
{ |
match self { |
ScriptStatus::Confirmed(inner) => inner.meets_target(target), |
_ => false, |
} |
} |
pub fn has_been_seen(&self) -> bool { |
matches!(self, ScriptStatus::InMempool | ScriptStatus::Confirmed(_)) |
} |
} |
impl fmt::Display for ScriptStatus { |
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { |
match self { |
ScriptStatus::Unseen => write!(f, "unseen"), |
ScriptStatus::InMempool => write!(f, "in mempool"), |
ScriptStatus::Confirmed(inner) => { |
write!(f, "confirmed with {} blocks", inner.confirmations()) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue