1.7 KiB

Itchy Sats

Bors enabled

CFD trading on Bitcoin.

Details coming soon.


All the components can be started at once by running the following script:


Note: Before first run, you need to run cd maker-frontend; yarn install; cd../taker-frontend; yarn install command to ensure that all dependencies get installed.

The script combines the logs from all binaries inside a single terminal so it might not be ideal for all cases, but it is convenient for quick regression testing.

Pressing Ctrl + c once stops all the processes.

The script also enables backtraces by setting RUST_BACKTRACE=1 env variable.

Starting the maker and taker daemon

The maker and taker frontend depend on the respective daemon running.

At the moment the maker daemon has to be started first:

cargo run --bin maker

Once the maker is started you can start the taker:

cargo run --bin taker

Upon startup the taker daemon will connect to the (hardcoded) maker and retrieve the current order.

Note: The sqlite databases for maker and taker are currently created in the project root.

Starting the maker and taker frontend

We use a separate react projects for hosting taker and maker frontends.

At the moment you will need a browser extension to allow CORS headers like CORS Everywhere (Firefox Extension) to use the frontends.


cd taker-frontend
yarn install
yarn dev


cd maker-frontend
yarn install
yarn dev


To run eslint, use:

cd maker-frontend && yarn run eslint
cd taker-frontend && yarn run eslint