Cfd protocol got moved into a separate repository.
All references of `cfd_protocol` were renamed to `maia`.
Patch cargo.toml with a fixed git revision until it gets a public release.
Invoke user actions (cfd actions & posting a new sell order) synchronously in
order to be able to communicate the results.
Use HttpApiProblem to send error details to the frontend in a standard way.
This allows opting-in for longer-running tests by enabling "expensive_tests"
feature, instead of waiting for a few minutes after starting `cargo test`.
Amend the CI to run all the tests (including expensive ones) on every run.
Mockall is a mocking framework that removes the need for writing more actors,
making tests easier to write.
- add one more layer of indirection (a trait per actor type: Wallet, Oracle, Monitor)
- Mocks implementing the actor traits (with default stubbed implementations if no extra
behaviour needed)
- references to the mocks are being passed into the tests (via Arc<Mutex>>), allowing
for dynamically changing the behaviour and adding assertions. This also
aids readability, as the mock setup can be collocated with a particular
test, if the test needs something extra
The which do not fit into the 65535 byte message size
limit of the noise protocol are chunked before
encryption. This feature was introduced to handle the
very large messages which contained the CET's.
More research is required into the NOISE_PARAMS and
whether they can be used to configure snow elegantly
handle authentication.
Created new Timestamp struct that only uses seconds (as i64 in order
to play nice with both sqlx and chrono) and removed use of SytemTime::now()
throughout in the process.
This PR addresses #352
but also had the effect of doing a better job of
addressing #434
This PR does a few things:
* cleans up the SQL to make the queries clearer in terms of intent, as well as eliminating the use of an extra transaction in some write queries.
* adds some additional testing
* (mostly) eliminates the use of `serde_json::to_string()`, making the data columns behave in a more sane manner
The primary goal was to remove all of the calls to `serde_json::to_string()`
for the data-handling, thus enabling us to do (more or less):
Order {
as well as clean up the SQL for easier reading. This has mostly been
accomplished, with further refinements easily accomplished once the
upstream issues in `sqlx` are addressed. See #314
All display related decisions are taken in the UI, but on top of the UI's model.
For this purpose we introduce classes for `CfdState` and `Position` so we can add the relevant mapping functions to these classes.
To achieve the mapping from daemon sse even to the `Cfd` / `Order` interface (that now contain classes instead of just primitives) we extend the sse hook to accept a mapping function.
We define this mapping function for `Cfd` and `Order`, because those contain classes, for all others we just use the default mapping.
Actions are dynamically rendered based on the state.
The daemon decides on the action name.
A single post endpoint handles all actions.
The UI maps the actions to icons.
Co-authored-by: Thomas Eizinger <>
Note: we need to check-in `frontend/dist` directories as otherwise the build will fail.
If you want to embed the files into the binaries you will need to build them first (`yarn run build`).
- wallet feed that sends balance + current address
- display in UI (balance + address) in separate wallet component (shared for taker and maker for now)
Includes two seed files that are already funded with some testnet coins. We can share those for testing for now. If more funds are needed I'm happy to top them up.
- Add wallet to maker and taker.
For now we have different, static descriptors with a hardcoded DB
path. We also only operate on testnet and use sled as a database.
- Associate each CET with a unique nonce_pk
Eventually a set of `(message, nonce_pk)`.
- Share transactions with maker
- Add serialisation support to adaptor signature
Co-authored-by: Mariusz Klochowicz <>
Co-authored-by: Lucas Soriano del Pino <>