use crate::actors::log_error; use crate::model::cfd::{CetStatus, Cfd, CfdState, Dlc, OrderId}; use crate::monitor::subscription::Subscription; use anyhow::Result; use async_trait::async_trait; use bdk::bitcoin::{PublicKey, Script, Txid}; use bdk::descriptor::Descriptor; use bdk::miniscript::DescriptorTrait; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::ops::RangeInclusive; use subscription::Monitor; mod subscription; const FINALITY_CONFIRMATIONS: u32 = 1; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct MonitorParams { lock: (Txid, Descriptor), commit: (Txid, Descriptor), cets: Vec<(Txid, Script, RangeInclusive)>, refund: (Txid, Script, u32), } impl MonitorParams { pub fn from_dlc_and_timelocks(dlc: Dlc, refund_timelock_in_blocks: u32) -> Self { let script_pubkey = dlc.address.script_pubkey(); MonitorParams { lock: (dlc.lock.0.txid(), dlc.lock.1), commit: (dlc.commit.0.txid(), dlc.commit.2), cets: dlc .cets .into_iter() .map(|(tx, _, range)| (tx.txid(), script_pubkey.clone(), range)) .collect(), refund: ( dlc.refund.0.txid(), script_pubkey, refund_timelock_in_blocks, ), } } } impl Actor where T: xtra::Actor + xtra::Handler, { pub async fn new( electrum_rpc_url: &str, cfd_actor_addr: xtra::Address, cfds: Vec, ) -> Self { let monitor = Monitor::new(electrum_rpc_url, FINALITY_CONFIRMATIONS).unwrap(); let mut actor = Self { monitor, cfds: HashMap::new(), cfd_actor_addr, }; for cfd in cfds { match cfd.state.clone() { // In PendingOpen we know the complete dlc setup and assume that the lock transaction will be published CfdState::PendingOpen { dlc, .. } => { let params = MonitorParams::from_dlc_and_timelocks(dlc.clone(), cfd.refund_timelock_in_blocks()); actor.cfds.insert(, params.clone()); actor.monitor_all(¶ms,; } CfdState::Open { dlc, .. } => { let params = MonitorParams::from_dlc_and_timelocks(dlc.clone(), cfd.refund_timelock_in_blocks()); actor.cfds.insert(, params.clone()); actor.monitor_commit_finality_and_timelocks(¶ms,; actor.monitor_refund_finality( params.clone(),; } CfdState::OpenCommitted { dlc, cet_status, .. } => { let params = MonitorParams::from_dlc_and_timelocks(dlc.clone(), cfd.refund_timelock_in_blocks()); actor.cfds.insert(, params.clone()); let commit_subscription = actor .monitor .subscribe_to((params.commit.0, params.commit.1.script_pubkey())) .await; match cet_status { CetStatus::Unprepared | CetStatus::OracleSigned(_) => { actor.monitor_commit_cet_timelock(, &commit_subscription).await; actor.monitor_commit_refund_timelock(¶ms,, &commit_subscription).await; actor.monitor_refund_finality( params.clone(),; } CetStatus::TimelockExpired => { actor.monitor_commit_refund_timelock(¶ms,, &commit_subscription).await; actor.monitor_refund_finality( params.clone(),; } CetStatus::Ready(_price) => { // TODO: monitor CET finality actor.monitor_commit_refund_timelock(¶ms,, &commit_subscription).await; actor.monitor_refund_finality( params.clone(),; } } } CfdState::MustRefund { dlc, .. } => { // TODO: CET monitoring (?) - note: would require to add CetStatus information to MustRefund let params = MonitorParams::from_dlc_and_timelocks(dlc.clone(), cfd.refund_timelock_in_blocks()); actor.cfds.insert(, params.clone()); let commit_subscription = actor .monitor .subscribe_to((params.commit.0, params.commit.1.script_pubkey())) .await; actor.monitor_commit_refund_timelock(¶ms,, &commit_subscription).await; actor.monitor_refund_finality( params.clone(),; } // too early to monitor CfdState::OutgoingOrderRequest { .. } | CfdState::IncomingOrderRequest { .. } | CfdState::Accepted { .. } | CfdState::ContractSetup { .. } // final states | CfdState::Rejected { .. } | CfdState::Refunded { .. } | CfdState::SetupFailed { .. } => () } } actor } async fn handle_start_monitoring(&mut self, msg: StartMonitoring) -> Result<()> { let StartMonitoring { id, params } = msg; self.cfds.insert(id, params.clone()); self.monitor_all(¶ms, id).await; Ok(()) } async fn monitor_all(&self, params: &MonitorParams, order_id: OrderId) { self.monitor_lock_finality(params, order_id).await; self.monitor_commit_finality_and_timelocks(params, order_id) .await; self.monitor_refund_finality(params.clone(), order_id).await; } async fn monitor_lock_finality(&self, params: &MonitorParams, order_id: OrderId) { tokio::spawn({ let cfd_actor_addr = self.cfd_actor_addr.clone(); let lock_subscription = self .monitor .subscribe_to((params.lock.0, params.lock.1.script_pubkey())) .await; async move { lock_subscription.wait_until_final().await.unwrap(); cfd_actor_addr .do_send_async(Event::LockFinality(order_id)) .await .unwrap(); } }); } async fn monitor_commit_finality_and_timelocks( &self, params: &MonitorParams, order_id: OrderId, ) { let commit_subscription = self .monitor .subscribe_to((params.commit.0, params.commit.1.script_pubkey())) .await; self.monitor_commit_finality(order_id, &commit_subscription) .await; self.monitor_commit_cet_timelock(order_id, &commit_subscription) .await; self.monitor_commit_refund_timelock(params, order_id, &commit_subscription) .await; } async fn monitor_commit_finality(&self, order_id: OrderId, commit_subscription: &Subscription) { tokio::spawn({ let cfd_actor_addr = self.cfd_actor_addr.clone(); let commit_subscription = commit_subscription.clone(); async move { commit_subscription.wait_until_final().await.unwrap(); cfd_actor_addr .do_send_async(Event::CommitFinality(order_id)) .await .unwrap(); } }); } async fn monitor_commit_cet_timelock( &self, order_id: OrderId, commit_subscription: &Subscription, ) { tokio::spawn({ let cfd_actor_addr = self.cfd_actor_addr.clone(); let commit_subscription = commit_subscription.clone(); async move { commit_subscription .wait_until_confirmed_with(Cfd::CET_TIMELOCK) .await .unwrap(); cfd_actor_addr .do_send_async(Event::CetTimelockExpired(order_id)) .await .unwrap(); } }); } async fn monitor_commit_refund_timelock( &self, params: &MonitorParams, order_id: OrderId, commit_subscription: &Subscription, ) { tokio::spawn({ let cfd_actor_addr = self.cfd_actor_addr.clone(); let commit_subscription = commit_subscription.clone(); let refund_timelock = params.refund.2; async move { commit_subscription .wait_until_confirmed_with(refund_timelock) .await .unwrap(); cfd_actor_addr .do_send_async(Event::RefundTimelockExpired(order_id)) .await .unwrap(); } }); } async fn monitor_refund_finality(&self, params: MonitorParams, order_id: OrderId) { tokio::spawn({ let cfd_actor_addr = self.cfd_actor_addr.clone(); let refund_subscription = self .monitor .subscribe_to((params.refund.0, params.refund.1)) .await; async move { refund_subscription.wait_until_final().await.unwrap(); cfd_actor_addr .do_send_async(Event::RefundFinality(order_id)) .await .unwrap(); } }); } } pub struct StartMonitoring { pub id: OrderId, pub params: MonitorParams, } impl xtra::Message for StartMonitoring { type Result = (); } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum Event { LockFinality(OrderId), CommitFinality(OrderId), CetTimelockExpired(OrderId), RefundTimelockExpired(OrderId), RefundFinality(OrderId), } impl Event { pub fn order_id(&self) -> OrderId { let order_id = match self { Event::LockFinality(order_id) => order_id, Event::CommitFinality(order_id) => order_id, Event::CetTimelockExpired(order_id) => order_id, Event::RefundTimelockExpired(order_id) => order_id, Event::RefundFinality(order_id) => order_id, }; *order_id } } impl xtra::Message for Event { type Result = (); } pub struct Actor where T: xtra::Actor, { monitor: Monitor, cfds: HashMap, cfd_actor_addr: xtra::Address, } impl xtra::Actor for Actor where T: xtra::Actor {} // TODO: The traitbound for LockFinality should not be needed here, but we could not work around it #[async_trait] impl xtra::Handler for Actor where T: xtra::Actor + xtra::Handler, { async fn handle(&mut self, msg: StartMonitoring, _ctx: &mut xtra::Context) { log_error!(self.handle_start_monitoring(msg)); } }