@startuml actor "Buyer=Taker \n[frontend]" as Buyer participant "Buyer \n[daemon]" as BuyerApp participant "Buyer Offer Feed \n[in daemon]" as BuyerOfferFeed participant "Buyer CFD Feed \n[in daemon]" as BuyerCfdFeed participant "Seller CFD Feed \n[in daemon]" as SellerCfdFeed participant "Seller Offer Feed \n[in daemon]" as SellerOfferFeed participant "Seller \n[daemon]" as SellerApp actor "Seller=Maker \n[frontend]" as Seller participant Oracle as Oracle note over Seller : currently static offer in the frontend Seller -> SellerOfferFeed: Subscribe note over Seller: The seller should see the current active offer \nInitially there is none (until one POSTed) Seller -> SellerApp: POST sell offer group Oracle stuff? SellerApp -> Oracle: Attestation for sell offer Oracle --> SellerApp: Attestation pubkey end group SellerApp -> SellerApp: Store current offer SellerApp -> SellerOfferFeed: Push offer SellerOfferFeed --> Seller: offer [Untaken] Buyer -> BuyerApp: Start daemon & UI BuyerApp -> BuyerOfferFeed: Subscribe BuyerApp -> BuyerCfdFeed: Subscribe BuyerApp -> SellerApp: Open TCP (socket) connection SellerApp -> SellerApp: New connection SellerApp -> BuyerApp: {TCP} Current offer note over SellerOfferFeed : Assumption: Current offer \nalways available for new subscriptions BuyerApp -> BuyerOfferFeed: push offer BuyerOfferFeed --> Buyer: offer Buyer -> Buyer: Click BUY Buyer -> BuyerApp: POST cfd_take_request BuyerApp -> BuyerApp: Create cfd [TakeRequested] note over BuyerApp: Must include offer_id BuyerApp -> BuyerCfdFeed: Push cfd BuyerCfdFeed --> Buyer: cfd [TakeRequested] BuyerApp -> SellerApp: {TCP} cfd_take_request (offer_id, quantity) SellerApp -> SellerApp: Create cfd [Unconfirmed] SellerApp -> SellerCfdFeed: cfd [Unconfirmed] SellerCfdFeed --> Seller: cfd [Unconfirmed] Seller -> Seller: Confirm cfd Seller -> SellerApp: POST cfd [Confirmed] SellerApp -> BuyerApp: {TCP} cfd [Confirmed] SellerApp -> SellerCfdFeed: cfd [Confirmed] SellerCfdFeed --> Seller: cfd [Confirmed] BuyerApp -> BuyerCfdFeed: cfd [Confirmed] BuyerCfdFeed --> Buyer: cfd [Confirmed] ref over BuyerApp, SellerApp: {TCP} protocol setup messaging & contract publication on Bitcoin SellerApp -> SellerCfdFeed: cfd [Open] SellerCfdFeed --> Seller: cfd [Open] BuyerApp -> BuyerCfdFeed: cfd [Open] BuyerCfdFeed --> Buyer: cfd [Open] @enduml