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560 lines
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use crate::model::{Leverage, Position, TradingPair, Usd};
use anyhow::Result;
use bdk::bitcoin::secp256k1::{SecretKey, Signature};
use bdk::bitcoin::util::psbt::PartiallySignedTransaction;
use bdk::bitcoin::{Amount, Transaction};
use cfd_protocol::EcdsaAdaptorSignature;
use rust_decimal::Decimal;
use rust_decimal_macros::dec;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter};
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};
use uuid::Uuid;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
pub struct OrderId(Uuid);
impl Default for OrderId {
fn default() -> Self {
impl Display for OrderId {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
/// A concrete order created by a maker for a taker
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
pub struct Order {
pub id: OrderId,
pub trading_pair: TradingPair,
pub position: Position,
pub price: Usd,
// TODO: [post-MVP] Representation of the contract size; at the moment the contract size is
// always 1 USD
pub min_quantity: Usd,
pub max_quantity: Usd,
// TODO: [post-MVP] Allow different values
pub leverage: Leverage,
pub liquidation_price: Usd,
pub creation_timestamp: SystemTime,
/// The duration that will be used for calculating the settlement timestamp
pub term: Duration,
#[allow(dead_code)] // Only one binary and the tests use this.
impl Order {
pub fn from_default_with_price(price: Usd) -> Result<Self> {
let leverage = Leverage(5);
let maintenance_margin_rate = dec!(0.005);
let liquidation_price =
calculate_liquidation_price(&leverage, &price, &maintenance_margin_rate)?;
Ok(Order {
id: OrderId::default(),
min_quantity: Usd(dec!(1000)),
max_quantity: Usd(dec!(10000)),
trading_pair: TradingPair::BtcUsd,
position: Position::Sell,
creation_timestamp: SystemTime::now(),
term: Duration::from_secs(60 * 60 * 8), // 8 hours
pub fn with_min_quantity(mut self, min_quantity: Usd) -> Order {
self.min_quantity = min_quantity;
pub fn with_max_quantity(mut self, max_quantity: Usd) -> Order {
self.max_quantity = max_quantity;
fn calculate_liquidation_price(
leverage: &Leverage,
price: &Usd,
maintenance_margin_rate: &Decimal,
) -> Result<Usd> {
let leverage = Decimal::from(leverage.0).into();
let maintenance_margin_rate: Usd = (*maintenance_margin_rate).into();
// liquidation price calc in isolated margin mode
// currently based on:
let liquidation_price = price.checked_mul(leverage)?.checked_div(
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum Error {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct CfdStateError {
last_successful_state: CfdState,
error: Error,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
pub struct CfdStateCommon {
pub transition_timestamp: SystemTime,
// Note: De-/Serialize with type tag to make handling on UI easier
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
#[serde(tag = "type", content = "payload")]
pub enum CfdState {
/// The taker has requested to take a CFD, but has not messaged the maker yet.
/// This state only applies to the taker.
TakeRequested { common: CfdStateCommon },
/// The taker sent an open request to the maker to open the CFD but don't have a response yet.
/// This state applies to taker and maker.
/// Initial state for the maker.
PendingTakeRequest { common: CfdStateCommon },
/// The maker has accepted the CFD take request, but the contract is not set up on chain yet.
/// This state applies to taker and maker.
Accepted { common: CfdStateCommon },
/// The maker rejected the CFD take request.
/// This state applies to taker and maker.
Rejected { common: CfdStateCommon },
/// State used during contract setup.
/// This state applies to taker and maker.
/// All contract setup messages between taker and maker are expected to be sent in on scope.
ContractSetup { common: CfdStateCommon },
/// The CFD contract is set up on chain.
/// This state applies to taker and maker.
Open {
common: CfdStateCommon,
settlement_timestamp: SystemTime,
#[serde(with = "::bdk::bitcoin::util::amount::serde::as_sat")]
margin: Amount,
/// Requested close the position, but we have not passed that on to the blockchain yet.
/// This state applies to taker and maker.
CloseRequested { common: CfdStateCommon },
/// The close transaction (CET) was published on the Bitcoin blockchain but we don't have a
/// confirmation yet.
/// This state applies to taker and maker.
PendingClose { common: CfdStateCommon },
/// The close transaction is confirmed with at least one block.
/// This state applies to taker and maker.
Closed { common: CfdStateCommon },
/// Error state
/// This state applies to taker and maker.
Error { common: CfdStateCommon },
impl CfdState {
fn get_common(&self) -> CfdStateCommon {
let common = match self {
CfdState::TakeRequested { common } => common,
CfdState::PendingTakeRequest { common } => common,
CfdState::Accepted { common } => common,
CfdState::Rejected { common } => common,
CfdState::ContractSetup { common } => common,
CfdState::Open { common, .. } => common,
CfdState::CloseRequested { common } => common,
CfdState::PendingClose { common } => common,
CfdState::Closed { common } => common,
CfdState::Error { common } => common,
pub fn get_transition_timestamp(&self) -> SystemTime {
impl Display for CfdState {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
CfdState::TakeRequested { .. } => {
write!(f, "Take Requested")
CfdState::PendingTakeRequest { .. } => {
write!(f, "Pending Take Request")
CfdState::Accepted { .. } => {
write!(f, "Accepted")
CfdState::Rejected { .. } => {
write!(f, "Rejected")
CfdState::ContractSetup { .. } => {
write!(f, "Contract Setup")
CfdState::Open { .. } => {
write!(f, "Open")
CfdState::CloseRequested { .. } => {
write!(f, "Close Requested")
CfdState::PendingClose { .. } => {
write!(f, "Pending Close")
CfdState::Closed { .. } => {
write!(f, "Closed")
CfdState::Error { .. } => {
write!(f, "Error")
/// Represents a cfd (including state)
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
pub struct Cfd {
pub order_id: OrderId,
pub initial_price: Usd,
pub leverage: Leverage,
pub trading_pair: TradingPair,
pub position: Position,
pub liquidation_price: Usd,
pub quantity_usd: Usd,
pub state: CfdState,
impl Cfd {
pub fn new(cfd_order: Order, quantity: Usd, state: CfdState, position: Position) -> Self {
Cfd {
initial_price: cfd_order.price,
leverage: cfd_order.leverage,
trading_pair: cfd_order.trading_pair,
liquidation_price: cfd_order.liquidation_price,
quantity_usd: quantity,
pub fn calc_margin(&self) -> Result<Amount> {
let margin = match self.position {
Position::Buy => {
calculate_buy_margin(self.initial_price, self.quantity_usd, self.leverage)?
Position::Sell => calculate_sell_margin(self.initial_price, self.quantity_usd)?,
pub fn calc_profit(&self, current_price: Usd) -> Result<(Amount, Usd)> {
let profit = calculate_profit(
fn calculate_profit(
_intial_price: Usd,
_current_price: Usd,
_interest_per_day: Decimal,
_fee: Usd,
) -> Result<(Amount, Usd)> {
// TODO: profit calculation
Ok((Amount::ZERO, Usd::ZERO))
pub trait AsBlocks {
/// Calculates the duration in Bitcoin blocks.
/// On Bitcoin there is a block every 10 minutes/600 seconds on average.
/// It's the caller's responsibility to round the resulting floating point number.
fn as_blocks(&self) -> f32;
impl AsBlocks for Duration {
fn as_blocks(&self) -> f32 {
self.as_secs_f32() / 60.0 / 10.0
/// Calculates the buyer's margin in BTC
/// The margin is the initial margin and represents the collateral the buyer has to come up with to
/// satisfy the contract. Here we calculate the initial buy margin as: quantity / (initial_price *
/// leverage)
pub fn calculate_buy_margin(price: Usd, quantity: Usd, leverage: Leverage) -> Result<Amount> {
let leverage = Decimal::from(leverage.0).into();
let margin = quantity.checked_div(price.checked_mul(leverage)?)?;
let sat_adjust = Decimal::from(Amount::ONE_BTC.as_sat()).into();
let margin = margin.checked_mul(sat_adjust)?;
let margin = Amount::from_sat(margin.try_into_u64()?);
/// Calculates the seller's margin in BTC
/// The seller margin is represented as the quantity of the contract given the initial price.
/// The seller can currently not leverage the position but always has to cover the complete
/// quantity.
fn calculate_sell_margin(price: Usd, quantity: Usd) -> Result<Amount> {
let margin = quantity.checked_div(price)?;
let sat_adjust = Decimal::from(Amount::ONE_BTC.as_sat()).into();
let margin = margin.checked_mul(sat_adjust)?;
let margin = Amount::from_sat(margin.try_into_u64()?);
mod tests {
use super::*;
use rust_decimal_macros::dec;
use std::time::UNIX_EPOCH;
fn given_default_values_then_expected_liquidation_price() {
let leverage = Leverage(5);
let price = Usd(dec!(49000));
let maintenance_margin_rate = dec!(0.005);
let liquidation_price =
calculate_liquidation_price(&leverage, &price, &maintenance_margin_rate).unwrap();
assert_eq!(liquidation_price, Usd(dec!(41004.184100418410041841004184)));
fn given_leverage_of_one_and_equal_price_and_quantity_then_buy_margin_is_one_btc() {
let price = Usd(dec!(40000));
let quantity = Usd(dec![40000]);
let leverage = Leverage(1);
let buy_margin = calculate_buy_margin(price, quantity, leverage).unwrap();
assert_eq!(buy_margin, Amount::ONE_BTC);
fn given_leverage_of_one_and_leverage_of_ten_then_buy_margin_is_lower_factor_ten() {
let price = Usd(dec!(40000));
let quantity = Usd(dec![40000]);
let leverage = Leverage(10);
let buy_margin = calculate_buy_margin(price, quantity, leverage).unwrap();
assert_eq!(buy_margin, Amount::from_btc(0.1).unwrap());
fn given_quantity_equals_price_then_sell_margin_is_one_btc() {
let price = Usd(dec!(40000));
let quantity = Usd(dec![40000]);
let sell_margin = calculate_sell_margin(price, quantity).unwrap();
assert_eq!(sell_margin, Amount::ONE_BTC);
fn given_quantity_half_of_price_then_sell_margin_is_half_btc() {
let price = Usd(dec!(40000));
let quantity = Usd(dec![20000]);
let sell_margin = calculate_sell_margin(price, quantity).unwrap();
assert_eq!(sell_margin, Amount::from_btc(0.5).unwrap());
fn given_quantity_double_of_price_then_sell_margin_is_two_btc() {
let price = Usd(dec!(40000));
let quantity = Usd(dec![80000]);
let sell_margin = calculate_sell_margin(price, quantity).unwrap();
assert_eq!(sell_margin, Amount::from_btc(2.0).unwrap());
fn serialize_cfd_state_snapshot() {
// This test is to prevent us from breaking the CfdState API against the database.
// We serialize the state into the database, so changes to the enum result in breaking
// program version changes.
let fixed_timestamp = UNIX_EPOCH;
let cfd_state = CfdState::TakeRequested {
common: CfdStateCommon {
transition_timestamp: fixed_timestamp,
let json = serde_json::to_string(&cfd_state).unwrap();
let cfd_state = CfdState::PendingTakeRequest {
common: CfdStateCommon {
transition_timestamp: fixed_timestamp,
let json = serde_json::to_string(&cfd_state).unwrap();
let cfd_state = CfdState::Accepted {
common: CfdStateCommon {
transition_timestamp: fixed_timestamp,
let json = serde_json::to_string(&cfd_state).unwrap();
let cfd_state = CfdState::ContractSetup {
common: CfdStateCommon {
transition_timestamp: fixed_timestamp,
let json = serde_json::to_string(&cfd_state).unwrap();
let cfd_state = CfdState::Open {
common: CfdStateCommon {
transition_timestamp: fixed_timestamp,
settlement_timestamp: fixed_timestamp,
margin: Amount::from_btc(0.5).unwrap(),
let json = serde_json::to_string(&cfd_state).unwrap();
let cfd_state = CfdState::CloseRequested {
common: CfdStateCommon {
transition_timestamp: fixed_timestamp,
let json = serde_json::to_string(&cfd_state).unwrap();
let cfd_state = CfdState::PendingClose {
common: CfdStateCommon {
transition_timestamp: fixed_timestamp,
let json = serde_json::to_string(&cfd_state).unwrap();
let cfd_state = CfdState::Closed {
common: CfdStateCommon {
transition_timestamp: fixed_timestamp,
let json = serde_json::to_string(&cfd_state).unwrap();
let cfd_state = CfdState::Error {
common: CfdStateCommon {
transition_timestamp: fixed_timestamp,
let json = serde_json::to_string(&cfd_state).unwrap();
fn test_secs_into_blocks() {
let error_margin = f32::EPSILON;
let duration = Duration::from_secs(600);
let blocks = duration.as_blocks();
assert!(blocks - error_margin < 1.0 && blocks + error_margin > 1.0);
let duration = Duration::from_secs(0);
let blocks = duration.as_blocks();
assert!(blocks - error_margin < 0.0 && blocks + error_margin > 0.0);
let duration = Duration::from_secs(60);
let blocks = duration.as_blocks();
assert!(blocks - error_margin < 0.1 && blocks + error_margin > 0.1);
/// Contains all data we've assembled about the CFD through the setup protocol.
/// All contained signatures are the signatures of THE OTHER PARTY.
/// To use any of these transactions, we need to re-sign them with the correct secret key.
pub struct FinalizedCfd {
pub identity: SecretKey,
pub revocation: SecretKey,
pub publish: SecretKey,
pub lock: PartiallySignedTransaction,
pub commit: (Transaction, EcdsaAdaptorSignature),
pub cets: Vec<(Transaction, EcdsaAdaptorSignature, Vec<u8>)>,
pub refund: (Transaction, Signature),