use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result}; use bdk::bitcoin::util::bip32::ExtendedPrivKey; use bdk::bitcoin::{Address, Amount, Network, PrivateKey, PublicKey, Transaction}; use bdk::descriptor::Descriptor; use bdk::miniscript::DescriptorTrait; use bdk::wallet::AddressIndex; use bdk::SignOptions; use bitcoin::util::psbt::PartiallySignedTransaction; use bitcoin::Txid; use cfd_protocol::interval::Interval; use cfd_protocol::{ commit_descriptor, compute_adaptor_point, create_cfd_transactions, finalize_spend_transaction, lock_descriptor, oracle, punish_transaction, renew_cfd_transactions, spending_tx_sighash, CfdTransactions, Payout, PunishParams, TransactionExt, WalletExt, }; use rand::{thread_rng, CryptoRng, RngCore}; use secp256k1_zkp::{schnorrsig, EcdsaAdaptorSignature, SecretKey, Signature, SECP256K1}; #[test] fn create_cfd() { let mut rng = thread_rng(); let maker_lock_amount = Amount::ONE_BTC; let taker_lock_amount = Amount::ONE_BTC; let maker_wallet = build_wallet(&mut rng, Amount::from_btc(0.4).unwrap(), 5).unwrap(); let taker_wallet = build_wallet(&mut rng, Amount::from_btc(0.4).unwrap(), 5).unwrap(); let oracle = Oracle::new(&mut rng); let (event, announcement) = announce(&mut rng); let payouts = vec![ Payout::new( Interval::new(0, 10_000).unwrap(), announcement.nonce_pks(), Amount::from_btc(1.5).unwrap(), Amount::from_btc(0.5).unwrap(), ), Payout::new( Interval::new(10_001, 20_000).unwrap(), announcement.nonce_pks(), Amount::ZERO, Amount::from_btc(2.0).unwrap(), ), ] .concat(); let refund_timelock = 0; let (maker_cfd_txs, taker_cfd_txs, maker, taker, maker_addr, taker_addr) = create_cfd_txs( &mut rng, (&maker_wallet, maker_lock_amount), (&taker_wallet, taker_lock_amount), oracle.public_key(), payouts, refund_timelock, ); let lock_desc = lock_descriptor(,; let lock_amount = maker_lock_amount + taker_lock_amount; let commit_desc = commit_descriptor( (, maker.rev_pk, maker.pub_pk), (, taker.rev_pk, taker.pub_pk), ); let commit_amount = Amount::from_sat(maker_cfd_txs.commit.0.output[0].value); verify_cfd_sigs( (&maker_cfd_txs,, maker.pub_pk), (&taker_cfd_txs,, taker.pub_pk), oracle.public_key(), (&lock_desc, lock_amount), (&commit_desc, commit_amount), ); check_cfd_txs( ( maker_wallet, maker_cfd_txs,,, maker.pub_sk, maker.pub_pk, maker.rev_sk, maker_addr, ), ( taker_wallet, taker_cfd_txs,,, taker.pub_sk, taker.pub_pk, taker.rev_sk, taker_addr, ), (oracle, event), (lock_desc, lock_amount), (commit_desc, commit_amount), ); } #[test] fn renew_cfd() { let mut rng = thread_rng(); let maker_lock_amount = Amount::ONE_BTC; let taker_lock_amount = Amount::ONE_BTC; let maker_wallet = build_wallet(&mut rng, Amount::from_btc(0.4).unwrap(), 5).unwrap(); let taker_wallet = build_wallet(&mut rng, Amount::from_btc(0.4).unwrap(), 5).unwrap(); let oracle = Oracle::new(&mut rng); let (_event, announcement) = announce(&mut rng); let payouts = vec![ Payout::new( Interval::new(0, 10_000).unwrap(), announcement.nonce_pks(), Amount::from_btc(2.0).unwrap(), Amount::ZERO, ), Payout::new( Interval::new(10_001, 20_000).unwrap(), announcement.nonce_pks(), Amount::ZERO, Amount::from_btc(2.0).unwrap(), ), ] .concat(); let refund_timelock = 0; let (maker_cfd_txs, taker_cfd_txs, maker, taker, maker_addr, taker_addr) = create_cfd_txs( &mut rng, (&maker_wallet, maker_lock_amount), (&taker_wallet, taker_lock_amount), oracle.public_key(), payouts, refund_timelock, ); // renew cfd transactions let (maker_rev_sk, maker_rev_pk) = make_keypair(&mut rng); let (maker_pub_sk, maker_pub_pk) = make_keypair(&mut rng); let (taker_rev_sk, taker_rev_pk) = make_keypair(&mut rng); let (taker_pub_sk, taker_pub_pk) = make_keypair(&mut rng); let (event, announcement) = announce(&mut rng); let payouts = vec![ Payout::new( Interval::new(0, 10_000).unwrap(), announcement.nonce_pks(), Amount::from_btc(1.5).unwrap(), Amount::from_btc(0.5).unwrap(), ), Payout::new( Interval::new(10_001, 20_000).unwrap(), announcement.nonce_pks(), Amount::from_btc(0.5).unwrap(), Amount::from_btc(1.5).unwrap(), ), ] .concat(); let maker_cfd_txs = renew_cfd_transactions( maker_cfd_txs.lock, (, maker_lock_amount, maker_addr.clone(), PunishParams { revocation_pk: maker_rev_pk, publish_pk: maker_pub_pk, }, ), (, taker_lock_amount, taker_addr.clone(), PunishParams { revocation_pk: taker_rev_pk, publish_pk: taker_pub_pk, }, ), oracle.public_key(), refund_timelock, payouts.clone(),, ) .unwrap(); let taker_cfd_txs = renew_cfd_transactions( taker_cfd_txs.lock, (, maker_lock_amount, maker_addr.clone(), PunishParams { revocation_pk: maker_rev_pk, publish_pk: maker_pub_pk, }, ), (, taker_lock_amount, taker_addr.clone(), PunishParams { revocation_pk: taker_rev_pk, publish_pk: taker_pub_pk, }, ), oracle.public_key(), refund_timelock, payouts,, ) .unwrap(); let lock_desc = lock_descriptor(,; let lock_amount = maker_lock_amount + taker_lock_amount; let commit_desc = commit_descriptor( (, maker_rev_pk, maker_pub_pk), (, taker_rev_pk, taker_pub_pk), ); let commit_amount = Amount::from_sat(maker_cfd_txs.commit.0.output[0].value); verify_cfd_sigs( (&maker_cfd_txs,, maker_pub_pk), (&taker_cfd_txs,, taker_pub_pk), oracle.public_key(), (&lock_desc, lock_amount), (&commit_desc, commit_amount), ); check_cfd_txs( ( maker_wallet, maker_cfd_txs,,, maker_pub_sk, maker_pub_pk, maker_rev_sk, maker_addr, ), ( taker_wallet, taker_cfd_txs,,, taker_pub_sk, taker_pub_pk, taker_rev_sk, taker_addr, ), (oracle, event), (lock_desc, lock_amount), (commit_desc, commit_amount), ) } fn create_cfd_txs( rng: &mut R, (maker_wallet, maker_lock_amount): (&bdk::Wallet<(), bdk::database::MemoryDatabase>, Amount), (taker_wallet, taker_lock_amount): (&bdk::Wallet<(), bdk::database::MemoryDatabase>, Amount), oracle_pk: schnorrsig::PublicKey, payouts: Vec, refund_timelock: u32, ) -> ( CfdTransactions, CfdTransactions, CfdKeys, CfdKeys, Address, Address, ) where R: RngCore + CryptoRng, { let (maker_sk, maker_pk) = make_keypair(rng); let (taker_sk, taker_pk) = make_keypair(rng); let maker_addr = maker_wallet.get_address(AddressIndex::New).unwrap(); let taker_addr = taker_wallet.get_address(AddressIndex::New).unwrap(); let (maker_rev_sk, maker_rev_pk) = make_keypair(rng); let (maker_pub_sk, maker_pub_pk) = make_keypair(rng); let (taker_rev_sk, taker_rev_pk) = make_keypair(rng); let (taker_pub_sk, taker_pub_pk) = make_keypair(rng); let maker_params = maker_wallet .build_party_params(maker_lock_amount, maker_pk) .unwrap(); let taker_params = taker_wallet .build_party_params(taker_lock_amount, taker_pk) .unwrap(); let maker_cfd_txs = create_cfd_transactions( ( maker_params.clone(), PunishParams { revocation_pk: maker_rev_pk, publish_pk: maker_pub_pk, }, ), ( taker_params.clone(), PunishParams { revocation_pk: taker_rev_pk, publish_pk: taker_pub_pk, }, ), oracle_pk, refund_timelock, payouts.clone(), maker_sk, ) .unwrap(); let taker_cfd_txs = create_cfd_transactions( ( maker_params, PunishParams { revocation_pk: maker_rev_pk, publish_pk: maker_pub_pk, }, ), ( taker_params, PunishParams { revocation_pk: taker_rev_pk, publish_pk: taker_pub_pk, }, ), oracle_pk, refund_timelock, payouts, taker_sk, ) .unwrap(); ( maker_cfd_txs, taker_cfd_txs, CfdKeys { sk: maker_sk, pk: maker_pk, rev_sk: maker_rev_sk, rev_pk: maker_rev_pk, pub_sk: maker_pub_sk, pub_pk: maker_pub_pk, }, CfdKeys { sk: taker_sk, pk: taker_pk, rev_sk: taker_rev_sk, rev_pk: taker_rev_pk, pub_sk: taker_pub_sk, pub_pk: taker_pub_pk, }, maker_addr.address, taker_addr.address, ) } struct CfdKeys { sk: SecretKey, pk: PublicKey, rev_sk: SecretKey, rev_pk: PublicKey, pub_sk: SecretKey, pub_pk: PublicKey, } fn verify_cfd_sigs( (maker_cfd_txs, maker_pk, maker_publish_pk): (&CfdTransactions, PublicKey, PublicKey), (taker_cfd_txs, taker_pk, taker_publish_pk): (&CfdTransactions, PublicKey, PublicKey), oracle_pk: schnorrsig::PublicKey, (lock_desc, lock_amount): (&Descriptor, Amount), (commit_desc, commit_amount): (&Descriptor, Amount), ) { verify_spend( &taker_cfd_txs.refund.0, &maker_cfd_txs.refund.1, commit_desc, commit_amount, &maker_pk.key, ) .expect("valid maker refund sig"); verify_spend( &maker_cfd_txs.refund.0, &taker_cfd_txs.refund.1, commit_desc, commit_amount, &taker_pk.key, ) .expect("valid taker refund sig"); for (tx, _, msg_nonce_pairs) in taker_cfd_txs.cets.iter() { let maker_encsig = maker_cfd_txs .cets .iter() .find_map(|(maker_tx, encsig, _)| (maker_tx.txid() == tx.txid()).then(|| encsig)) .expect("one encsig per cet, per party"); verify_cet_encsig( tx, maker_encsig, msg_nonce_pairs, &maker_pk.key, &oracle_pk, commit_desc, commit_amount, ) .expect("valid maker cet encsig") } for (tx, _, msg_nonce_pairs) in maker_cfd_txs.cets.iter() { let taker_encsig = taker_cfd_txs .cets .iter() .find_map(|(taker_tx, encsig, _)| (taker_tx.txid() == tx.txid()).then(|| encsig)) .expect("one encsig per cet, per party"); verify_cet_encsig( tx, taker_encsig, msg_nonce_pairs, &taker_pk.key, &oracle_pk, commit_desc, commit_amount, ) .expect("valid taker cet encsig") } encverify_spend( &taker_cfd_txs.commit.0, &maker_cfd_txs.commit.1, lock_desc, lock_amount, &taker_publish_pk.key, &maker_pk.key, ) .expect("valid maker commit encsig"); encverify_spend( &maker_cfd_txs.commit.0, &taker_cfd_txs.commit.1, lock_desc, lock_amount, &maker_publish_pk.key, &taker_pk.key, ) .expect("valid taker commit encsig"); } fn check_cfd_txs( ( maker_wallet, maker_cfd_txs, maker_sk, maker_pk, maker_pub_sk, maker_pub_pk, maker_rev_sk, maker_addr, ): ( bdk::Wallet<(), bdk::database::MemoryDatabase>, CfdTransactions, SecretKey, PublicKey, SecretKey, PublicKey, SecretKey, Address, ), ( taker_wallet, taker_cfd_txs, taker_sk, taker_pk, taker_pub_sk, taker_pub_pk, taker_rev_sk, taker_addr, ): ( bdk::Wallet<(), bdk::database::MemoryDatabase>, CfdTransactions, SecretKey, PublicKey, SecretKey, PublicKey, SecretKey, Address, ), (oracle, event): (Oracle, Event), (lock_desc, lock_amount): (Descriptor, Amount), (commit_desc, commit_amount): (Descriptor, Amount), ) { // Lock transaction (either party can do this): let signed_lock_tx = sign_lock_tx(maker_cfd_txs.lock, maker_wallet, taker_wallet) .expect("to build signed lock tx"); // Commit transactions: let signed_commit_tx_maker = decrypt_and_sign( maker_cfd_txs.commit.0, (&maker_sk, &maker_pk), &maker_pub_sk, &taker_pk, &taker_cfd_txs.commit.1, &lock_desc, lock_amount, ) .expect("maker to build signed commit tx"); check_tx(&signed_lock_tx, &signed_commit_tx_maker, &lock_desc).expect("valid maker commit tx"); let signed_commit_tx_taker = decrypt_and_sign( taker_cfd_txs.commit.0, (&taker_sk, &taker_pk), &taker_pub_sk, &maker_pk, &maker_cfd_txs.commit.1, &lock_desc, lock_amount, ) .expect("taker to build signed commit tx"); check_tx(&signed_lock_tx, &signed_commit_tx_taker, &lock_desc).expect("valid taker commit tx"); // Refund transaction (both parties would produce the same one): let signed_refund_tx = finalize_spend_transaction( maker_cfd_txs.refund.0, &commit_desc, (maker_pk, maker_cfd_txs.refund.1), (taker_pk, taker_cfd_txs.refund.1), ) .expect("to build signed refund tx"); check_tx(&signed_commit_tx_maker, &signed_refund_tx, &commit_desc).expect("valid refund tx"); // CETs: for (tx, _, msg_nonce_pairs) in maker_cfd_txs.cets.clone().into_iter() { build_and_check_cet( tx, &oracle.attest( &event, msg_nonce_pairs .iter() .map(|(msg, _)| msg.as_slice()) .collect::>() .as_slice(), ), taker_cfd_txs .cets .iter() .map(|(tx, encsig, _)| (tx.txid(), *encsig)), (&maker_sk, &maker_pk), &taker_pk, (&signed_commit_tx_maker, &commit_desc, commit_amount), ) .expect("valid maker cet"); } for (tx, _, msg_nonce_pairs) in taker_cfd_txs.cets.into_iter() { build_and_check_cet( tx, &oracle.attest( &event, msg_nonce_pairs .iter() .map(|(msg, _)| msg.as_slice()) .collect::>() .as_slice(), ), maker_cfd_txs .cets .iter() .map(|(tx, encsig, _)| (tx.txid(), *encsig)), (&taker_sk, &taker_pk), &maker_pk, (&signed_commit_tx_maker, &commit_desc, commit_amount), ) .expect("valid taker cet"); } // Punish transactions: let punish_tx_maker = punish_transaction( &commit_desc, &maker_addr, maker_cfd_txs.commit.1, maker_sk, taker_rev_sk, taker_pub_pk, &signed_commit_tx_taker, ) .expect("maker to build punish tx"); check_tx(&signed_commit_tx_taker, &punish_tx_maker, &commit_desc) .expect("valid maker punish tx"); let punish_tx_taker = punish_transaction( &commit_desc, &taker_addr, taker_cfd_txs.commit.1, taker_sk, maker_rev_sk, maker_pub_pk, &signed_commit_tx_maker, ) .expect("taker to build punish tx"); check_tx(&signed_commit_tx_maker, &punish_tx_taker, &commit_desc) .expect("valid taker punish tx"); } fn build_and_check_cet( cet: Transaction, oracle_sigs: &[schnorrsig::Signature], mut cets_other: impl Iterator, (maker_sk, maker_pk): (&SecretKey, &PublicKey), taker_pk: &PublicKey, (commit_tx, commit_desc, commit_amount): (&Transaction, &Descriptor, Amount), ) -> Result<()> { let (_nonce_pk, signature_scalar) = schnorrsig_decompose(&oracle_sigs[0]); let mut decryption_sk = signature_scalar; for oracle_sig in oracle_sigs[1..].iter() { let (_nonce_pk, signature_scalar) = schnorrsig_decompose(oracle_sig); decryption_sk.add_assign(signature_scalar.as_ref())?; } let taker_encsig = cets_other .find_map(|(txid, encsig)| (txid == cet.txid()).then(|| encsig)) .expect("one encsig per cet, per party"); let signed_cet = decrypt_and_sign( cet, (maker_sk, maker_pk), &decryption_sk, taker_pk, &taker_encsig, commit_desc, commit_amount, ) .context("failed to build signed cet")?; check_tx(commit_tx, &signed_cet, commit_desc).context("invalid cet")?; Ok(()) } fn check_tx( spent_tx: &Transaction, spend_tx: &Transaction, spent_descriptor: &Descriptor, ) -> Result<()> { let spent_script_pubkey = spent_descriptor.script_pubkey(); let spent_outpoint = spent_tx .outpoint(&spent_script_pubkey) .context("spend tx doesn't spend from spent tx")?; let spent_amount = spent_tx.output[spent_outpoint.vout as usize].value; check_tx_fee(&[spent_tx], spend_tx)?; spent_descriptor.script_pubkey().verify( 0, spent_amount, bitcoin::consensus::serialize(spend_tx).as_slice(), )?; Ok(()) } fn decrypt_and_sign( spend_tx: Transaction, (sk, pk): (&SecretKey, &PublicKey), decryption_sk: &SecretKey, pk_other: &PublicKey, encsig_other: &EcdsaAdaptorSignature, spent_descriptor: &Descriptor, spent_amount: Amount, ) -> Result { let sighash = spending_tx_sighash(&spend_tx, spent_descriptor, spent_amount); let sig_self = SECP256K1.sign(&sighash, sk); let sig_other = encsig_other.decrypt(decryption_sk)?; let signed_commit_tx = finalize_spend_transaction( spend_tx, spent_descriptor, (*pk, sig_self), (*pk_other, sig_other), )?; Ok(signed_commit_tx) } fn sign_lock_tx( mut lock_tx: PartiallySignedTransaction, maker_wallet: bdk::Wallet<(), bdk::database::MemoryDatabase>, taker_wallet: bdk::Wallet<(), bdk::database::MemoryDatabase>, ) -> Result { maker_wallet .sign( &mut lock_tx, SignOptions { trust_witness_utxo: true, ..Default::default() }, ) .context("maker could not sign lock tx")?; taker_wallet .sign( &mut lock_tx, SignOptions { trust_witness_utxo: true, ..Default::default() }, ) .context("taker could not sign lock tx")?; Ok(lock_tx.extract_tx()) } fn verify_spend( tx: &Transaction, sig: &Signature, spent_descriptor: &Descriptor, spent_amount: Amount, pk: &secp256k1_zkp::PublicKey, ) -> Result<()> { let sighash = spending_tx_sighash(tx, spent_descriptor, spent_amount); SECP256K1 .verify(&sighash, sig, pk) .context("failed to verify sig on spend tx") } fn verify_cet_encsig( tx: &Transaction, encsig: &EcdsaAdaptorSignature, msg_nonce_pairs: &[(Vec, schnorrsig::PublicKey)], pk: &secp256k1_zkp::PublicKey, oracle_pk: &schnorrsig::PublicKey, spent_descriptor: &Descriptor, spent_amount: Amount, ) -> Result<()> { let sig_point = compute_adaptor_point(oracle_pk, msg_nonce_pairs) .context("could not calculate signature point")?; encverify_spend(tx, encsig, spent_descriptor, spent_amount, &sig_point, pk) } fn encverify_spend( tx: &Transaction, encsig: &EcdsaAdaptorSignature, spent_descriptor: &Descriptor, spent_amount: Amount, encryption_point: &secp256k1_zkp::PublicKey, pk: &secp256k1_zkp::PublicKey, ) -> Result<()> { let sighash = spending_tx_sighash(tx, spent_descriptor, spent_amount); encsig .verify(SECP256K1, &sighash, pk, encryption_point) .context("failed to verify encsig spend tx") } fn check_tx_fee(input_txs: &[&Transaction], spend_tx: &Transaction) -> Result<()> { let input_amount = spend_tx .input .iter() .try_fold::<_, _, Result<_>>(0, |acc, input| { let value = input_txs .iter() .find_map(|tx| { (tx.txid() == input.previous_output.txid) .then(|| tx.output[input.previous_output.vout as usize].value) }) .with_context(|| { format!( "spend tx input {} not found in input_txs", input.previous_output ) })?; Ok(acc + value) })?; let output_amount = spend_tx .output .iter() .fold(0, |acc, output| acc + output.value); let fee = input_amount - output_amount; let min_relay_fee = spend_tx.get_virtual_size(); if (fee as f64) < min_relay_fee { bail!("min relay fee not met, {} < {}", fee, min_relay_fee) } Ok(()) } fn build_wallet( rng: &mut R, utxo_amount: Amount, num_utxos: u8, ) -> Result> where R: RngCore + CryptoRng, { use bdk::{populate_test_db, testutils}; let mut seed = [0u8; 32]; rng.fill_bytes(&mut seed); let key = ExtendedPrivKey::new_master(Network::Regtest, &seed)?; let descriptors = testutils!(@descriptors (&format!("wpkh({}/*)", key))); let mut database = bdk::database::MemoryDatabase::new(); for index in 0..num_utxos { populate_test_db!( &mut database, testutils! { @tx ( (@external descriptors, index as u32) => utxo_amount.as_sat() ) (@confirmations 1) }, Some(100) ); } let wallet = bdk::Wallet::new_offline(&descriptors.0, None, Network::Regtest, database)?; Ok(wallet) } struct Oracle { key_pair: schnorrsig::KeyPair, } impl Oracle { fn new(rng: &mut R) -> Self where R: RngCore + CryptoRng, { let key_pair = schnorrsig::KeyPair::new(SECP256K1, rng); Self { key_pair } } fn public_key(&self) -> schnorrsig::PublicKey { schnorrsig::PublicKey::from_keypair(SECP256K1, &self.key_pair) } fn attest(&self, event: &Event, msgs: &[&[u8]]) -> Vec { msgs.iter() .zip(&event.nonces) .map(|(msg, nonce)| oracle::attest(&self.key_pair, nonce, msg)) .collect() } } fn announce(rng: &mut R) -> (Event, Announcement) where R: RngCore + CryptoRng, { let event = Event::new(rng); let announcement = event.announcement(); (event, announcement) } /// Represents the oracle's commitment to a set of nonces that will be used to /// sign each digit of the price of BTC in USD at a specific time in the future. struct Event { /// Nonces. /// /// Must remain secret. nonces: Vec, nonce_pks: Vec, } impl Event { fn new(rng: &mut R) -> Self where R: RngCore + CryptoRng, { let (nonces, nonce_pks) = (0..20).map(|_| oracle::nonce(rng)).unzip(); Self { nonces, nonce_pks } } fn announcement(&self) -> Announcement { Announcement { nonce_pks: self.nonce_pks.clone(), } } } #[derive(Clone)] struct Announcement { nonce_pks: Vec, } impl Announcement { fn nonce_pks(&self) -> Vec { self.nonce_pks.clone() } } fn make_keypair(rng: &mut R) -> (SecretKey, PublicKey) where R: RngCore + CryptoRng, { let sk = SecretKey::new(rng); let pk = PublicKey::from_private_key( SECP256K1, &PrivateKey { compressed: true, network: Network::Regtest, key: sk, }, ); (sk, pk) } /// Decompose a BIP340 signature into R and s. fn schnorrsig_decompose(signature: &schnorrsig::Signature) -> (schnorrsig::PublicKey, SecretKey) { let bytes = signature.as_ref(); let nonce_pk = schnorrsig::PublicKey::from_slice(&bytes[0..32]).expect("R value in sig"); let s = SecretKey::from_slice(&bytes[32..64]).expect("s value in sig"); (nonce_pk, s) }