use anyhow::Result; use bdk::bitcoin::util::psbt::PartiallySignedTransaction; use bdk::bitcoin::{ecdsa, Txid}; use cfd_protocol::secp256k1_zkp::{schnorrsig, Secp256k1}; use cfd_protocol::PartyParams; use daemon::model::cfd::Order; use daemon::model::{Price, Usd, WalletInfo}; use daemon::{connection, db, logger, maker_cfd, maker_inc_connections, monitor, oracle, wallet}; use rand::thread_rng; use rust_decimal_macros::dec; use sqlx::SqlitePool; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::str::FromStr; use std::task::Poll; use std::time::SystemTime; use tokio::sync::watch; use tracing_subscriber::filter::LevelFilter; use xtra::spawn::TokioGlobalSpawnExt; use xtra::Actor; use xtra_productivity::xtra_productivity; #[tokio::test] async fn taker_receives_order_from_maker_on_publication() { let (mut maker, mut taker) = start_both().await; assert!(is_next_none(&mut taker.order_feed).await); maker.publish_order(new_dummy_order()); let (published, received) = tokio::join!( next_some(&mut maker.order_feed), next_some(&mut taker.order_feed) ); // TODO: Add assertion function so we can assert on the other order values assert_eq!(,; } fn new_dummy_order() -> maker_cfd::NewOrder { maker_cfd::NewOrder { price: Price::new(dec!(50_000)).expect("unexpected failure"), min_quantity: Usd::new(dec!(10)), max_quantity: Usd::new(dec!(100)), } } /// Returns the value if the next Option received on the stream is Some /// /// Panics if None is received on the stream. async fn next_some(rx: &mut watch::Receiver>) -> T where T: Clone, { if let Some(value) = next(rx).await { value } else { panic!("Received None when Some was expected") } } /// Returns true if the next Option received on the stream is None /// /// Returns false if Some is received. async fn is_next_none(rx: &mut watch::Receiver>) -> bool where T: Clone, { next(rx).await.is_none() } /// Returns watch channel value upon change async fn next(rx: &mut watch::Receiver) -> T where T: Clone, { rx.changed().await.unwrap(); rx.borrow().clone() } fn init_tracing() { logger::init(LevelFilter::DEBUG, false).unwrap(); tracing::info!("Running version: {}", env!("VERGEN_GIT_SEMVER_LIGHTWEIGHT")); } /// Test Stub simulating the Oracle actor struct Oracle; impl xtra::Actor for Oracle {} #[xtra_productivity(message_impl = false)] impl Oracle { async fn handle_get_announcement( &mut self, _msg: oracle::GetAnnouncement, ) -> Option { todo!("stub this if needed") } async fn handle(&mut self, _msg: oracle::MonitorAttestation) { todo!("stub this if needed") } async fn handle(&mut self, _msg: oracle::Sync) {} } /// Test Stub simulating the Monitor actor struct Monitor; impl xtra::Actor for Monitor {} #[xtra_productivity(message_impl = false)] impl Monitor { async fn handle(&mut self, _msg: monitor::Sync) {} async fn handle(&mut self, _msg: monitor::StartMonitoring) { todo!("stub this if needed") } async fn handle(&mut self, _msg: monitor::CollaborativeSettlement) { todo!("stub this if needed") } async fn handle(&mut self, _msg: oracle::Attestation) { todo!("stub this if needed") } } /// Test Stub simulating the Wallet actor struct Wallet; impl xtra::Actor for Wallet {} #[xtra_productivity(message_impl = false)] impl Wallet { async fn handle(&mut self, _msg: wallet::BuildPartyParams) -> Result { todo!("stub this if needed") } async fn handle(&mut self, _msg: wallet::Sync) -> Result { let s = Secp256k1::new(); let public_key = ecdsa::PublicKey::new(s.generate_keypair(&mut thread_rng()).1); let address = bdk::bitcoin::Address::p2pkh(&public_key, bdk::bitcoin::Network::Testnet); Ok(WalletInfo { balance: bdk::bitcoin::Amount::ONE_BTC, address, last_updated_at: SystemTime::now(), }) } async fn handle(&mut self, _msg: wallet::Sign) -> Result { todo!("stub this if needed") } async fn handle(&mut self, _msg: wallet::TryBroadcastTransaction) -> Result { todo!("stub this if needed") } } /// Maker Test Setup struct Maker { cfd_actor_addr: xtra::Address>, order_feed: watch::Receiver>, #[allow(dead_code)] // we need to keep the xtra::Address for refcounting inc_conn_actor_addr: xtra::Address, listen_addr: SocketAddr, } impl Maker { async fn start(oracle_pk: schnorrsig::PublicKey) -> Self { let db = in_memory_db().await; let wallet_addr = Wallet {}.create(None).spawn_global(); let settlement_time_interval_hours = time::Duration::hours(24); let maker = daemon::MakerActorSystem::new( db, wallet_addr, oracle_pk, |_, _| Oracle, |_, _| async { Ok(Monitor) }, |channel0, channel1| maker_inc_connections::Actor::new(channel0, channel1), settlement_time_interval_hours, ) .await .unwrap(); let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap(); let address = listener.local_addr().unwrap(); let listener_stream = futures::stream::poll_fn(move |ctx| { let message = match futures::ready!(listener.poll_accept(ctx)) { Ok((stream, address)) => { dbg!("new connection"); maker_inc_connections::ListenerMessage::NewConnection { stream, address } } Err(e) => maker_inc_connections::ListenerMessage::Error { source: e }, }; Poll::Ready(Some(message)) }); tokio::spawn(maker.inc_conn_addr.clone().attach_stream(listener_stream)); Self { cfd_actor_addr: maker.cfd_actor_addr, order_feed: maker.order_feed_receiver, inc_conn_actor_addr: maker.inc_conn_addr, listen_addr: address, } } fn publish_order(&mut self, new_order_params: maker_cfd::NewOrder) { self.cfd_actor_addr.do_send(new_order_params).unwrap(); } } /// Taker Test Setup struct Taker { order_feed: watch::Receiver>, } impl Taker { async fn start(oracle_pk: schnorrsig::PublicKey, maker_address: SocketAddr) -> Self { let connection::Actor { send_to_maker, read_from_maker, } = connection::Actor::new(maker_address).await; let db = in_memory_db().await; let wallet_addr = Wallet {}.create(None).spawn_global(); let taker = daemon::TakerActorSystem::new( db, wallet_addr, oracle_pk, send_to_maker, read_from_maker, |_, _| Oracle, |_, _| async { Ok(Monitor) }, ) .await .unwrap(); Self { order_feed: taker.order_feed_receiver, } } } async fn start_both() -> (Maker, Taker) { init_tracing(); let oracle_pk: schnorrsig::PublicKey = schnorrsig::PublicKey::from_str( "ddd4636845a90185991826be5a494cde9f4a6947b1727217afedc6292fa4caf7", ) .unwrap(); let maker = Maker::start(oracle_pk).await; let taker = Taker::start(oracle_pk, maker.listen_addr).await; (maker, taker) } async fn in_memory_db() -> SqlitePool { // Note: Every :memory: database is distinct from every other. So, opening two database // connections each with the filename ":memory:" will create two independent in-memory // databases. see: let pool = SqlitePool::connect(":memory:").await.unwrap(); db::run_migrations(&pool).await.unwrap(); pool }