@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ use daemon::model::{Price, Usd, WalletInfo};
use daemon ::routes ::EmbeddedFileExt ;
use daemon ::routes ::EmbeddedFileExt ;
use daemon ::to_sse_event ::{ CfdAction , CfdsWithAuxData , ToSseEvent } ;
use daemon ::to_sse_event ::{ CfdAction , CfdsWithAuxData , ToSseEvent } ;
use daemon ::{ bitmex_price_feed , maker_cfd } ;
use daemon ::{ bitmex_price_feed , maker_cfd } ;
use http_api_problem ::{ HttpApiProblem , StatusCode } ;
use rocket ::http ::{ ContentType , Header , Status } ;
use rocket ::http ::{ ContentType , Header , Status } ;
use rocket ::response ::stream ::EventStream ;
use rocket ::response ::stream ::EventStream ;
use rocket ::response ::{ status , Responder } ;
use rocket ::response ::{ status , Responder } ;
@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ use std::borrow::Cow;
use std ::path ::PathBuf ;
use std ::path ::PathBuf ;
use tokio ::select ;
use tokio ::select ;
use tokio ::sync ::watch ;
use tokio ::sync ::watch ;
use xtra ::prelude ::MessageChannel ;
use xtra ::prelude ::* ;
#[ rocket::get( " /feed " ) ]
#[ rocket::get( " /feed " ) ]
pub async fn maker_feed (
pub async fn maker_feed (
@ -109,18 +110,24 @@ pub struct CfdNewOrderRequest {
#[ rocket::post( " /order/sell " , data = " <order> " ) ]
#[ rocket::post( " /order/sell " , data = " <order> " ) ]
pub fn post_sell_order (
pub async fn post_sell_order (
order : Json < CfdNewOrderRequest > ,
order : Json < CfdNewOrderRequest > ,
new_order_channel : & State < Box < dyn MessageChannel < maker_cfd ::NewOrder > > > ,
new_order_channel : & State < Box < dyn MessageChannel < maker_cfd ::NewOrder > > > ,
_auth : Authenticated ,
_auth : Authenticated ,
) -> Result < status ::Accepted < ( ) > , Status > {
) -> Result < status ::Accepted < ( ) > , HttpApiProblem > {
. do_ send( maker_cfd ::NewOrder {
. send ( maker_cfd ::NewOrder {
price : order . price ,
price : order . price ,
min_quantity : order . min_quantity ,
min_quantity : order . min_quantity ,
max_quantity : order . max_quantity ,
max_quantity : order . max_quantity ,
} )
} )
. map_err ( | _ | Status ::new ( 500 ) ) ? ;
. await
. unwrap_or_else ( | _ | anyhow ::bail ! ( "actor disconnected" ) ) // TODO: is there a better way?
. map_err ( | _ | {
HttpApiProblem ::new ( StatusCode ::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR )
. title ( "Action failed" )
. detail ( "failed to post a sell order" )
} ) ? ;
Ok ( status ::Accepted ( None ) )
Ok ( status ::Accepted ( None ) )
@ -143,40 +150,42 @@ pub struct PromptAuthentication {
#[ rocket::post( " /cfd/<id>/<action> " ) ]
#[ rocket::post( " /cfd/<id>/<action> " ) ]
pub fn post_cfd_action (
pub async fn post_cfd_action (
id : OrderId ,
id : OrderId ,
action : CfdAction ,
action : CfdAction ,
cfd_action_channel : & State < Box < dyn MessageChannel < maker_cfd ::CfdAction > > > ,
cfd_action_channel : & State < Box < dyn MessageChannel < maker_cfd ::CfdAction > > > ,
_auth : Authenticated ,
_auth : Authenticated ,
) -> Result < status ::Accepted < ( ) > , status ::Custom < ( ) > > {
) -> Result < status ::Accepted < ( ) > , HttpApiProblem > {
use maker_cfd ::CfdAction ::* ;
use maker_cfd ::CfdAction ::* ;
let result = match action {
let result = match action {
CfdAction ::AcceptOrder = > cfd_action_channel . do_send ( AcceptOrder { order_id : id } ) ,
CfdAction ::AcceptOrder = > cfd_action_channel . send ( AcceptOrder { order_id : id } ) ,
CfdAction ::RejectOrder = > cfd_action_channel . do_send ( RejectOrder { order_id : id } ) ,
CfdAction ::RejectOrder = > cfd_action_channel . send ( RejectOrder { order_id : id } ) ,
CfdAction ::AcceptSettlement = > {
CfdAction ::AcceptSettlement = > cfd_action_channel . send ( AcceptSettlement { order_id : id } ) ,
cfd_action_channel . do_send ( AcceptSettlement { order_id : id } )
CfdAction ::RejectSettlement = > cfd_action_channel . send ( RejectSettlement { order_id : id } ) ,
CfdAction ::AcceptRollOver = > cfd_action_channel . send ( AcceptRollOver { order_id : id } ) ,
CfdAction ::RejectSettlement = > {
CfdAction ::RejectRollOver = > cfd_action_channel . send ( RejectRollOver { order_id : id } ) ,
cfd_action_channel . do_send ( RejectSettlement { order_id : id } )
CfdAction ::Commit = > cfd_action_channel . send ( Commit { order_id : id } ) ,
CfdAction ::AcceptRollOver = > cfd_action_channel . do_send ( AcceptRollOver { order_id : id } ) ,
CfdAction ::RejectRollOver = > cfd_action_channel . do_send ( RejectRollOver { order_id : id } ) ,
CfdAction ::Commit = > cfd_action_channel . do_send ( Commit { order_id : id } ) ,
CfdAction ::Settle = > {
CfdAction ::Settle = > {
tracing ::error ! ( "Collaborative settlement can only be triggered by taker" ) ;
let msg = "Collaborative settlement can only be triggered by taker" ;
tracing ::error ! ( msg ) ;
return Err ( status ::Custom ( Status ::BadRequest , ( ) ) ) ;
return Err ( HttpApiProblem ::new ( StatusCode ::BAD_REQUEST ) . detail ( msg ) ) ;
CfdAction ::RollOver = > {
CfdAction ::RollOver = > {
tracing ::error ! ( "RollOver proposal can only be triggered by taker" ) ;
let msg = "RollOver proposal can only be triggered by taker" ;
tracing ::error ! ( msg ) ;
return Err ( status ::Custom ( Status ::BadRequest , ( ) ) ) ;
return Err ( HttpApiProblem ::new ( StatusCode ::BAD_REQUEST ) . detail ( msg ) ) ;
} ;
} ;
. map ( | ( ) | status ::Accepted ( None ) )
. await
. map_err ( | _ | status ::Custom ( Status ::InternalServerError , ( ) ) )
. unwrap_or_else ( | _ | anyhow ::bail ! ( "actor disconnected" ) ) // TODO: is there a better way?
. map_err ( | _ | {
HttpApiProblem ::new ( StatusCode ::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR )
. title ( action . to_string ( ) + " failed" )
} ) ? ;
Ok ( status ::Accepted ( None ) )
#[ rocket::get( " /alive " ) ]
#[ rocket::get( " /alive " ) ]