use crate::address_map::{AddressMap, Stopping}; use crate::model::cfd::OrderId; use crate::model::{Identity, Price, Timestamp, Usd}; use crate::tokio_ext::FutureExt; use crate::wire::{EncryptedJsonCodec, TakerToMaker, Version}; use crate::{collab_settlement_taker, log_error, noise, send_to_socket, setup_taker, wire, Tasks}; use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result}; use bdk::bitcoin::Amount; use futures::{SinkExt, StreamExt, TryStreamExt}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime}; use tokio::net::TcpStream; use tokio::sync::watch; use tokio_util::codec::{FramedRead, FramedWrite}; use xtra::prelude::MessageChannel; use xtra::KeepRunning; use xtra_productivity::xtra_productivity; /// Time between reconnection attempts const CONNECT_TO_MAKER_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(5); struct ConnectedState { last_heartbeat: SystemTime, _tasks: Tasks, } pub struct Actor { status_sender: watch::Sender, send_to_maker: Box>, send_to_maker_ctx: xtra::Context>, identity_sk: x25519_dalek::StaticSecret, maker_to_taker: Box>, /// Max duration since the last heartbeat until we die. heartbeat_timeout: Duration, connect_timeout: Duration, connected_state: Option, setup_actors: HashMap>, collab_settlement_actors: AddressMap, } pub struct Connect { pub maker_identity: Identity, pub maker_addr: SocketAddr, } pub struct MakerStreamMessage { pub item: Result, } /// Private message to measure the current pulse (i.e. check when we received the last heartbeat). struct MeasurePulse; #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum ConnectionStatus { Online, Offline { reason: Option, }, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum ConnectionCloseReason { VersionMismatch { taker_version: Version, maker_version: Version, }, } /// Message sent from the `setup_taker::Actor` to the /// `connection::Actor` so that it can forward it to the maker. /// /// Additionally, the address of this instance of the /// `setup_taker::Actor` is included so that the `connection::Actor` /// knows where to forward the contract setup messages from the maker /// about this particular order. pub struct TakeOrder { pub order_id: OrderId, pub quantity: Usd, pub address: xtra::Address, } pub struct ProposeSettlement { pub order_id: OrderId, pub timestamp: Timestamp, pub taker: Amount, pub maker: Amount, pub price: Price, pub address: xtra::Address, } impl Actor { pub fn new( status_sender: watch::Sender, maker_to_taker: Box>, identity_sk: x25519_dalek::StaticSecret, hearthbeat_timeout: Duration, connect_timeout: Duration, ) -> Self { let (send_to_maker_addr, send_to_maker_ctx) = xtra::Context::new(None); Self { status_sender, send_to_maker: Box::new(send_to_maker_addr), send_to_maker_ctx, identity_sk, maker_to_taker, heartbeat_timeout: hearthbeat_timeout, connected_state: None, setup_actors: HashMap::new(), connect_timeout, collab_settlement_actors: AddressMap::default(), } } } #[xtra_productivity(message_impl = false)] impl Actor { async fn handle_taker_to_maker(&mut self, message: wire::TakerToMaker) { log_error!(self.send_to_maker.send(message)); } async fn handle_collab_settlement_actor_stopping( &mut self, message: Stopping, ) { self.collab_settlement_actors.gc(message); } } #[xtra_productivity] impl Actor { async fn handle_take_order(&mut self, msg: TakeOrder) -> Result<()> { self.send_to_maker .send(wire::TakerToMaker::TakeOrder { order_id: msg.order_id, quantity: msg.quantity, }) .await?; self.setup_actors.insert(msg.order_id, msg.address); Ok(()) } async fn handle_propose_settlement(&mut self, msg: ProposeSettlement) -> Result<()> { let ProposeSettlement { order_id, timestamp, taker, maker, price, address, } = msg; self.send_to_maker .send(wire::TakerToMaker::Settlement { order_id, msg: wire::taker_to_maker::Settlement::Propose { timestamp, taker, maker, price, }, }) .await?; self.collab_settlement_actors.insert(order_id, address); Ok(()) } } #[xtra_productivity] impl Actor { async fn handle_connect( &mut self, Connect { maker_addr, maker_identity, }: Connect, ctx: &mut xtra::Context, ) -> Result<()> { tracing::debug!(address = %maker_addr, "Connecting to maker"); let (read, write, noise) = { let mut connection = TcpStream::connect(&maker_addr) .timeout(self.connect_timeout) .await .with_context(|| { format!( "Connection attempt to {} timed out after {}s", maker_addr, self.connect_timeout.as_secs() ) })? .with_context(|| format!("Failed to connect to {}", maker_addr))?; let noise = noise::initiator_handshake( &mut connection, &self.identity_sk, &, ) .await?; let (read, write) = connection.into_split(); (read, write, Arc::new(Mutex::new(noise))) }; let mut read = FramedRead::new(read, wire::EncryptedJsonCodec::new(noise.clone())); let mut write = FramedWrite::new(write, EncryptedJsonCodec::new(noise)); let our_version = Version::current(); write.send(TakerToMaker::Hello(our_version.clone())).await?; match read .try_next() .timeout(Duration::from_secs(10)) .await .with_context(|| { format!( "Maker {} did not send Hello within 10 seconds, dropping connection", maker_identity ) })? { Ok(Some(wire::MakerToTaker::Hello(maker_version))) => { if our_version != maker_version { self.status_sender .send(ConnectionStatus::Offline { reason: Some(ConnectionCloseReason::VersionMismatch { taker_version: our_version.clone(), maker_version: maker_version.clone(), }), }) .expect("receiver to outlive the actor"); bail!( "Network version mismatch, we are on version {} but taker is on version {}", our_version, maker_version, ) } } unexpected_message => { bail!( "Unexpected message {:?} from maker {}", unexpected_message, maker_identity ) } } tracing::info!(address = %maker_addr, "Established connection to maker"); let this = ctx.address().expect("self to be alive"); let send_to_socket = send_to_socket::Actor::new(write); let mut tasks = Tasks::default(); tasks.add(self.send_to_maker_ctx.attach(send_to_socket)); tasks.add(this.attach_stream( |item| MakerStreamMessage { item }))); tasks.add( ctx.notify_interval(self.heartbeat_timeout, || MeasurePulse) .expect("we just started"), ); self.connected_state = Some(ConnectedState { last_heartbeat: SystemTime::now(), _tasks: tasks, }); self.status_sender .send(ConnectionStatus::Online) .expect("receiver to outlive the actor"); Ok(()) } async fn handle_wire_message( &mut self, message: MakerStreamMessage, _ctx: &mut xtra::Context, ) -> KeepRunning { let msg = match message.item { Ok(msg) => msg, Err(e) => { tracing::warn!("Error while receiving message from maker: {:#}", e); return KeepRunning::Yes; } }; tracing::trace!("Received '{}'", msg); match msg { wire::MakerToTaker::Heartbeat => { self.connected_state .as_mut() .expect("wire messages only to arrive in connected state") .last_heartbeat = SystemTime::now(); } wire::MakerToTaker::ConfirmOrder(order_id) => match self.setup_actors.get(&order_id) { Some(addr) => { let _ = addr.send(setup_taker::Accepted).await; } None => { tracing::warn!(%order_id, "No active contract setup"); } }, wire::MakerToTaker::RejectOrder(order_id) => match self.setup_actors.get(&order_id) { Some(addr) => { let _ = addr.send(setup_taker::Rejected::without_reason()).await; } None => { tracing::warn!(%order_id, "No active contract setup"); } }, wire::MakerToTaker::Protocol { order_id, msg } => { match self.setup_actors.get(&order_id) { Some(addr) => { let _ = addr.send(msg).await; } None => { tracing::warn!(%order_id, "No active contract setup"); } } } wire::MakerToTaker::InvalidOrderId(order_id) => { match self.setup_actors.get(&order_id) { Some(addr) => { let _ = addr.send(setup_taker::Rejected::invalid_order_id()).await; } None => { tracing::warn!(%order_id, "No active contract setup"); } } } wire::MakerToTaker::Settlement { order_id, msg } => { if !self.collab_settlement_actors.send(&order_id, msg).await { tracing::warn!(%order_id, "No active collaborative settlement"); } } wire::MakerToTaker::Hello(_) => { tracing::warn!("Ignoring unexpected Hello message from maker. Hello is only expected when opening a new connection.") } other => { // this one should go to the taker cfd actor log_error!(self.maker_to_taker.send(other)); } } KeepRunning::Yes } fn handle_measure_pulse(&mut self, _: MeasurePulse) { let time_since_last_heartbeat = SystemTime::now() .duration_since( self.connected_state .as_ref() .expect("only run pulse measurements if connected") .last_heartbeat, ) .expect("now is always later than heartbeat"); if time_since_last_heartbeat > self.heartbeat_timeout { self.status_sender .send(ConnectionStatus::Offline { reason: None }) .expect("watch receiver to outlive the actor"); self.connected_state = None; } } } impl xtra::Actor for Actor {} // TODO: Move the reconnection logic inside the connection::Actor instead of // depending on a watch channel pub async fn connect( mut maker_online_status_feed_receiver: watch::Receiver, connection_actor_addr: xtra::Address, maker_identity: Identity, maker_addresses: Vec, ) { loop { let connection_status = maker_online_status_feed_receiver.borrow().clone(); if matches!(connection_status, ConnectionStatus::Offline { .. }) { tracing::debug!("No connection to the maker"); 'connect: loop { for address in &maker_addresses { let connect_msg = Connect { maker_identity, maker_addr: *address, }; if let Err(e) = connection_actor_addr .send(connect_msg) .await .expect("Taker actor to be present") { tracing::warn!(%address, "Failed to establish connection: {:#}", e); continue; } break 'connect; } tracing::warn!( "Tried connecting to {} addresses without success, retrying in {} seconds", maker_addresses.len(), CONNECT_TO_MAKER_INTERVAL.as_secs() ); tokio::time::sleep(CONNECT_TO_MAKER_INTERVAL).await; } } maker_online_status_feed_receiver .changed() .await .expect("watch channel should outlive the future"); } }