You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
203 lines
6.8 KiB
203 lines
6.8 KiB
use crate::maker_cfd::{FromTaker, TakerConnected, TakerDisconnected};
use crate::model::cfd::Order;
use crate::model::Identity;
use crate::noise::TransportStateExt;
use crate::{maker_cfd, noise, send_to_socket, wire, Tasks};
use anyhow::Result;
use futures::TryStreamExt;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::io;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::net::TcpStream;
use tokio_util::codec::FramedRead;
use xtra::prelude::*;
use xtra::KeepRunning;
use xtra_productivity::xtra_productivity;
pub struct BroadcastOrder(pub Option<Order>);
pub struct TakerMessage {
pub taker_id: Identity,
pub msg: wire::MakerToTaker,
pub enum ListenerMessage {
NewConnection {
stream: TcpStream,
address: SocketAddr,
Error {
source: io::Error,
pub struct Actor {
write_connections: HashMap<Identity, Address<send_to_socket::Actor<wire::MakerToTaker>>>,
taker_connected_channel: Box<dyn MessageChannel<TakerConnected>>,
taker_disconnected_channel: Box<dyn MessageChannel<TakerDisconnected>>,
taker_msg_channel: Box<dyn MessageChannel<FromTaker>>,
noise_priv_key: x25519_dalek::StaticSecret,
heartbeat_interval: Duration,
connection_tasks: HashMap<Identity, Tasks>,
impl Actor {
pub fn new(
taker_connected_channel: Box<dyn MessageChannel<TakerConnected>>,
taker_disconnected_channel: Box<dyn MessageChannel<TakerDisconnected>>,
taker_msg_channel: Box<dyn MessageChannel<FromTaker>>,
noise_priv_key: x25519_dalek::StaticSecret,
heartbeat_interval: Duration,
) -> Self {
Self {
write_connections: HashMap::new(),
taker_connected_channel: taker_connected_channel.clone_channel(),
taker_disconnected_channel: taker_disconnected_channel.clone_channel(),
taker_msg_channel: taker_msg_channel.clone_channel(),
connection_tasks: HashMap::new(),
async fn drop_taker_connection(&mut self, taker_id: &Identity) {
if self.write_connections.remove(taker_id).is_some() {
tracing::info!(%taker_id, "Dropping connection");
let _ = self
.send(maker_cfd::TakerDisconnected { id: *taker_id })
let _ = self.connection_tasks.remove(taker_id);
async fn send_to_taker(
&mut self,
taker_id: &Identity,
msg: wire::MakerToTaker,
) -> Result<(), NoConnection> {
let conn = self
.ok_or_else(|| NoConnection(*taker_id))?;
let msg_str = msg.to_string();
if conn.send(msg).await.is_err() {
tracing::error!(%taker_id, "Failed to send message to taker: {}", msg_str);
return Err(NoConnection(*taker_id));
async fn handle_new_connection_impl(
&mut self,
mut stream: TcpStream,
taker_address: SocketAddr,
ctx: &mut Context<Self>,
) -> Result<()> {
let transport_state = noise::responder_handshake(&mut stream, &self.noise_priv_key).await?;
let taker_id = Identity::new(transport_state.get_remote_public_key()?);
tracing::info!(%taker_id, address = %taker_address, "New taker connected");
let transport_state = Arc::new(Mutex::new(transport_state));
let (read, write) = stream.into_split();
let mut read =
FramedRead::new(read, wire::EncryptedJsonCodec::new(transport_state.clone()));
let this = ctx.address().expect("self to be alive");
let taker_msg_channel = self.taker_msg_channel.clone_channel();
let read_fut = async move {
while let Ok(Some(msg)) = read.try_next().await {
let res = taker_msg_channel.send(FromTaker { taker_id, msg }).await;
if res.is_err() {
let _ = this.send(ReadFail(taker_id)).await;
let (out_msg, mut out_msg_actor_context) = xtra::Context::new(None);
let send_to_socket_actor = send_to_socket::Actor::new(write, transport_state.clone());
let heartbeat_fut = out_msg_actor_context
.notify_interval(self.heartbeat_interval, || wire::MakerToTaker::Heartbeat)
.expect("actor not to shutdown");
let write_fut =;
self.write_connections.insert(taker_id, out_msg);
let mut tasks = Tasks::default();
self.connection_tasks.insert(taker_id, tasks);
let _ = self
.send(maker_cfd::TakerConnected { id: taker_id })
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
#[error("No connection to taker {0}")]
pub struct NoConnection(Identity);
impl Actor {
async fn handle_broadcast_order(&mut self, msg: BroadcastOrder) {
let order = msg.0;
for taker_id in self.write_connections.clone().keys() {
self.send_to_taker(taker_id, wire::MakerToTaker::CurrentOrder(order.clone())).await.expect("send_to_taker only fails on missing hashmap entry and we are iterating over those entries");
tracing::trace!(%taker_id, "sent new order: {:?}", order.as_ref().map(|o|;
async fn handle_taker_message(&mut self, msg: TakerMessage) -> Result<(), NoConnection> {
self.send_to_taker(&msg.taker_id, msg.msg).await?;
async fn handle(&mut self, msg: ListenerMessage, ctx: &mut Context<Self>) -> KeepRunning {
match msg {
ListenerMessage::NewConnection { stream, address } => {
if let Err(err) = self.handle_new_connection_impl(stream, address, ctx).await {
tracing::warn!("Maker was unable to negotiate a new connection: {}", err);
ListenerMessage::Error { source } => {
tracing::warn!("TCP listener produced an error: {}", source);
// Maybe we should move the actual listening on the socket into here and restart the
// actor upon an error?
async fn handle_read_fail(&mut self, msg: ReadFail) {
let taker_id = msg.0;
tracing::error!(%taker_id, "Failed to read incoming messages from taker");
struct ReadFail(Identity);
impl xtra::Actor for Actor {}