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91 lines
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use anyhow::Result;
use bdk::bitcoin::ecdsa;
use bdk::bitcoin::util::psbt::PartiallySignedTransaction;
use bdk::bitcoin::Amount;
use bdk::bitcoin::Txid;
use bdk::wallet::tx_builder::TxOrdering;
use bdk::wallet::AddressIndex;
use bdk::FeeRate;
use daemon::bdk_ext::new_test_wallet;
use daemon::model::Timestamp;
use daemon::model::WalletInfo;
use daemon::wallet;
use maia::secp256k1_zkp::Secp256k1;
use maia::PartyParams;
use maia::TxBuilderExt;
use mockall::*;
use rand::thread_rng;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::sync::Mutex;
use xtra_productivity::xtra_productivity;
/// Test Stub simulating the Wallet actor.
/// Serves as an entrypoint for injected mock handlers.
pub struct WalletActor {
pub mock: Arc<Mutex<dyn Wallet + Send>>,
impl xtra::Actor for WalletActor {}
#[xtra_productivity(message_impl = false)]
impl WalletActor {
async fn handle(&mut self, msg: wallet::BuildPartyParams) -> Result<PartyParams> {
async fn handle(&mut self, msg: wallet::Sign) -> Result<PartiallySignedTransaction> {
async fn handle(&mut self, msg: wallet::TryBroadcastTransaction) -> Result<Txid> {
pub trait Wallet {
fn build_party_params(&mut self, _msg: wallet::BuildPartyParams) -> Result<PartyParams> {
unreachable!("mockall will reimplement this method")
fn sign(&mut self, _msg: wallet::Sign) -> Result<PartiallySignedTransaction> {
unreachable!("mockall will reimplement this method")
fn broadcast(&mut self, _msg: wallet::TryBroadcastTransaction) -> Result<Txid> {
unreachable!("mockall will reimplement this method")
/// tells the user they have plenty of moneys
fn dummy_wallet_info() -> Result<WalletInfo> {
let s = Secp256k1::new();
let public_key = ecdsa::PublicKey::new(s.generate_keypair(&mut thread_rng()).1);
let address = bdk::bitcoin::Address::p2pkh(&public_key, bdk::bitcoin::Network::Testnet);
Ok(WalletInfo {
balance: bdk::bitcoin::Amount::ONE_BTC,
last_updated_at: Timestamp::now(),
pub fn build_party_params(msg: wallet::BuildPartyParams) -> Result<PartyParams> {
let mut rng = thread_rng();
let wallet = new_test_wallet(&mut rng, Amount::from_btc(0.4).unwrap(), 5).unwrap();
let mut builder = wallet.build_tx();
.ordering(TxOrdering::Bip69Lexicographic) // TODO: I think this is pointless but we did this in maia.
let (psbt, _) = builder.finish()?;
Ok(PartyParams {
lock_psbt: psbt,
identity_pk: msg.identity_pk,
lock_amount: msg.amount,
address: wallet.get_address(AddressIndex::New)?.address,