pub use secp256k1_zkp; use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result}; use bdk::bitcoin::hashes::hex::ToHex; use bdk::bitcoin::hashes::*; use bdk::bitcoin::util::bip143::SigHashCache; use bdk::bitcoin::util::psbt::{Global, PartiallySignedTransaction}; use bdk::bitcoin::{ Address, Amount, OutPoint, PublicKey, Script, SigHash, SigHashType, Transaction, TxIn, TxOut, }; use bdk::database::BatchDatabase; use bdk::descriptor::Descriptor; use bdk::miniscript::descriptor::Wsh; use bdk::miniscript::DescriptorTrait; use bdk::wallet::AddressIndex; use bdk::FeeRate; use itertools::Itertools; use secp256k1_zkp::bitcoin_hashes::sha256; use secp256k1_zkp::{schnorrsig, EcdsaAdaptorSignature, SecretKey, Signature, SECP256K1}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::iter::FromIterator; pub mod interval; /// In satoshi per vbyte. const SATS_PER_VBYTE: f64 = 1.0; /// Static script to be used to create lock tx const DUMMY_2OF2_MULITISIG: &str = "0020b5aa99ed7e0fa92483eb045ab8b7a59146d4d9f6653f21ba729b4331895a5b46"; pub trait WalletExt { fn build_party_params(&self, amount: Amount, identity_pk: PublicKey) -> Result; } impl WalletExt for bdk::Wallet where D: BatchDatabase, { fn build_party_params(&self, amount: Amount, identity_pk: PublicKey) -> Result { let mut builder = self.build_tx(); builder .ordering(bdk::wallet::tx_builder::TxOrdering::Bip69Lexicographic) .fee_rate(FeeRate::from_sat_per_vb(1.0)) .add_recipient( DUMMY_2OF2_MULITISIG .parse() .expect("Should be valid script"), amount.as_sat(), ); let (lock_psbt, _) = builder.finish()?; let address = self.get_address(AddressIndex::New)?.address; Ok(PartyParams { lock_psbt, identity_pk, lock_amount: amount, address, }) } } pub fn create_cfd_transactions( (maker, maker_punish_params): (PartyParams, PunishParams), (taker, taker_punish_params): (PartyParams, PunishParams), oracle_pk: schnorrsig::PublicKey, refund_timelock: u32, payouts: Vec, identity_sk: SecretKey, ) -> Result { let lock_tx = lock_transaction( maker.lock_psbt.clone(), taker.lock_psbt.clone(), maker.identity_pk, taker.identity_pk, maker.lock_amount + taker.lock_amount, ); build_cfds( lock_tx, ( maker.identity_pk, maker.lock_amount, maker.address, maker_punish_params, ), ( taker.identity_pk, taker.lock_amount, taker.address, taker_punish_params, ), oracle_pk, refund_timelock, payouts, identity_sk, ) } pub fn renew_cfd_transactions( lock_tx: PartiallySignedTransaction, (maker_pk, maker_lock_amount, maker_address, maker_punish_params): ( PublicKey, Amount, Address, PunishParams, ), (taker_pk, taker_lock_amount, taker_address, taker_punish_params): ( PublicKey, Amount, Address, PunishParams, ), oracle_pk: schnorrsig::PublicKey, refund_timelock: u32, payouts: Vec, identity_sk: SecretKey, ) -> Result { build_cfds( lock_tx, ( maker_pk, maker_lock_amount, maker_address, maker_punish_params, ), ( taker_pk, taker_lock_amount, taker_address, taker_punish_params, ), oracle_pk, refund_timelock, payouts, identity_sk, ) } fn build_cfds( lock_tx: PartiallySignedTransaction, (maker_pk, maker_lock_amount, maker_address, maker_punish_params): ( PublicKey, Amount, Address, PunishParams, ), (taker_pk, taker_lock_amount, taker_address, taker_punish_params): ( PublicKey, Amount, Address, PunishParams, ), oracle_pk: schnorrsig::PublicKey, refund_timelock: u32, payouts: Vec, identity_sk: SecretKey, ) -> Result { /// Relative timelock used for every CET. /// /// This is used to allow parties to punish the publication of revoked commitment transactions. /// /// TODO: Should this be an argument to this function? const CET_TIMELOCK: u32 = 12; let commit_tx = CommitTransaction::new( &, ( maker_pk, maker_punish_params.revocation_pk, maker_punish_params.publish_pk, ), ( taker_pk, taker_punish_params.revocation_pk, taker_punish_params.publish_pk, ), ) .context("cannot build commit tx")?; let identity_pk = secp256k1_zkp::PublicKey::from_secret_key(SECP256K1, &identity_sk); let commit_encsig = if identity_pk == maker_pk.key { commit_tx.encsign(identity_sk, &taker_punish_params.publish_pk) } else if identity_pk == taker_pk.key { commit_tx.encsign(identity_sk, &maker_punish_params.publish_pk) } else { bail!("identity sk does not belong to taker or maker") }; let refund = { let tx = RefundTransaction::new( &commit_tx, refund_timelock, &maker_address, &taker_address, maker_lock_amount, taker_lock_amount, ); let sighash = tx.sighash().to_message(); let sig = SECP256K1.sign(&sighash, &identity_sk); (tx.inner, sig) }; let cets = payouts .into_iter() .map(|payout| { let cet = ContractExecutionTransaction::new( &commit_tx, payout.clone(), &maker_address, &taker_address, CET_TIMELOCK, )?; let encsig = cet.encsign(identity_sk, &oracle_pk)?; Ok((cet.inner, encsig, payout.msg_nonce_pairs)) }) .collect::>>() .context("cannot build and sign all cets")?; Ok(CfdTransactions { lock: lock_tx, commit: (commit_tx.inner, commit_encsig), cets, refund, }) } pub fn lock_descriptor(maker_pk: PublicKey, taker_pk: PublicKey) -> Descriptor { const MINISCRIPT_TEMPLATE: &str = "c:and_v(v:pk(A),pk_k(B))"; let maker_pk = ToHex::to_hex(&maker_pk.key); let taker_pk = ToHex::to_hex(&taker_pk.key); let miniscript = MINISCRIPT_TEMPLATE .replace("A", &maker_pk) .replace("B", &taker_pk); let miniscript = miniscript.parse().expect("a valid miniscript"); Descriptor::Wsh(Wsh::new(miniscript).expect("a valid descriptor")) } pub fn commit_descriptor( (maker_own_pk, maker_rev_pk, maker_publish_pk): (PublicKey, PublicKey, PublicKey), (taker_own_pk, taker_rev_pk, taker_publish_pk): (PublicKey, PublicKey, PublicKey), ) -> Descriptor { let maker_own_pk_hash = maker_own_pk.pubkey_hash().as_hash(); let maker_own_pk = (&maker_own_pk.key.serialize().to_vec()).to_hex(); let maker_publish_pk_hash = maker_publish_pk.pubkey_hash().as_hash(); let maker_rev_pk_hash = maker_rev_pk.pubkey_hash().as_hash(); let taker_own_pk_hash = taker_own_pk.pubkey_hash().as_hash(); let taker_own_pk = (&taker_own_pk.key.serialize().to_vec()).to_hex(); let taker_publish_pk_hash = taker_publish_pk.pubkey_hash().as_hash(); let taker_rev_pk_hash = taker_rev_pk.pubkey_hash().as_hash(); // raw script: // or(and(pk(maker_own_pk),pk(taker_own_pk)),or(and(pk(maker_own_pk),and(pk(taker_publish_pk), // pk(taker_rev_pk))),and(pk(taker_own_pk),and(pk(maker_publish_pk),pk(maker_rev_pk))))) let full_script = format!("wsh(c:andor(pk({maker_own_pk}),pk_k({taker_own_pk}),or_i(and_v(v:pkh({maker_own_pk_hash}),and_v(v:pkh({taker_publish_pk_hash}),pk_h({taker_rev_pk_hash}))),and_v(v:pkh({taker_own_pk_hash}),and_v(v:pkh({maker_publish_pk_hash}),pk_h({maker_rev_pk_hash}))))))", maker_own_pk = maker_own_pk, taker_own_pk = taker_own_pk, maker_own_pk_hash = maker_own_pk_hash, taker_own_pk_hash = taker_own_pk_hash, taker_publish_pk_hash = taker_publish_pk_hash, taker_rev_pk_hash = taker_rev_pk_hash, maker_publish_pk_hash = maker_publish_pk_hash, maker_rev_pk_hash = maker_rev_pk_hash ); full_script.parse().expect("a valid miniscript") } pub fn spending_tx_sighash( spending_tx: &Transaction, spent_descriptor: &Descriptor, spent_amount: Amount, ) -> secp256k1_zkp::Message { let sighash = SigHashCache::new(spending_tx).signature_hash( 0, &spent_descriptor.script_code(), spent_amount.as_sat(), SigHashType::All, ); sighash.to_message() } pub fn finalize_spend_transaction( mut tx: Transaction, spent_descriptor: &Descriptor, (pk_0, sig_0): (PublicKey, Signature), (pk_1, sig_1): (PublicKey, Signature), ) -> Result { let satisfier = HashMap::from_iter(vec![ (pk_0, (sig_0, SigHashType::All)), (pk_1, (sig_1, SigHashType::All)), ]); let input = tx .input .iter_mut() .exactly_one() .expect("all spend transactions to have one input"); spent_descriptor.satisfy(input, satisfier)?; Ok(tx) } pub fn punish_transaction( commit_descriptor: &Descriptor, address: &Address, encsig: EcdsaAdaptorSignature, sk: SecretKey, revocation_them_sk: SecretKey, pub_them_pk: PublicKey, revoked_commit_tx: &Transaction, ) -> Result { /// Expected size of signed transaction in virtual bytes, plus a /// buffer to account for different signature lengths. const SIGNED_VBYTES: f64 = 219.5 + (3.0 * 3.0) / 4.0; let input = revoked_commit_tx .input .clone() .into_iter() .exactly_one() .context("commit transaction inputs != 1")?; let publish_them_sk = input .witness .iter() .filter_map(|elem| { let elem = elem.as_slice(); Signature::from_der(&elem[..elem.len() - 1]).ok() }) .find_map(|sig| encsig.recover(SECP256K1, &sig, &pub_them_pk.key).ok()) .context("could not recover publish sk from commit tx")?; let commit_outpoint = revoked_commit_tx .outpoint(&commit_descriptor.script_pubkey()) .expect("to find commit output in commit tx"); let commit_amount = revoked_commit_tx.output[commit_outpoint.vout as usize].value; let mut punish_tx = { let output = TxOut { value: commit_amount, script_pubkey: address.script_pubkey(), }; let mut tx = Transaction { version: 2, lock_time: 0, input: vec![TxIn { previous_output: commit_outpoint, ..Default::default() }], output: vec![output], }; let fee = SIGNED_VBYTES * SATS_PER_VBYTE; tx.output[0].value = commit_amount - fee as u64; tx }; let sighash = SigHashCache::new(&punish_tx).signature_hash( 0, &commit_descriptor.script_code(), commit_amount, SigHashType::All, ); let satisfier = { let pk = { let key = secp256k1_zkp::PublicKey::from_secret_key(SECP256K1, &sk); PublicKey { compressed: true, key, } }; let pk_hash = pk.pubkey_hash().as_hash(); let sig_sk = SECP256K1.sign(&sighash.to_message(), &sk); let pub_them_pk_hash = pub_them_pk.pubkey_hash().as_hash(); let sig_pub_them = SECP256K1.sign(&sighash.to_message(), &publish_them_sk); let rev_them_pk = { let key = secp256k1_zkp::PublicKey::from_secret_key(SECP256K1, &revocation_them_sk); PublicKey { compressed: true, key, } }; let rev_them_pk_hash = rev_them_pk.pubkey_hash().as_hash(); let sig_rev_them = SECP256K1.sign(&sighash.to_message(), &revocation_them_sk); let sighash_all = SigHashType::All; HashMap::from_iter(vec![ (pk_hash, (pk, (sig_sk, sighash_all))), (pub_them_pk_hash, (pub_them_pk, (sig_pub_them, sighash_all))), (rev_them_pk_hash, (rev_them_pk, (sig_rev_them, sighash_all))), ]) }; commit_descriptor.satisfy(&mut punish_tx.input[0], satisfier)?; Ok(punish_tx) } // NOTE: We have decided to not order any verification utility because // the APIs would be incredibly thin #[derive(Clone)] pub struct PartyParams { pub lock_psbt: PartiallySignedTransaction, pub identity_pk: PublicKey, pub lock_amount: Amount, pub address: Address, } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub struct PunishParams { pub revocation_pk: PublicKey, pub publish_pk: PublicKey, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct CfdTransactions { pub lock: PartiallySignedTransaction, pub commit: (Transaction, EcdsaAdaptorSignature), #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] // TODO: Introduce type pub cets: Vec<( Transaction, EcdsaAdaptorSignature, Vec<(Vec, schnorrsig::PublicKey)>, )>, pub refund: (Transaction, Signature), } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Payout { msg_nonce_pairs: Vec<(Vec, schnorrsig::PublicKey)>, maker_amount: Amount, taker_amount: Amount, } impl Payout { pub fn new( msg_nonce_pairs: Vec<(Vec, schnorrsig::PublicKey)>, maker_amount: Amount, taker_amount: Amount, ) -> Self { Self { msg_nonce_pairs, maker_amount, taker_amount, } } fn into_txouts(self, maker_address: &Address, taker_address: &Address) -> Vec { let txouts = [ (self.maker_amount, maker_address), (self.taker_amount, taker_address), ] .iter() .filter_map(|(amount, address)| { let script_pubkey = address.script_pubkey(); let dust_limit = script_pubkey.dust_value(); (amount >= &dust_limit).then(|| TxOut { value: amount.as_sat(), script_pubkey, }) }) .collect::>(); txouts } /// Subtracts fee fairly from both outputs /// /// We need to consider a few cases: /// - If both amounts are >= DUST, they share the fee equally /// - If one amount is < DUST, it set to 0 and the other output needs to cover for the fee. fn with_updated_fee( self, fee: Amount, dust_limit_maker: Amount, dust_limit_taker: Amount, ) -> Result { let maker_amount = self.maker_amount; let taker_amount = self.taker_amount; let mut updated = self; match ( maker_amount .checked_sub(fee / 2) .map(|a| a > dust_limit_maker) .unwrap_or(false), taker_amount .checked_sub(fee / 2) .map(|a| a > dust_limit_taker) .unwrap_or(false), ) { (true, true) => { updated.maker_amount -= fee / 2; updated.taker_amount -= fee / 2; } (false, true) => { updated.maker_amount = Amount::ZERO; updated.taker_amount = taker_amount - (fee + maker_amount); } (true, false) => { updated.maker_amount = maker_amount - (fee + taker_amount); updated.taker_amount = Amount::ZERO; } (false, false) => bail!("Amounts are too small, could not subtract fee."), } Ok(updated) } } const BIP340_MIDSTATE: [u8; 32] = [ 0x9c, 0xec, 0xba, 0x11, 0x23, 0x92, 0x53, 0x81, 0x11, 0x67, 0x91, 0x12, 0xd1, 0x62, 0x7e, 0x0f, 0x97, 0xc8, 0x75, 0x50, 0x00, 0x3c, 0xc7, 0x65, 0x90, 0xf6, 0x11, 0x64, 0x33, 0xe9, 0xb6, 0x6a, ]; sha256t_hash_newtype!( BIP340Hash, BIP340HashTag, BIP340_MIDSTATE, 64, doc = "bip340 hash", true ); /// Compute a signature point for the given oracle public key, announcement nonce public key and /// message. fn compute_signature_point( oracle_pk: &schnorrsig::PublicKey, nonce_pk: &schnorrsig::PublicKey, msg: &[u8], ) -> Result { fn schnorr_pubkey_to_pubkey(pk: &schnorrsig::PublicKey) -> Result { let mut buf = Vec::::with_capacity(33); buf.push(0x02); buf.extend(&pk.serialize()); Ok(secp256k1_zkp::PublicKey::from_slice(&buf)?) } let hash = { let mut buf = Vec::::new(); buf.extend(&nonce_pk.serialize()); buf.extend(&oracle_pk.serialize()); buf.extend( secp256k1_zkp::Message::from_hashed_data::(msg) .as_ref() .to_vec(), ); BIP340Hash::hash(&buf).into_inner().to_vec() }; let mut oracle_pk = schnorr_pubkey_to_pubkey(oracle_pk)?; oracle_pk.mul_assign(SECP256K1, &hash)?; let nonce_pk = schnorr_pubkey_to_pubkey(nonce_pk)?; Ok(nonce_pk.combine(&oracle_pk)?) } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct ContractExecutionTransaction { inner: Transaction, msg_nonce_pairs: Vec<(Vec, schnorrsig::PublicKey)>, sighash: SigHash, commit_descriptor: Descriptor, } impl ContractExecutionTransaction { /// Expected size of signed transaction in virtual bytes, plus a /// buffer to account for different signature lengths. const SIGNED_VBYTES: f64 = 206.5 + (3.0 * 2.0) / 4.0; fn new( commit_tx: &CommitTransaction, payout: Payout, maker_address: &Address, taker_address: &Address, relative_timelock_in_blocks: u32, ) -> Result { let msg_nonce_pairs = payout.msg_nonce_pairs.clone(); let commit_input = TxIn { previous_output: commit_tx.outpoint(), sequence: relative_timelock_in_blocks, ..Default::default() }; let mut fee = Self::SIGNED_VBYTES * SATS_PER_VBYTE; fee += commit_tx.fee() as f64; let output = payout .with_updated_fee( Amount::from_sat(fee as u64), maker_address.script_pubkey().dust_value(), taker_address.script_pubkey().dust_value(), )? .into_txouts(maker_address, taker_address); let tx = Transaction { version: 2, lock_time: 0, input: vec![commit_input], output, }; let sighash = SigHashCache::new(&tx).signature_hash( 0, &commit_tx.descriptor.script_code(), commit_tx.amount.as_sat(), SigHashType::All, ); Ok(Self { inner: tx, msg_nonce_pairs, sighash, commit_descriptor: commit_tx.descriptor(), }) } fn encsign( &self, sk: SecretKey, oracle_pk: &schnorrsig::PublicKey, ) -> Result { let adaptor_point = compute_adaptor_point(oracle_pk, &self.msg_nonce_pairs)?; Ok(EcdsaAdaptorSignature::encrypt( SECP256K1, &self.sighash.to_message(), &sk, &adaptor_point, )) } } pub fn compute_adaptor_point( oracle_pk: &schnorrsig::PublicKey, msg_nonce_pairs: &[(Vec, schnorrsig::PublicKey)], ) -> Result { let sig_points = msg_nonce_pairs .iter() .map(|(msg, nonce_pk)| compute_signature_point(oracle_pk, nonce_pk, msg)) .collect::>>()?; let adaptor_point = secp256k1_zkp::PublicKey::combine_keys(sig_points.iter().collect::>().as_slice())?; Ok(adaptor_point) } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct RefundTransaction { inner: Transaction, sighash: SigHash, commit_output_descriptor: Descriptor, } impl RefundTransaction { /// Expected size of signed transaction in virtual bytes, plus a /// buffer to account for different signature lengths. const SIGNED_VBYTES: f64 = 206.5 + (3.0 * 2.0) / 4.0; fn new( commit_tx: &CommitTransaction, relative_locktime_in_blocks: u32, maker_address: &Address, taker_address: &Address, maker_amount: Amount, taker_amount: Amount, ) -> Self { let commit_input = TxIn { previous_output: commit_tx.outpoint(), sequence: relative_locktime_in_blocks, ..Default::default() }; let maker_output = TxOut { value: maker_amount.as_sat(), script_pubkey: maker_address.script_pubkey(), }; let taker_output = TxOut { value: taker_amount.as_sat(), script_pubkey: taker_address.script_pubkey(), }; let mut tx = Transaction { version: 2, lock_time: 0, input: vec![commit_input], output: vec![maker_output, taker_output], }; let mut fee = Self::SIGNED_VBYTES * SATS_PER_VBYTE; fee += commit_tx.fee() as f64; tx.output[0].value -= (fee / 2.0) as u64; tx.output[1].value -= (fee / 2.0) as u64; let commit_output_descriptor = commit_tx.descriptor(); let sighash = SigHashCache::new(&tx).signature_hash( 0, &commit_tx.descriptor().script_code(), commit_tx.amount().as_sat(), SigHashType::All, ); Self { inner: tx, sighash, commit_output_descriptor, } } fn sighash(&self) -> SigHash { self.sighash } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct CommitTransaction { inner: Transaction, descriptor: Descriptor, amount: Amount, sighash: SigHash, lock_descriptor: Descriptor, fee: u64, } impl CommitTransaction { /// Expected size of signed transaction in virtual bytes, plus a /// buffer to account for different signature lengths. const SIGNED_VBYTES: f64 = 148.5 + (3.0 * 2.0) / 4.0; fn new( lock_tx: &Transaction, (maker_pk, maker_rev_pk, maker_publish_pk): (PublicKey, PublicKey, PublicKey), (taker_pk, taker_rev_pk, taker_publish_pk): (PublicKey, PublicKey, PublicKey), ) -> Result { let lock_descriptor = lock_descriptor(maker_pk, taker_pk); let (lock_outpoint, lock_amount) = { let outpoint = lock_tx .outpoint(&lock_descriptor.script_pubkey()) .context("lock script not found in lock tx")?; let amount = lock_tx.output[outpoint.vout as usize].value; (outpoint, amount) }; let lock_input = TxIn { previous_output: lock_outpoint, ..Default::default() }; let descriptor = commit_descriptor( (maker_pk, maker_rev_pk, maker_publish_pk), (taker_pk, taker_rev_pk, taker_publish_pk), ); let output = TxOut { value: lock_amount, script_pubkey: descriptor.script_pubkey(), }; let mut inner = Transaction { version: 2, lock_time: 0, input: vec![lock_input], output: vec![output], }; let fee = (Self::SIGNED_VBYTES * SATS_PER_VBYTE as f64) as u64; let commit_tx_amount = lock_amount - fee as u64; inner.output[0].value = commit_tx_amount; let sighash = SigHashCache::new(&inner).signature_hash( 0, &lock_descriptor.script_code(), lock_amount, SigHashType::All, ); Ok(Self { inner, descriptor, lock_descriptor, amount: Amount::from_sat(commit_tx_amount), sighash, fee, }) } fn encsign(&self, sk: SecretKey, publish_them_pk: &PublicKey) -> EcdsaAdaptorSignature { EcdsaAdaptorSignature::encrypt( SECP256K1, &self.sighash.to_message(), &sk, &publish_them_pk.key, ) } fn outpoint(&self) -> OutPoint { self.inner .outpoint(&self.descriptor.script_pubkey()) .expect("to find commit output in commit tx") } fn amount(&self) -> Amount { self.amount } fn descriptor(&self) -> Descriptor { self.descriptor.clone() } fn fee(&self) -> u64 { self.fee } } fn lock_transaction( maker_psbt: PartiallySignedTransaction, taker_psbt: PartiallySignedTransaction, maker_pk: PublicKey, taker_pk: PublicKey, amount: Amount, ) -> PartiallySignedTransaction { let lock_descriptor = lock_descriptor(maker_pk, taker_pk); let maker_change = maker_psbt .global .unsigned_tx .output .into_iter() .filter(|out| { out.script_pubkey != DUMMY_2OF2_MULITISIG.parse().expect("To be a valid script") }) .collect::>(); let taker_change = taker_psbt .global .unsigned_tx .output .into_iter() .filter(|out| { out.script_pubkey != DUMMY_2OF2_MULITISIG.parse().expect("To be a valid script") }) .collect::>(); let lock_output = TxOut { value: amount.as_sat(), script_pubkey: lock_descriptor.script_pubkey(), }; let input = vec![,, ] .concat(); let output = std::iter::once(lock_output) .chain(maker_change) .chain(taker_change) .collect(); let lock_tx = Transaction { version: 2, lock_time: 0, input, output, }; PartiallySignedTransaction { global: Global::from_unsigned_tx(lock_tx).expect("to be unsigned"), inputs: vec![maker_psbt.inputs, taker_psbt.inputs].concat(), outputs: vec![maker_psbt.outputs, taker_psbt.outputs].concat(), } } pub trait TransactionExt { fn get_virtual_size(&self) -> f64; fn outpoint(&self, script_pubkey: &Script) -> Result; } impl TransactionExt for Transaction { fn get_virtual_size(&self) -> f64 { self.get_weight() as f64 / 4.0 } fn outpoint(&self, script_pubkey: &Script) -> Result { let vout = self .output .iter() .position(|out| &out.script_pubkey == script_pubkey) .context("script pubkey not found in tx")?; Ok(OutPoint { txid: self.txid(), vout: vout as u32, }) } } trait SigHashExt { fn to_message(self) -> secp256k1_zkp::Message; } impl SigHashExt for SigHash { fn to_message(self) -> secp256k1_zkp::Message { use secp256k1_zkp::bitcoin_hashes::Hash; let hash = secp256k1_zkp::bitcoin_hashes::sha256d::Hash::from_inner(*self.as_inner()); hash.into() } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use bdk::bitcoin::Network; // TODO add proptest for this #[test] fn test_fee_subtraction_bigger_than_dust() { let nonce_pk = "18845781f631c48f1c9709e23092067d06837f30aa0cd0544ac887fe91ddd166" .parse() .unwrap(); let key = "032e58afe51f9ed8ad3cc7897f634d881fdbe49a81564629ded8156bebd2ffd1af" .parse() .unwrap(); let dummy_address = Address::p2wpkh(&key, Network::Regtest).unwrap(); let dummy_dust_limit = dummy_address.script_pubkey().dust_value(); let orig_maker_amount = 1000; let orig_taker_amount = 1000; let payout = Payout::new( vec![(b"win".to_vec(), nonce_pk)], Amount::from_sat(orig_maker_amount), Amount::from_sat(orig_taker_amount), ); let fee = 100; let updated_payout = payout .with_updated_fee(Amount::from_sat(fee), dummy_dust_limit, dummy_dust_limit) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( updated_payout.maker_amount, Amount::from_sat(orig_maker_amount - fee / 2) ); assert_eq!( updated_payout.taker_amount, Amount::from_sat(orig_taker_amount - fee / 2) ); } #[test] fn test_fee_subtraction_smaller_than_dust() { let nonce_pk = "18845781f631c48f1c9709e23092067d06837f30aa0cd0544ac887fe91ddd166" .parse() .unwrap(); let key = "032e58afe51f9ed8ad3cc7897f634d881fdbe49a81564629ded8156bebd2ffd1af" .parse() .unwrap(); let dummy_address = Address::p2wpkh(&key, Network::Regtest).unwrap(); let dummy_dust_limit = dummy_address.script_pubkey().dust_value(); let orig_maker_amount = dummy_dust_limit.as_sat() - 1; let orig_taker_amount = 1000; let payout = Payout::new( vec![(b"win".to_vec(), nonce_pk)], Amount::from_sat(orig_maker_amount), Amount::from_sat(orig_taker_amount), ); let fee = 100; let updated_payout = payout .with_updated_fee(Amount::from_sat(fee), dummy_dust_limit, dummy_dust_limit) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(updated_payout.maker_amount, Amount::from_sat(0)); assert_eq!( updated_payout.taker_amount, Amount::from_sat(orig_taker_amount - (fee + orig_maker_amount)) ); } }