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319 lines
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use anyhow::Result;
use bdk::bitcoin::Network;
use daemon::auth::Authenticated;
use daemon::model::cfd::{OrderId, Role};
use daemon::model::{Price, Usd, WalletInfo};
use daemon::projection::{CfdAction, CfdsWithAuxData, Feeds};
use daemon::routes::EmbeddedFileExt;
use daemon::to_sse_event::ToSseEvent;
use daemon::{maker_cfd, maker_inc_connections, monitor, oracle, wallet};
use http_api_problem::{HttpApiProblem, StatusCode};
use rocket::http::{ContentType, Header, Status};
use rocket::response::stream::EventStream;
use rocket::response::{status, Responder};
use rocket::serde::json::Json;
use rocket::State;
use rust_embed::RustEmbed;
use serde::Deserialize;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use tokio::select;
use tokio::sync::watch;
use xtra::prelude::*;
pub type Maker = xtra::Address<
maker_cfd::Actor<oracle::Actor, monitor::Actor, maker_inc_connections::Actor, wallet::Actor>,
pub async fn maker_feed(
rx: &State<Feeds>,
rx_wallet: &State<watch::Receiver<WalletInfo>>,
network: &State<Network>,
_auth: Authenticated,
) -> EventStream![] {
let rx = rx.inner();
let mut rx_cfds = rx.cfds.clone();
let mut rx_order = rx.order.clone();
let mut rx_wallet = rx_wallet.inner().clone();
let mut rx_quote = rx.quote.clone();
let mut rx_settlements = rx.settlements.clone();
let mut rx_connected_takers = rx.connected_takers.clone();
let network = *network.inner();
EventStream! {
let wallet_info = rx_wallet.borrow().clone();
yield wallet_info.to_sse_event();
let order = rx_order.borrow().clone();
yield order.to_sse_event();
let quote = rx_quote.borrow().clone();
yield quote.to_sse_event();
yield CfdsWithAuxData::new(
Role::Maker, network
let takers = rx_connected_takers.borrow().clone();
yield takers.to_sse_event();
select! {
Ok(()) = rx_wallet.changed() => {
let wallet_info = rx_wallet.borrow().clone();
yield wallet_info.to_sse_event();
Ok(()) = rx_order.changed() => {
let order = rx_order.borrow().clone();
yield order.to_sse_event();
Ok(()) = rx_connected_takers.changed() => {
let takers = rx_connected_takers.borrow().clone();
yield takers.to_sse_event();
Ok(()) = rx_cfds.changed() => {
yield CfdsWithAuxData::new(
Ok(()) = rx_settlements.changed() => {
yield CfdsWithAuxData::new(
Ok(()) = rx_quote.changed() => {
let quote = rx_quote.borrow().clone();
yield quote.to_sse_event();
yield CfdsWithAuxData::new(
/// The maker POSTs this to create a new CfdOrder
// TODO: Use Rocket form?
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)]
pub struct CfdNewOrderRequest {
pub price: Price,
// TODO: [post-MVP] Representation of the contract size; at the moment the contract size is
// always 1 USD
pub min_quantity: Usd,
pub max_quantity: Usd,
#[rocket::post("/order/sell", data = "<order>")]
pub async fn post_sell_order(
order: Json<CfdNewOrderRequest>,
cfd_actor: &State<Maker>,
_auth: Authenticated,
) -> Result<status::Accepted<()>, HttpApiProblem> {
.send(maker_cfd::NewOrder {
price: order.price,
min_quantity: order.min_quantity,
max_quantity: order.max_quantity,
.unwrap_or_else(|e| anyhow::bail!(e))
.map_err(|e| {
.title("Posting offer failed")
/// A "catcher" for all 401 responses, triggers the browser's basic auth implementation.
pub fn unauthorized() -> PromptAuthentication {
PromptAuthentication {
inner: (),
www_authenticate: Header::new("WWW-Authenticate", r#"Basic charset="UTF-8"#),
/// A rocket responder that prompts the user to sign in to access the API.
#[response(status = 401)]
pub struct PromptAuthentication {
inner: (),
www_authenticate: Header<'static>,
pub async fn post_cfd_action(
id: OrderId,
action: CfdAction,
cfd_actor: &State<Maker>,
_auth: Authenticated,
) -> Result<status::Accepted<()>, HttpApiProblem> {
use maker_cfd::*;
let result = match action {
CfdAction::AcceptOrder => cfd_actor.send(AcceptOrder { order_id: id }).await,
CfdAction::RejectOrder => cfd_actor.send(RejectOrder { order_id: id }).await,
CfdAction::AcceptSettlement => cfd_actor.send(AcceptSettlement { order_id: id }).await,
CfdAction::RejectSettlement => cfd_actor.send(RejectSettlement { order_id: id }).await,
CfdAction::AcceptRollOver => cfd_actor.send(AcceptRollOver { order_id: id }).await,
CfdAction::RejectRollOver => cfd_actor.send(RejectRollOver { order_id: id }).await,
CfdAction::Commit => cfd_actor.send(Commit { order_id: id }).await,
CfdAction::Settle => {
let msg = "Collaborative settlement can only be triggered by taker";
return Err(HttpApiProblem::new(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST).detail(msg));
CfdAction::RollOver => {
let msg = "RollOver proposal can only be triggered by taker";
return Err(HttpApiProblem::new(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST).detail(msg));
result.unwrap_or_else(|e| anyhow::bail!(e)).map_err(|e| {
.title(action.to_string() + " failed")
pub fn get_health_check() {}
#[folder = "../maker-frontend/dist/maker"]
struct Asset;
pub fn dist<'r>(file: PathBuf, _auth: Authenticated) -> impl Responder<'r, 'static> {
let filename = format!("assets/{}", file.display().to_string());
#[rocket::get("/<_paths..>", format = "text/html")]
pub fn index<'r>(_paths: PathBuf, _auth: Authenticated) -> impl Responder<'r, 'static> {
let asset = Asset::get("index.html").ok_or(Status::NotFound)?;
Ok::<(ContentType, Cow<[u8]>), Status>((ContentType::HTML,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)]
pub struct WithdrawRequest {
address: bdk::bitcoin::Address,
#[serde(with = "::bdk::bitcoin::util::amount::serde::as_btc")]
amount: bdk::bitcoin::Amount,
fee: f32,
#[rocket::post("/withdraw", data = "<withdraw_request>")]
pub async fn post_withdraw_request(
withdraw_request: Json<WithdrawRequest>,
wallet: &State<Address<wallet::Actor>>,
network: &State<Network>,
_auth: Authenticated,
) -> Result<String, HttpApiProblem> {
let amount =
(withdraw_request.amount != bdk::bitcoin::Amount::ZERO).then(|| withdraw_request.amount);
let txid = wallet
.send(wallet::Withdraw {
address: withdraw_request.address.clone(),
fee: Some(bdk::FeeRate::from_sat_per_vb(withdraw_request.fee)),
.map_err(|e| {
.title("Could not proceed with withdraw request")
.map_err(|e| {
.title("Could not withdraw funds")
let url = match network.inner() {
Network::Bitcoin => format!("{}", txid),
Network::Testnet => format!("{}", txid),
Network::Signet => format!("{}", txid),
Network::Regtest => txid.to_string(),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use daemon::auth::Password;
use rocket::http::{Header, Status};
use rocket::local::blocking::Client;
use rocket::{Build, Rocket};
fn routes_are_password_protected() {
let client = Client::tracked(rocket()).unwrap();
let response = client.get("/protected").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Unauthorized);
Some(r#"Basic charset="UTF-8"#)
fn correct_password_grants_access() {
let client = Client::tracked(rocket()).unwrap();
let response = client.get("/protected").header(auth_header()).dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
async fn protected(_auth: Authenticated) {}
/// Constructs a Rocket instance for testing.
fn rocket() -> Rocket<Build> {
.manage(Password::from(*b"Now I'm feelin' so fly like a G6"))
.mount("/", rocket::routes![protected])
.register("/", rocket::catchers![unauthorized])
/// Creates an "Authorization" header that matches the password above,
/// in particular it has been created through:
/// ```
/// base64(maker:hex("Now I'm feelin' so fly like a G6"))
/// ```
fn auth_header() -> Header<'static> {
"Basic bWFrZXI6NGU2Zjc3MjA0OTI3NmQyMDY2NjU2NTZjNjk2ZTI3MjA3MzZmMjA2NjZjNzkyMDZjNjk2YjY1MjA2MTIwNDczNg==",